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I May Need a Little Help.

I love them. No, I REALLY love them. I don’t understand these feelings. They are deep. I am bewildered.   God knows I’m old enough. I think I’m smart enough, but I don’t understand. I thought that if I immersed myself (like having a dedicated website!) and wallowed around in “Il Volo” long enough, like math, I would eventually “get It”. I don’t. I never have.

Yesterday I received Ignazio’s Georgio Armani Fragrance from ebay. All five of my senses have been alerted. So now I smell them. I have seen them, heard them, touched them and have even tasted a dimple or two. Still…

I usually reach this point in my understanding and I stop trying. I just keep smiling happily because I’m able to feel this kind of love, this strongly, at this time in my life…This joyful, this contented, this fortunate time in my life!

                                               Really though, I’m clueless.

I don’t fully grasp the beauty I see, the magnificence I hear nor the love that, not so silently, but surely sings through every part of me.

                 So..There it is.

No doubt, I eagerly and desperately, want those deeply wonderful feelings to continue.

I guess I’m lost in the thrill of it.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m just being a silly old woman, but then it’s their fault… they are too charming & delightful, playful & inviting, wonderful, talented, handsome, kind and intriguing!
So, here I am asking you, Myron, to explain it in professional terms. Or maybe you Jana in Italian. Or Loretta and Kitty who accept it so easily, can tell me why. Ineke, do you know that you are the furthest possible distance from me on this planet? We come from totally different cultures. The opposite sides of the world. Yet, we feel exactly the same. How is that possible? Penina and Connie, you two always have answers… Answer that! Minnesota Ladies? Have you all figured it out? Jeannette and Jeanine, who can express themselves so well… enlighten me.

Il Volo must tap into the deepest most basic feelings we all share no matter our age, background, environment, or spot on the planet. Wouldn’t that be exactly what makes us “human”? Well, Ineke, my sister, I may just have my answer after all.


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