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Jane & Marie ~ A Cliff Hanger


Marie:  “Jane, I can’t believe you booked us a place ON A CLIFF where we had to zigzag down 200 stone steps.

Jane:  “I asked you that before I booked the site.”

M:  “Yeah, but that was before I actually knew what 200 steps carrying a 35 pound suitcase and a backpack would be like.”

J:  “Well, we did it.”

M:  “Yes, but I cursed you the entire way down.”

J:  “I know, I could hear you.”

M: “Good!”

J:  “Come on Marie, you have to admit it was one of the most beautiful views you have ever seen.”

M:  “Jane, it was the most beautiful view I have ever seen!”

J:  “Do you think the Crew would believe we walked back up those steps for dinner and then back down in the dark?”

M:  “Jane, I don’t believe it!  Especially since we had to walk back up to leave the next day.”

J:  “But there was a tram for our luggage.”

M:  “True.  Did you see me hold out my arms and beg him to let me ride up on the tram?”

J:  “Yes, it’s ok though…I’m getting use to you embarrassing me.”

M:  “I had two thoughts on the walk up. 1) I should have stayed in the room.  Eventually the police or someone would just drag me up the steps and 2)  I’m glad I gave you my families phone numbers so they would know where to find my body.”

J:  “Ya big baby.”

M:  “Hey, you’re the one who renamed  ‘Borgo di Campi’,  ‘Borgo di Cardio‘.”

J:  “Look on the bright side.  We probably worked off some of that Gelato we had been eating.”

M:  “I hate you.”

J:  “I know.”


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