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Personally Speaking ~ The Need to Touch ~ Mary Bohling

I’ve been thinking about how meaningful touch is to the human entity.  We touch those we love with tenderness and special meaning.  One touch can convey a rush of human emotion….a joining of mutual feelings, whether it’s an awakening or a reminder of closeness.  We instinctively want to touch those we care about…to make a connection, either casual or intense.

Ilvolovers feel a need to touch when meeting Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero.  Just to be able to have physical contact with the ones that they have been feeling “so near and yet so far” about for so long, is a magic moment.  Fortunately for us these guys are never too tired or burnt out to accommodate our need for touching.  They seem to understand how important it is to us, and are willing to go the extra mile to give us that magic moment.

Remember when Marie was in the workout room at the hotel in Milwaukee and she felt a tap on her shoulder?  She turned around to see Piero wanting to take a picture of the Il Volo tattoo on her ankle.  Now that’s a touch she will never forget.

And Jana was in the right place when she was in the front row at the concert  in Detroit when the guys gave all of the front rowers a “low five.”  That’s a touch she will always remember.

Interestingly, our Il Volo men also seem to need to touch. 

They freely show affection for each other whether sitting, walking, standing, or performing…usually with arms around waists and shoulders or hands on knees or faces, and are not embarrassed to plant kisses on cheeks.  It’s one of their endearing qualities that we love.


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