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Your First Time…with the Guys!

I know from time to time, Marie would often post some comments that were too precious to leave behind and worth being read by all.  I feel this is one of those times….

Laura, from Florida, made some beautiful comments, along with a few others on my “$6.86 a minute” re-post from a few weeks ago now… here are some excerpts from (or in its entirety) their comments!  And thank you to those that said I was pretty!  That photo was from the first meet/greet with the guys from PBS, taken by the pro photographer.  I honestly can’t remember, but I think that was before we saw them!  Certainly, you can see the joy and anticipation in my face.  It is really a good picture of me.  🙂  I don’t always look that good – lol!

Laura (and others) – hope you don’t mind me re-posting this, I thought it was so awesome!  To those that have met them, we all say the same thing the first time “tongue-tied, star-struck, zombie-brained,” etc. and wished we could have come up with something a bit more witty than “you were so wonderful….”  You know, I wonder what the guys are thinking and what it’s like to have all these “mature” women, just seem to turn to mush right before their eyes (that’s it – don’t look into their eyes!  That’s when our brains turn to mush!)?  We have a long time now to decide what to say to them, whether for the first time or the fifth time, and Laura has helped us out here!

Laura said….

Jana, You sure are pretty and I got a kick out of your ingenious (and scary) title! I’m a two-years old “newbie” to IL VOLO. This is the first time I’ve read your piece here. I smiled, laughed and almost cried from what apparently can be a very poignant IL VOLO Meet & Greet experience. I’ve not yet attended one, but if I ever do, I think I’d have to go armed with some kind of self-protective, humorous, but sincere comment for the actual, terrifyingly awkward moment of having to say one other thing to them beyond a sincere, quick, ‘Hello. Wonderful to meet you! ‘ Maybe something to each, like “I just had to come talk with you; sweetness is my weakness.” or, “When God made you guys, he was showing off.” “So, how was Heaven when you left it?” “If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.” “What time do you have to be back in Heaven?” “I’ve never seen such dark eyes filled with so much light in them.” “Oh, I think you’ve got something in your eye. No; wait; It’s just a sparkle.” “I think I can die happy now, ’cause I’ve just heard and seen a piece of Heaven.” “Did it hurt when you fell out of Heaven?” (For the bolder Ilvolover, s/he could pretend to look at the tag in the back of his shirt and say, “Yep!! Made in Heaven.”)

From Victoria Wilson…

I don’t even know how to tell you how touched I was about what you wrote. You are beautiful and your story made me realize how similar we all are over these boys. On bad days when the pain is so bad I cannot have a blanket on me, I am so grateful to have my YouTube on my TV so I can sooth that savage beast in me that is making my day miserable. I’m past being infatuated with them after seeing them on American Idol and went on an urgent search for them on YouTube. Even then you could find bits and pieces. We’ve gotten all their albums, DVD’s and after seeing them in Minneapolis, we had tickets immediately to go to Italy. My husband and I have them singing in our house and car and wherever we are. Every day we think we have found our favorite song until we find something we haven’t heard before on YouTube and then we are enthralled all over again. We cannot seem to get enough and marvel at how they have grown. How I did that trip to Italy, I will never know. I pray I can do it again. Thank you is such a small phrase to use in telling you how much I enjoy your emails every day. My dearest friend has a tin ear and how sad that she cannot get the joy I do from these wonderful talented boys. They make my days happy and some rough nights fly by with their voices in my ear. Bless you and I’m so glad someone else feels just the way we do and can never get enough of their music. I love all of you out there. Victoria

From Laura Parish…

And you are completely reeled in. There is no hope from this addiction.

From Loretta Foley, Canada…

Girls are you all crazy asking yourself is it worth it? OF COURSE IT IS WORTH IT & OF COURSE THEY ARE MORE THAN WORTH IT THEY ARE IL VOLO. NO SINGER IS BETTER THAN IL VOLO. THEY ARE OUR PRECIOUS IL VOLO & NOBODY CAN TAKE THEIR PLACE EVER. Cost is nothing. IL VOLO IS EVERYTHING IN OUR LIVES. The only thing I have to figure out is how can I get enough money to follow them around the world???? then for sure my son will be trying to force me into a home for the mentally unbalanced but that will never work either. WE ARE ALL ADDICTED WITH LOVE TO THE MOST AMAZING YOUNG MEN ON EARTH. All other entertainers will never understand how they can get the same attraction from their followers, their loss. PLEASE, PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED ON ANY CONCERT OR INFORMATION THAT I MIGHT MISS

JANA LOVE YOUR POST excuse me for going a little crazy. Can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t put them first & foremost. Oh well I’ll settle down in a few minutes. I go to a senior centre on Thursdays & I bring Il Volo with me so they graciously play their music for me. A new lady has joined the group who is from Italy & she also listens to Il Volo so now everyone else is getting used to listening to Il Volo. YIPPEE.

From rpappas…

I can’t say anything other than PERFECTLY SAID. I could feel my own emotions welling up with each word. Could never explain it but you did. Thank you. I’m going to copy this and just give it to people when they ask me why11! Thank you!

From Dorothy Henderson…

Jana, you are priceless! When I made the big discovery, on PBS, I didn’t have a way to see them! I told my daughter to search on her computer…bingo…she found the three that were to forever change my lack of technology! , She went right out and got me a tablet and the rest is history! Thanks for sharing your experience! I haven’t even looked for a support group! Here’s to more and more AMORE! Dot in Texas!

From our own Daniela P…

Jana, are you sure you posted it a year ago? Then maybe I did not read it.
I had a lot of fun, because I recognized myself in your attitudes.
I believe every Ilvolover recognizes itself in your words, in the anxiety that makes you look for everything talk about them, that you spend for both distant and expensive Meet & Greet concerts.
You wonder if it’s worth it …….. certainly yes, we have no doubts.

From Joan Guyon…

Jana Lucky you. I have yet to attend a meet and greet. If I get the chance, I will take your advice and save up for it. Joanie G

From Marie… (I know she posted this last year, but a good laugh again is always great!)

Jana, I swear I laughed for 5 minutes. Believe me I understand.
~ Just another addict.

From Lynn Delaney…

Jana, this cracked me up. There’s so much in your story we can relate to.

My heart-felt thanks to those that commented here.  I did not have much of a chance to reply to your comments, as I was in Miami, but I loved them all!  However, I read them all and many smiles came to my face.  Each day I think I’m going to throw in the towel here and is keeping this site going worth it?  But then I read your comments, it only takes one or two, and then I remember why I’m doing this!  So, thank you!  Grazie Mille!  






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