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A Special Treat from our Favorite Marie!

Ciao a tutti!  I challenged Marie to come out of semi-retirement and write something for us.  I figured she was getting bored looking at palm trees, sunshine and sandy beaches!  This is what she quipped… 🙂   Jana

Something’s Wrong With Me ~ Marie Crider

With the world in a sad and humbled state right now I thought you might like a little something on the lighter side:

~I just listened to an hour interview. It was all in Italian. I don’t understand Italian.

~I can’t lay in the sun without humming “O Sole Mio.”

~I go to concerts with a camera on my lap, but I’m afraid to use it in case I miss something.

~When in the front row at a concert and a security guy walks in front of me I want to shout, “How dare you come between me and THEM!?”  What does he think I might do, jump up on the stage?  Ok…I might jump on the stage, but I’ve got Leelee, my concert buddy, holding me down.  Oh, I could get past security anyway.  He doesn’t have a club big enough to pry me off Ignazio’s leg.

~All Il Volo CDs in my car are copies of the originals. Just in case someone should steal my car.

~When St. Mark’s Basilica started flooding, I panicked. I wanted to book a flight, grab a bucket and go.

~Piero neglected to ask me if he could change the color of his glasses.  (I may never get over that one.)

~The only pictures on my dresser are my Mom, my Dad and Gianluca.

~I have a strong urge to confess to the murder of someone named Delilah. Just to keep the heat off the Boys.

~I want to stand on a balcony in Italy and sing my heart out.  It wouldn’t matter that I can’t leave my hotel room…the air is Italian and that’s good enough for me.

~I have 17 Il Volo t-shirts (actually 16 plus one nightshirt thanks to Jana) but I can’t wear them. Cause…well, what if one should get a stain on it… or fade…or get lost with luggage at an airport…or destroyed by a rabid dog…or snagged on a barbed wire fence? Makes me sick thinking about the horrible things that could possibly happen to one of them.

~I have “Il Volo” tattooed on my left ankle and an “Il Volo” license plate on my car.

Yep, something is definitely wrong with me.  I may need professional help.


Grazie Mille, Marie, for sharing your thoughts with us and coming out of semi-retirement!  I’m sure we all feel the same in many ways!  But, just one question, why is Gianluca on your dresser and not Ignazio??  🙂


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