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“LOVE” by John from CT (pulled from comments)

Love” is a very powerful word. It has many different meanings to just as many different people. It has many shades and provokes a world of intense feelings. Do I “Love” the guys? Yes I do. In several ways.

Some of us on this site “love” the guys in a very personal, physical, romantic way (cough cough Marie cough cough)….. For me, there’s an “aspirational” love, as in wow, would I have loved to be any one of these three when I was 22 years old. At their current ages, I was taking accounting classes in college and working part-time as a supervisor in a department store. For comparison:

Watch Gianluca singing “Anema e core” on the Pompeii video – when he sang that song at my concert in Connecticut all the women around me looked like they were going to dissolve into their seat cushions in ecstasy. This quintessential crooner and heartthrob is able to do this time after time, with such incredible ease and emotion – what man would not want to be in his shoes?

Look at Ignazio kicking the ball on the soccer field or belting out the high notes at the piano while everyone in the audience is hanging on his every word in astonishment. A charmer supreme – sometimes goofy, sometimes “hunky”, always giving you the sensation that it just would be so much FUN to be hanging out with him – who would not want to be in his place?

And then there’s Piero, the ultimate polished, sophisticated professional – an Italian James Bond with an operatic voice that keeps his fans in awe. Google “2016 Maserati GT”. Imagine him standing beside that car and announcing “I am Piero Barone and I drive a Maserati. You should too.” I would sell my house and run to nearest dealer because I too, would want to be just like Piero.

We all share a deep “love” for their humanity. Their humility. Their love of family, friends, and fans. Their interactions with children and with those less fortunate than they are; it never seems staged for a photo-op; it just comes across as so genuine and meaningful because it truly is. Their desire to share their love for their unique style of music with the rest of us. Yes, they zip around the world from one exotic location to another, screaming fans in adoration, bringing people to tears with their songs – both tears of joy and of sentimental sadness. But it’s a lot of hard work. It’s tiring. They are at the mercy of their schedules, their deadlines, their tour promoters, and their desire for perfection. They are away from home for months at a time. It really is a sacrifice that most of us cannot even begin to comprehend. And we “love” them for it.


And finally, we all “love” their talent. Their voices, their recordings, their concerts, their ability to make the words and notes just fly out of their mouths with such force and emotion that they leave us speechless. Time after time. Performance after performance. Year after year. They’ve shared their love with all of us; and for that, we have to love them back. Forever.

– John

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