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Notte Magica – Bologna/Milan – Personal Review by Veronica!

The following review and adventure is from one of our newest Flight Crew members – Veronica B.  You may remember me mentioning a Veronica in a few of my Florence/Verona Italy stories last year.  This is the same person!  She lives just outside of Milan and saw the guys in both Bologna and Milan.  Here is her story of her notte magica and her magical 12 hours!


On 6th May at 2:30 p.m. I went to MXP Airport to meet Daniela, after 10 long months! We were so happy!

Our trip began under a very intense rain (and rain NEVER left us…NEVER!)

After 2h 30min, we reached Casalecchio di Reno (near Bologna) where our hotel was and also the Unipol Arena, where the guys were performing that night.

We relaxed a little with a pre-dinner drink and then we dressed up to go to the show; a shuttle waited for us at about 8 o’clock!

When we reached the Arena immediately we saw the huge stage with the beautiful chandelier and the red background, it was beautiful!

When the show began, we get back to the wonderful experience in Florence…

The guys came in and they were so nice in their elegant blue suits!

Their voices sounded powerful and more mature than ever and the audience was enthusiastic!

Piero was very serious, more than usual 🙂

Gianluca sweet as always…

And Ignazio was absolutely amazing; beautiful, funny and with a clear, fantastic voice!

Standing ovation by Standing ovation and joke by joke the show turned to the end with Grande Amore; always great emotion from the audience,also for them!

They said hello and thank you to the audience and they went way!

The shuttle was waiting for us in order to bring us back to the hotel.

We slept very well that night; tired, but happy!

The day after, our plan was to go to Bologna center to have lunch in a typical restaurant and shopping around. Unfortunately (or not maybe…LOL 🙂 it was raining…and I decided to surprise Daniela.

I was driving but my direction wasn’t city center but the place where I knew the guys were going to be – the furniture store.

At a certain point Daniela screamed, “Heeeeey Sis’…Essegistore!!! There!!!”  she looked at me driving, “YOU KNOW!!!! OHMY GOD!!! YOU KNEW IT!!!”….ah ah ah

They arrived with their cars after about half an hour and they did some fast interviews.

After that they began to get pics with fans, they were really nice and they hugged and kissed everybody in a warm way!

After that we went away in order to have lunch…this time for real! LOL 🙂

We went to a very nice place that I know very well, a restaurant called Buca Manzoni in the center of Bologna. We got Tortellini with Ragu’…of course!

After that we were ready for our “tour” in the city.

Because of the rain, we decided to go inside the shops so we would not be so cold!

Walking by we saw one Il Volover we know and we went to say hello…just 1 minute after Ignazio arrived with his car and I was like “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!??!?!?!”...yes…lucky me! 🙂 He was a little tired but he kindly stopped with us to share some minutes, he did a selfie with my phone, he hugged me and went away (we understood they had a meeting with all the staff inside the hotel at our back).

I was SOOOOO happy; without any effort we met them 3 times in 12 hours! 🙂

And it was time to go to the airport to let Daniela catch the plane and for me to drive home!

Concerning Milano, unfortunately I do not have so much to tell you, apart from the amazing show and how they were sweet and funny…and of course talented.

Milano is a very important place for music. Record companies, important singers and VIP attended the show.

The most emotional moment was, of course, when Piero, after No Puede Ser, received a HUGE standing ovation and he was evidently touched…Ignazio and Gianluca were at left side of the stage proudly applauding at him.

Veronica, si, you are certainly 2 molto molto fortuna ladies!!  As well as some beautiful pictures from the front row!

Do we ever tire of meeting the guys, isn’t it always almost like the first time?  🙂


Veronica – thank you for taking the time to send me this lovely review and your day of adventure!  I’m sure our readers will enjoy it.   Until we meet again…and welcome to the crew!

Baci a tutti!




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