Thank You, Daniela!

Comment from Daniela and more really “MAGICA” videos!

Buongiorno a tutti, vi seguo da molto tempo dai primi mesi di quest’anno, ho letto tutti i vostri commenti e da tempo volevo poter commentare con voi ma io parlo solo italiano cosi’ dovrete utilizzare il traduttore. Sono stata al concerto di Firenze ed ho fatto diversi video e se volete li condivido volentieri con voi, intanto ve ne mando uno che non ho visto tanto in internet, Piero Ignazio e Gianluca ridevano dicendo che essendo che il video uscirà a dicembre dovevano fare una canzone natalizia (anche se siamo a luglio). Spero vi piaccia e se volete ve ne mando altri. Buona giornata a tutti e buona

  • Translation: Hello everyone, I follow you for a long time since the early months of this year, I read all your comments and long wanted to be able to comment with you but I only speak Italian so you’ll have to use the translator. I went to the concert in Florence and I made several videos and if you want to share them with you, meanwhile there I haven’t seen occasionally mando a internet, Piero Ignatius and Gianluca laughed saying being that the video will be out in December were to do a Christmas song (although it is July). I hope you like it and if you want I send others. Good day to all and happy viewing!

    Grazie Daniela. Vi diamo il benvenuto. Non c’è problema. Noi tradurremo.

63 thoughts on “Thank You, Daniela!”

  1. Daniela thank you so much for this video. It was great and gave us an idea what the concert was all about. Hope you share your other videos with us.

    1. Grazie Gina e’ un piacere, il concerto e’ stato spettacolare!! Mi spiace solo della mia voce che ogni tanto si sente, ero troppo emozionata e non sono riuscita a stare zitta!!

      1. Bing translation: Thanks Gina my pleasure, the concert was spectacular!! I only regret of my voice that sometimes feels, I was too excited and I couldn’t shut up!!

  2. Daniela ringraziamo molto per la pubblicazione di video,foto sono belle pulite,ragazzi sono fantastico e sorprendente !
    Si prega di inviare altri video,siamo molto soddisfatti.
    Grazie mille Z.

    1. E’ un piacere potervi mostrare questi video. La play list comprende tutti i video che ho fatto a Firenze. Ne ho altri fatti ad un loro concerto a Brescia (nord Italia) che domani vi invierò.

      1. Translation: It is a pleasure to be able to show you these videos. The play list includes all the video I made in Florence. I have more facts at a concert in Brescia (North Italy) that tomorrow I will send you.

  3. Daniella, thank you for this beautiful video. This makes the concert all the more special to see various videos and take it in from your perspective.
    Joan, I wish I spoke Italian too. Truly a beautiful language.

    1. Il concerto e’ stato meraviglioso e i video lo dimostrano ma come ben sapete quando si ascoltano Piero, Ignazio e Gianluca dal vivo e’ tutta un’altra cosa, le loro voci si innalzavano nella piazza ed era davvero un immenso piacere, il pubblico ha risposto con numerosissime stand ovation.

      1. Translation: The concert was awesome and the videos to prove it but how well do you know when you listen to Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca live and is quite another thing, their voices rose in the square and it was really a great pleasure, the audience responded with numerous stand ovation.

  4. Daniela, my heart is singing with pride for our Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca. Thank you so very much . With your videos I could almost feel like I was there .

    1. Ti ringrazio di questo, pensa io stessa ancora non ci credo di esserci stata e di aver assistito a questo spettacolo, continuo a riguardarmi i video e penso: ero li, vicino a loro, l’emozione si sentiva nell’aria.

      1. Translation: I thank you for this, thinking myself I can’t believe being there and witnessing this spectacle, I keep my business videos and think: I was there, near them, the excitement he felt in the air.

  5. Thank you for the videos Daniela. It must have been wonderful to see them on their magical night in Firenze! While I have picked up some words, I too would love to speak Italian. It is such a beautiful language. I’m always talking to my 3 young grandchildren about Il Volo and they pronounce their names very well so now I am trying to teach them a few words.

    1. Grazie Margaret, e’ stato davvero bello essere a Firenze e non so se voi sapete che il concerto verra’ ripetuto all’Arena di Verona il 19/05/2017, da oggi sono in vendita i biglietti ed io ho gia’ preso i miei. Mi dite tutti che vorreste parlare di piu’ italiano poichè è una bellissima lingua (ed è vero) ma il tuo cognome mi sembra molto italiano o sbaglio?

      1. Translation: Thanks Margaret, it was really nice to be in Florence and I don’t know if you know that the concert will be repeated at the Arena di Verona on 5/19/2017, now tickets are now on sale and I’ve already got mine. Tell me all that you would like to talk more Italian as it is a beautiful language (which is true) but your last name seems very Italian?

      2. My paternal grandfather came from Italy so my lineage is part Italian and Irish and my husband’s parents were born in Italy.

  6. Thank you for the videos, Daniela!!! So beautiful !!! Feel like I was there in Verona!!! I had chills up & down my spine with tears!!! So proud of them!!! I also wish I could speak Italian!!! All I want to do is watch videos of their triumphant Concerts!!! Madrid, A Night of Magic, & Verona !!! Grande Amore!!!

