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A STATUE FOR IL VOLO ???? by Daniela

This interesting article published by Optimagazine, appeared a few days ago:

On arrival the statues of the winners of the Sanremo Festival from 1951 to 2018

Sixty-eight new statues scattered around the town of Sanremo: this is the project of the Municipality!

Wow, davvero interessante, ed ecco la traduzione dell’intero articolo. (Wow, really interesting, and here’s the translation of the whole article.)

And if by mistake we turned the corner of a street and we were faced with some of the winners of the Sanremo Festival? If you live in Sanremo it could become a routine!

In fact, a project is underway that aims to build the statues of the protagonists and the winners of the Sanremo Festival. The statue of Mike Bongiorno, located in Via Escoffier, is present since 2013 and is one of the many attractions in the Ligurian town during the period of the Sanremo kermesse. It is probable, therefore, that soon the statue of Mike will no longer be the only one in the city center!

The idea of ​​the municipality is part of the projects of promotion and boost to tourism in the city. The Municipality of Sanremo is studying a project together with the organizers of the Global Education Festival and foreign financiers, in order to realize another 77 statues: 68 which will represent the winners of the Sanremo Festival from 1951 to 2018, from Nilla Pizzi to Domenico Modugno, passing through Toto Cutugno and Massimo Ranieri until the last winners Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro.

The new statues will therefore represent all the winners of the Sanremo Festival of the past and of the future, so much so that in the project 9 other statues have already been included for the winners of the coming years. It is not clear whether statues will be made of other protagonists of the Festival, such as presenters who have distinguished themselves.

Currently, in Corso Matteotti there are already the plaques of the winners of Sanremo, particularly appreciated by tourists, with the relative singers and triumphant pieces for each edition.

Now, in addition to the plaques on the Via Matteotti route, the statues will also arrive. They will be placed not only in the downtown area and in the streets adjacent to the Ariston (the theater where the Festival takes place), but could also be hosted in non-central streets, so as to involve all areas of the town, and spread out over the territory. A project that in the increasingly social era in which we live, could only benefit tourism, especially during the period of the Song Festival!

Here, the original article.

Optimagaine Article – Click Here

So, what do you think of this idea?

I immediately said that it seems a little exaggerated, but I admit that I would like to turn the corner during a walk, and find myself in front of Piero Ignazio and Gianluca, but I also admit that I would prefer to see them “in meat and bone “.

I am ready to hear your opinion !!!


Credit to owners of all photos.

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