37 thoughts on “The Flight”

  1. Hi marie., I know we have all seen numerous videos of how much our guys love their young fans. They are all so kind hearted. They love children and I believe it all stems from their family upbringing and them missing their siblings. Do you know when the new PBS special will air in the west coast. Getting antsy here in CALIF. Always checking the t.v. guide. Can’t wait to see this in its entirety. It looks amazing. Have fun at the concert dear. My love to all the ladies.

  2. Thank you for showing us this tender moment
    for this young fan. Ignazio has such a big
    heart and shares the moment with this lucky
    fan. It brought tears to my eyes.

  3. Thank you so much for this video. It is so sweet and loving that it makes you want to cry. I also was so touched by the video Ignazio made and showed to Piero and Gianluca at Radio City Music Hall. Like you, I am totally amazed that three young men with beautiful voices and personalities also have such sweet and tender hearts. They are so loving with their families, their friends and fans and especially with young children. It is wonderful to see in people so young and makes you love them even more if possible. God bless them and their families who have helped make them such kind, tender and loving boys and now young men!

    1. I agree Margaret. I have watched that piece over and over. I think of all the things he could have done that would have been very nice, like posing for a selfie or patting her on the head, but to pick her up like that w/o hesitation and stroke her hair in such a loving way, really got to me.

      1. I totally agree also. I kept watching him pick the fan up and just automatically hug her and stroke her hair made me cry. I wish I was that girl and I could finally get my hug from him. <3

  4. Very nice poem and cute video . 🙂 Do you know this ? Il Volo will be at the Bank united center Miami March 05. 2016. Pbs Concert for tix Call 305-949-8321. Single tix $120.00. Pair Tix $245.00 , info from Maria Zuniga Info Via Janis Rahner Blog. From Il Volo Miami is this information : Ticket seat location is not available yet. It’s first come first serve. Tickets will be mailed out approximately 2 weeks before show. With a pledge of $245 you will receive the ‪‎Grande Amore‬ CD. You must call the station direct. I hope that I pleased you,dear ladies, who will be able to go to a concert ! 🙂

  5. Great poem, Marie, but then, they all are! As for the video of Ignazio and the young Il Volover…that is why we love them so much. Love, love, love! They spread it wherever they go. <3

  6. Marie this is one of the tenderest pictures – it is our Ignazio!Therefore we love him so much.For this little girl it is the most beautiful experience of her life.
    Marie yu are very happy woman too,you´ve spent such a meeting a few times and you will experience early the next.
    I wish you good luck and thank you very much for a really wonderful video.

    1. Zdena,
      can I ask you, are you from Europe, the region of Central Europe?Your name could mean that you are from Czech Republic, Slovakia or Balkan country. 🙂 I ask because I thought that I am the only one from Europe on this site. 🙂 it is nice to see that Il Volo have fans also among the Slavic countries,although I know that in Russia, I think they have a pretty strong fan club. I’m from Slovakia and here many people do not know them,rather popular in my country are Il Divo.
      Srdečne Vás pozdravujem !

  7. Lovely poem Marie and those colors of the Italian flag has become so familiar to us all!!!
    Our guys are so understanding and mature. In my eyes they are just perfect!!!!

  8. It’s nice and little funny that Il Volo Flight Crew members prepared a book for boys and our guys announced the release of their first Il Volo book in December! 🙂 Is it a coincidence? 🙂 But I assume that probably will be available only to the Italian fans and in Italian language. But who knows, maybe…… 🙂 Let us surprise ! 🙂

    1. Marie – Love the poem and the tender video. It brought happy tears. They are so loving to all.

  9. Marie, love the poem & our sweetie Ignazio sharing his love for his young fan!He can be so sweet brings tears to your eyes! They are all so compassionate , have experienced that myself!!! There can not be three more understanding, loving young men in the whole world!!! 💖 💖 💖

  10. Marie, I love your poem. Brought a tear to my eye. Then watched the video clip and brought more tears. You know I love my own family more than life itself and IL VOLO is right up there with them in my heart as well!!

  11. Marie: Unfortunately I cannot see the video and I don’t have sound on my computer. I need to get a little more financially stable to fix my computer. But the picture I saw also made me cry as I saw “her” in his arms. No wonder he is my favorite. I love them all, but “he” has always been my favorite, hence my “user name”. They are so much favored by all of us and by God, who gave them the outstanding talent that they have. For me, thank you for the picture. I love all of you, Il Volo!!!

  12. Dear Marie Love your video of Ignazio with his young fan that’s why we love IL Volo so much is how wonderful they are to all their fans young and old alike. They are so caring it shows up all the time. God Bless IL Volo.

