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Ten Good Reasons ~ Mary Bohling

Two features in a row on Piero? Yeah, that’s OK!
You folks send me the best stuff! I love this and the person who wrote it.
(only the photo’s are mine)


Joanie’s comments got me to thinking and I felt compelled to put my thoughts down. I would have put them in comments, but it got so long, just thought I’d send them to you. ~ Mary










Ten Reasons Why I love Piero Barone: Acts of kindness and thoughtfulness

1. (Closest to my heart) in Detroit : his friendliness in coming up to the cab/van when we pulled up beside the Il Volo bus, kindness in helping my daughter when she slipped trying to get out to talk to him, and climbing up into the cab to sit next to a crazy old lady (me) when told how much she loved him, and remembering her later at the M&G.

Mary and Piero in the cab

2. Kindness when seeing the young man standing in the wings of the stage in the handicapped section and immediately going over to embrace him and invite him onto the stage.

3. Sensitivity at the RAI show when Antonella was obviously touched at seeing these three young men and remembering when she had known them at the very beginning. He noticed that she was moved by it and was the first to go to her and give her a hug.

4. Thoughtfulness and caring during Bruno’s interview when Bruno suggested that they sing a particular favorite song of his, and GG said, “let’s do it later.” But Piero could see that it was important to Bruno and told the pianist to go ahead with that song.

5. His down to earth and sweet encounter with Marie when they met in the exercise room in Milwaukee.

6. When the paper money fell from the roof at the Mall of America during their performance at the album signing, Piero picked up $100 bill and handed it to a little girl who was standing in front of the stage.

7. The countless photos of him with his family, especially his sister, that show the love and devotion he feels for them.

8. The song he sang to his mother (at Taormina?) when he was sitting on the stage and she was standing in front of him. The love going between them was so real it could be felt through the computer screen.

9. When an interviewer asked the guys what they thought of when they were on stage, he said, “the people out there (the audience, fans), because their love is what
makes Il Volo.

10. Last, just seeing his beautiful face in a photo makes me sigh with pleasure and truth be told, makes my heart jump a little.

Really, just had to get this off my chest, but that’s all.
Il Volo  Mary

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