Tag Archives: Jerry Vale

DID YOU KNOW????????

icon quest

Hi Everyone,

Here we are again with almost no news of Il Volo. We do know they are enjoying being home. Piero is doing the Disco scene. Ignazio seems to be here and there with his friends, it does look like he’s having a good time. We’re grateful this year that he is tweeting and sending photos, Last year we heard almost nothing from him during this time. Gianluca was in Rome for a day or so, Had his hair straightend and apparently did some shopping and was interviewed for a magazine article, otherwise he seems to be staying around home with his friends. His daily tweets are always welcome!

Here we go on another “Did You Know“. Remember, if you have any tidbits of your own, let us know!


Gianluca was so shy as a child he looked at the floor or wall when he sang?

Piero sang at weddings when he was young, to help pay for his music lessons. His family was willing to pay, but he wanted to help pay too?

Ignazio used to bother the neighbors, playing his drums constantly in his room?

Here are some Did You Know’s on some other Italian singers.

Did you know that Jerry Vale was born Gennaro Luigi Vitaliano in the Bronx, NY? Did you know that he shined shoes in a barbershop in NYC for extra money? He sang while he worked and his boss was so taken with his singing that he paid for his music lessons?

Jerry Vale

Do you remember some of his hits? “Al de La”, “Arrivederci Roma” and my favorite “You don’t Know Me”? You can still hear and see him on YouTube. He pesently lives with his wife in California.

Did you know Frank Sinatra was born an only child in Hoboken, NJ? Did you know he was expelled from High School in 1938 for his rowdy behavior? Did you know his father was a lightweight boxer who fought under the name of Marty O’Brien?

sinatra 2

It’s too hard to put all his hits here. My favorite has always been “My Way” written by Paul Anka!

Did you know that Mario Lanza was born Alfred Arnold Cocazza? He changed his name in 1942, his mother’s maiden name was Maria Lanza.

Mario Lanza

Some of his hits were “Drink Drink Drink” “I’ll Walk With God” and “Be My Love” He passed away at the young age of 38.

All of these great artists can still be seen and  heard on YouTube.

Did you know that The Appian Way (Via Appia) Remains of Appian Way near Quarto Miglio was built by the Romans in the mid 4th century BC?  It was the earliest and strategically the most important road in the ancient empire. It was used to transport military supplies and troops. At right is a portion of the Via Appia near Quarto Miglio.

Some news sent to us from Flight Crew member, Chris. Ignazio will be a guest singer at the concert of his friend Roberto Amade, a jazz musician on February 2nd in Marsala.  ignazio-1Thank you, Chris for the heads up!!

Before you send me letters (lol) I will be covering my favorite singer, Perry Como in my next column!!

Thanks everyone for your feedback, Enjoy!
