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They are coming back! Aren’t they?

Ciao tutti!

I just wanted to take a little break from the Italian lessons to take some time to reflect on today –IlVolover’s Day!  Yes, just six short years ago, they met and sang O Sole Mio and truly the rest, as they say, is history!  I’m sure that six years ago, the guys could never have dreamed back then, of what they have achieved already in a relatively short time?  Imagine if they would have said no to the American contract?  How empty our lives would be right now and we would have never met each other, or the rest of the other ilvolovely fans around the world?

I take them with me each day on my walks.  I’m up to about 2.5 miles now and they are truly my inspiration that keeps me going for the almost one hour trek.  There are days when I come home from work and am pretty exhausted after a long day, but I know they are there waiting for me and the feeling I get when I put them in my ears is invigorating!

They fill my heart and soul with their voices and reminds me that there is still hope for the world.  The theme for Eurovision is Building Bridges and I can’t think of another artist that truly just lives that theme every time they sing and share their joy with the rest of us.  They should win just by their living example alone!  Oh yeah, and they sing pretty good, too!  Lol!

Yes, they fill my heart, however, I made this special picture frame with their name on it and, unfortunately, it will remain empty until I can fill it with me and the guys!  I made this frame last fall with a group of close friends.  One asked what picture I was going to put in it.  “I don’t have it yet…,” I replied.

Springtime in Michigan is very special, as well as for other states that have to battle the ice, cold, and snow of harsh winters.  The smell of spring was in the air today as I went for my walk.  The sight of tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths, greeted my eyes and nose with a wonderful hope that it was going to get warmer and warmer each day and the blossoms on the trees lent promises of leaves that were to be there soon!

With that same promise of warmth and spring, we must keep that eternal flame of hope that they will be back to visit us this year!!  I keep remembering the anonymous Ilvolover that rewrote the song of Il Volo is Coming to Town and the ending words of “can’t wait to see their smiles, can’t wait to feel their touch!”  You could say that those who have not seen them in person don’t know what they are missing and you would think, no, that is not true, they DO know what they are missing!  But for those of us that HAVE seen them in person – we KNOW what we are missing (and why our hearts ache) and as much as you say you think you know,  you really don’t… With that first note they sing, just like Gianluca as Spiderman, they spin their web and envelope you with their magic net that keeps you hypnotically stunned until their final notes are sung!  (will we ever run out of adjectives, similes, or metaphors to describe them?)

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but not sure our hearts could grow any fonder of the guys if we tried?  However, if they don’t come back until next year, our hearts are pretty much going to explode until we can see them again!  Let’s also hope that all of us Ilvolovers are still of this earth and don’t become Ivoloangels watching from above!

In the song, “American Pie” by Don McLean, he says it was “the day the music died…” – a remembrance of that fatal crash on Feb 3, 1959… that killed Buddy HollyRitchie Valens and  J. P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson. How ironic is it that 50 years, 2 months, and 22 days later, the music was once again “reborn” with the 3 voices of Il Volo on April 25, 2009?

So, my friends, my heart and soul are filled daily with their most precious gift, but the frame around my heart will remain forever empty until I can fill it with a picture of me and the guys!

So, guys, if you are reading this, in the words of the lyrics sung by your own countrywoman, Sophia Loren…from the song “Bing! Bang! Bong!” (and movie Houseboat) please hurry back “presto, presto, do your very besto!”  Grazie, grazie!

Ciao, for now…


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