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In Loving Memory of Mary Bohling…by Jane

Mary and her precious Piero

For those of you who may be newer to this site, one of our former writers, Mary Bohling, has passed away.

Mary had such a deep love and devotion to Il Volo,  and especially to  her dear Piero!  She flew all over the U.S. attending concerts and Meet and Greets,  PBS Pledge Promotion events, the MOA event, was instrumental in all of our Minnesota Il Volo fan get togethers,  plus attended the Fan Faire in Las Vegas.   When ever she could adore them up close and in person…she was there!  The highlight of one of the concerts she attended was out in back of the venue after the concert was over.  Mary, along with Marie and her other cohorts, were waiting to catch a glimpse of the guys and lo and behold, out came Piero who jumped right in with them in the van they were sitting in!  She was in seventh heaven!

She had a heart of gold and everything about her was genuine. As Joyce, a friend of Mary’s put it, “I am sure she is in heaven making sure the angels are listening to Il Volo.”

Mary was a gifted writer and poet.  Writing for the blog made her feel closer to the guys, as if they were family.  In honor of Mary, here is a post taken from the many of hers in our archives.



To our darling sweet Italian boys,
Keepers of our hearts, our joys,
While you’re away you keep us guessing
About new projects you’re addressing.
A new CD would be so neat,
A DVD would be a treat.
You’ve been busy, that’s for sure.
Broadcasts, photo shoots demure,
Modeling, getting new wheels,
Making contacts, sealing deals,
Since staying fit’s high on your list,
Trips to the gym cannot be missed.
We search each day for what you’re doing,
Wondering what surprise you’re brewing.
We know it will be something great,
Anticipation makes it hard to wait.
We fell in love–you’re our addiction,
Lots of Il Volo time is our prediction.
A heavy dose both day and night
Will help to keep us feeling right.
We love to see your charming faces
Smiling back from distant places,
Tempting us with looks beguiling,
Teasing with Il Volo styling.
It hurts us, though, not knowing when
You’ll come back to us again.

And now your tour is on it’s way,
Back to work–no time to play,
This schedule puts you to the test,
Doing what you love the best.
But  we can only wait so long
To see your faces, hear your songs.
We will be brave, but nevertheless
Please keep us posted, we confess
We need to see you every day,
Though Internet may be the way.
Your future calls to spread the word,
Throughout the world your voices heard.
But we will wait for your returning,
To satisfy our ardent yearning.
So patiently for you we wait,
Eager to see that special date
When you’ll return to us once more,
Bringing  us the music we adore.

                    ~~~Mary B.~~~


Mary and her boys in Detroit.

Mary and daughter, Anne, at TPT event in St. Paul.


~~In Memory~~










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