    1. Sai Anne, qui la chiamiamo depressione post-concerto, capita a tutti quelli che vanno a vedere il Volo, si continua a guardare e riguardare i loro video e così ci sembra di essere un pochino parte di loro.

      1. You know: Do you know Anne, here we call it post-concert, it happens to all those who go to see the flight, we continue to watch and rewatch their videos and so there seems to be a little part of them.

  7. OK MARIE please translate to Daniela and tell her she is now our Italian connection to the boys when they are giving concerts in Italy. Her videos are excellent. Thanks again for a lovely ‘concert’.

    1. I would Gina, but if she has been reading this site, she must have a way to translate. Also, I have emailed her in English and she responds.

      1. Grazie Mariecrider per avermi introdotta nel gruppo, non ti ho ancora detto chi e’ il mio preferito…..IGNAZIO!!!!

      2. Translation (oh no!):Thank you Mariecrider for having introduced in group, I haven’t said who’s my favorite … IGNATIUS!

      3. Oh no! Not another one! You can’t have him either, Daniela.

        Translation: Oh no! Non un’altra! Non puoi averlo entrambi, Daniela!

    2. ok Gina non ti preoccupare, e’ da febbraio circa che vi seguo intensamente e vi leggo, uso il traduttore e riesco a capire il senso di ciò che scrivete e come ho gia’ avuto modo di dire in un commento a Jeannette, in questo sito ho letto tanto ma tanto amore e rispetto verso Piero Ignazio e Gianluca e questo mi piace moltissimo.

      1. Translation: OK, don’t worry, Gina’s from February about who I follow you intensely and I read, use the translator and I can understand the meaning of what they write and how I’ve got to say in a comment to Jeannette, on this website I’ve read so much but so much love and respect to Piero Ignatius and Gianluca and I like that very much.

    1. Dear Daniela, thank you so much for your videos. They were grande. I do not speak Italian but I am willing to learn. I saw Il Volo in Chicago and the memory of that evening will be in my heart forever. Please keep in touch with all the fans they have here America. God Bless and hope to hear from you soon.

      Lynn Petrica
      Tinley Park IL 60477

  8. Grazie Daniela, your videos gives the clearest view of Il Volo singing and also the best sound! They are so impressive aren’t they and I don’t blame you for singing along, as did I. These are the songs that I grew up with, listening to Mario Lanza and the Three Tenors in my youth.

  9. I found them!!! Listened on my computer for the whole concert that was on this particular video.Wonderful! Audrey

  10. Hi Daniela I posted this before so I HOPE it goes through this time. I don’t speak Italian either so thanks for the 16 videos of the guys & any others you send us. Glad you finally joined our conversations & hope to see more of your posts. Yes Ignazio is a hottie & my favourite as well I love watching him sing or doing comedy or what the heak just watching him do his dances around the stage etc. Looking forward to more of your videos & posts.

  11. Hi Daniela I don’t speak Italian either but thank you for the wonderful 16 song video of the Il Volo boys. They are wonderful singers aren’t they. I’m glad you are finally joining our group.
    Ignazio is my favourite as well I love watching him sing or do comedy or dance around the stage, he is a real hottie. I look forward to your posts & videos.

  12. Grazie Daniela, your video’s are wonderful.
    Marie, what happened to Jana? She did’nt take an unscheduled trip to Mexico did she? She would’nt have gone with you know who, would she?
    You would tell us if she did, would’nt you?
    You would’nt be going to Mexico any time soon,would you? Oh rat’s, your not going to tell us anything, until after it’s all over and done!

  13. I would like to add my thanks for the wonderful videos. It is great to be able to see and hear the guys just whenever we have a moment to sit and “attend a concert” via our computers. So, many many thanks again.

  14. Hi Daniela thank you so much for the amazing videos makes us all feel as if we were in Italy with you to experience Il Volo again. I know you like Ignazio the best Piero is owns my heart you and Marie can share Ignazio I get Piero all to myself. Ha ha.

  15. Ancora grazie per tutti i complimenti, sono contenta che i video (nonostante la mia voce) vi siano piaciuti. Grazie anche per avermi accolta così calorosamente nel gruppo. Sapevo del vostro affetto per Ignazio (Marie e Loretta), che dire quella sera e’ stato fantastico nelle esecuzioni ha superato se stesso…..e che dire dell’aspetto? Era fisicamente al top!!! Sono un trio meraviglioso!!

    1. Translation: Thanks again for all the compliments, I’m glad the video (despite my voice) you enjoyed. Thanks for having accepted so warmly in the group. I knew of your affection for Ignatius (Marie and Loretta), what about that night it was great performance has outdone himself … and what about the looks? He was physically at the top! Wonderful trio!!

    2. Thank you so much for the videos Daniella! They were so much better than all the other ones posted on youtube! Now we have a much better idea of what the concert was like!
      I hope by reading your posts and trying to figure out what you are saying I will learn a bit of Italian–and I am sure the same is for you with your English!
      Thank you so much for communicating with us and joining our blog!