  13. Marie
    Do you know in what country the video with Ignazio and the lucky little fan was taken? This is so sweet.

  14. Ahoj Lydko,to je prima,že jsi se ozvala,já jsem zas myslela,že žiješ v některé z pobaltských zemí.Opravdu jsme až do roku 1993 žily ve společné vlasti,než nás pánové Mečiar a Klaus rozdělili.Vždycky obdivuju tvé rozsáhlé znalosti,já jsem se o těch úžasných dětech dozvěděla z rádia,kde o nich mluvil Karel Gott – asi ho budeš znát -jako o opravdových zázračných talentech.Bohužel někdo vysílání jejich hudby u nás blokuje,jako to bylo ve Vídni.Jestli jsi sledovala hlasování od nás,je ti to jasné.
    Jestli bys chtěla,dej mi na sebe nějaký kontakt a můžeme si občas napsat a sdělit si nějaké novinky.Já jsem např.nevěděla,že kluci byli v Polsku.Zajímalo by mě,kde měli koncert,od nás je to blízko a příbuzní mají u hranic chalupu.Slovensky rozumím dobře,s angličtinou je to trochu horší,ale se slovníkem to zvládnu taky.Měj se moc hezky,ať se ti daří!
    Zdraví Z.
    Měj se moc hezky,zdraví Z.

    1. Bing Translation:Lydko Hi, it’s nice that you’ve said, I think again that you live in one of the Baltic zemí.Opravdu have until 1993 lived in a common homeland before us Mr Meciar and Klaus rozdělili.Vždycky admire your extensive knowledge, I was on those amazing children learned from the radio, where they talked about Karel Gott – perhaps you know him-as a true miracle talentech.Bohužel someone posting their music in our block, as it was in Vídni.Jestli you watched the vote from us is that clear.
      If you’d like to give me some contact each other and we can sometimes write and tell you some novinky.Já I např.nevěděla the guys were Polsku.Zajímalo me where they had a concert from us, and it’s close relatives have u border chalupu.Slovensky understand well, with English is a little worse, but the dictionary can do it taky.Měj is very nice, whether you’re doing!
      Health Z.
      Have a very nice health Z.

      1. Marie,
        word ” zdraví ” does not mean health. It is a verb and means I greet you. 🙂 Other translations : zemí- countries, opravdu – really , rozdelili – split in past time, vždycky- always, talentech-talents, bohužel-unfortunately,jestli-if, novinky-news, já – I , napr. – for example,nevěděla- did not know, zajímalo me-interested me, chalupa-cottage, taky- also,Měj se – in free translation something like Take care!.
        But just fine translation from you . 🙂

      2. Oh Lydka! You can’t think I translated any of that! I gave it all to Bing. I’m not even sure of the language. But thanks.

      3. It is the Czech language. 🙂 In the past, we were one state-Czechoslovakia,then we divided and created two states Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our languages are very similar and we understand each other without problems. 🙂 For example : Měj se is in my language Maj sa, or Vždycky obdivuju tvé rozsáhlé znalosti is Vždy obdivujem tvoje rozsiahle znalosti. As you can see, it is very similar, like between Italian and Spanish language, also have many related words. 🙂 I knew that you used helper in translation. 🙂 So I translated the words that remained in its original form. 🙂 You will learn a few new words in one of the Slavic languages. 🙂 But Czechs say that the Slovak language is more beautiful and very euphonious. 🙂

    2. Ahoj Zdenka,
      Il Volo hudbu ani u nás nehrajú. Ja som ich prvý raz videla na C music Tv, ako spievali O sole mio, potom Un amore cosi grande a We are love a hneď sa mi zapáčili, potom som si hľadala na internete ďalšie ich songy a videá s rozhovormi, v angličtine, pretože žiaľ nerozumiem po taliansky. Ja som sa len nedávno dozvedela, že boli v Poľsku. Viem, že boli v Lotyšsku, Rusku, Švajčiarsku, Rakúsku (ešte pred Eurovíziou), Holandsku, v Anglicku nahrávali niektoré piesne (Abbey Road Studios). Posledné roky sa ale orientovali na koncerty v USA, krajinách južnej Ameriky, vystupovali v Číne, Austrálii, Nový Zéland…..Verím, že raz prídu koncertovať aj do nášho priestoru. 🙂 Hlasovanie vo Viedni bolo nespravodlivé a myslím, že už od začiatku bolo rozhodnuté v zákulisí, že vyhrá Švéd. Mne sa nepáčil. Skutočnými víťazmi sú aj tak Il Volo, veď vyhrali “televoting”, aj napriek tomu, že vraj na začiatku boli problémy-technické a v niektorých krajinách po spustení hlasovania prvých 5 minút nemohli posielať hlasy Il volo…..Ja som ľutovala, že nemôžem poslať Il volo svoju podporu, ale bohužiaľ, Slovensko nesúťažilo, lebo riaditeľ RTVS povedal, že na to nemáme peniaze, je to drahé a ľudia o to nemajú záujem, takže je to pre telku neefektívne. Ale mala som aspoň šťastie a vybrali v Ask Eurovision : Question for Il Volo moju otázku, na ktorú chlapci odpovedali vo videu, takže môžem mať pocit, že o mne vedia, že existujem a majú takú fanúšičku v SR :-), hoci určite na to už zabudli, pretože majú milióny fanúšikov, ale ja nezabudnem nikdy ! 🙂
      Srdečne pozdravujem z Košíc a prajem všetko dobré. L

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