  16. Thank you, Daniela. What wonderful, videos! Those fabulous young men have worn a path through our hearts because of performances like you have shared with us. How great that you were there to see it all live.

    Also, thank you for taking the time and trouble to translate what is written on this site. We are lucky to have you with us.

    P.S. yes… he was “physically at the top”! 💋

  17. Thanks Daniela for the Part 1 of the Verona concert. Is there a part 2? Its too bad I can’t speak Italian or whatever language that Ignazio was speaking when he was giving a
    speech about the guys & when they were arguing & carrying on before Gianluca & Piero sang.
    I am looking forward to other videos or other posts you send.

      1. Marie, nono avete visto il video di Ignazio che canta “Una furtiva lacrima”?. Se lo trovo ve lo posto. E’ stato bravissimo!!

      1. Grazie Lydka, “O paese do’sole” è una delle mie preferite, a Firenze l’hanno cantata in tre e devo dire che Gianluca ha fatto la sua bella figura.

      2. My favorite is Core N’grato. It seemed like a short version to me but maybe that is because I like it so much I didn’t want it to stop!

  18. Daniela, can you please tell us what Ignazio said to the Verona audience that brought on a long standing ovation? I think I got he was thanking everyone for being like a family to them. But I am not sure. It is near the end of the Verona Part 1–maybe 10 or 15 minutes before the end. But as you were there you might remember more or less what he said. Thank you!

    1. Il Volo dedicated the concert in the Verona Arena to Veronica Grifani, young student ( 14 years) and their big fan who died at school during the hour of physical education. She had already bought the ticket for the Verona concert. Among the audience there were her parents and her twin sister, Alessandra, who was really touched by the dedication.

      1. Esatto Lydka e brava che hai trovato il brano eseguito da Ignazio. Certo che nel giro di tre giorni questi ragazzi hanno eseguito due concerti molto diversi, uno classico e l’altro pop. Sono bravissimi e inarrestabili.

      2. Translation: Exact Lydka and good that you found the song performed by Ignatius. Certain that within three days these guys have run two very different concerts, a classic and the other pop. They’re great and unstoppable

      3. Thank you Lydka for posting Part I of the Verona concert. I knew it was you and thank you for letting us know about Veronica Grifani. So sorry to hear this, but it was lovely that Il Volo dedicated the concert to her. She will be one of the angels looking down on them!

    2. Daniela,
      “O paese do’sole” is also one of my favourite songs. 🙂 Thanks for your nice videos, sure you had an unforgettable experience at the concert. Welcome to this page, and I hope that you’ll enjoy it. It’s always nice to have here new fan from Europe. 🙂 Auguro una bella giornata !

  19. Thank you Daniela and Lydka for explaining what was said. Our boys are true gentlemen in every sense of the word.The love and respect they give their fans is truly wonderful.

    1. Ti ho risposto anche sopra ma non vedo il mio commento pertanto lo riposto. All’inizio del concerto Piero ho fatto una dedica a Veronica una loro fans che adesso non c’è più, come ha scritto anche Lydka, ma quando parla Ignazio, nel momento serio, ha detto che “e’ difficile staccarsi dalla famiglia e dagli affetti ” (partenza per il Messico) dopo gli eventi ( attentati) ed ha rivolto un pensiero e dedicato il concerto alle 9 vittime italiane degli attentati di Dacca. Questo ha scatenato una grande e lunga standing ovation. Sono proprio bravi ragazzi ed io sono fiera di essere una ilvolover. Scusa se ho ripostato il commento ma ci tenevo che voi sappiate cosa hanno detto.

      1. Translation: I answered you above but I don’t see my comment so I stowed away. At the beginning of the concert Piero I did a dedication to Veronica one their fans that is no longer, as he also wrote Lydka, but when he talks about Ignatius, in serious moment, he said that “it’s hard to break away from family and suffering” (leaving for Mexico) after the events (attacks) and has addressed a thought and dedicated the concert at 9 Italian victims of the attacks in Dhaka. This sparked a big and long standing ovation. They are just nice guys and I’m proud to be a ilvolover. I’m sorry I reposted the comment but I wanted you to know what they said.

      2. Thank you again–I did thank you before–I see that when I know what you are talking about I can figure out what you are saying with the help of my Italian dictionary which sits beside me on my computer desk!

  20. Ho trovato su you tube questo video di Firenze ‘ i ragazzi cantano “O sole mio”, a me è piaciuto molto perchè si vede l’intensità della esecuzione. Piu’ vicini di così…..possiamo solo entrare nelle loro bocche!! Spero vi piaccia.

    1. Translation: I found this video on you tube of Florence ‘ boys sing “O sole mio”, I really liked because it shows the intensity of running. Closer than that. .. we can only enter in their mouths!! I hope you like it.

    2. Thanks, Daniela. Really beautiful and high-quality video, I love the videos in which we can see up close faces of boys. The author also published nice videos of songs Venite Adoremus, My way and Torna a surriento.

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