LAST CALL for Gianluca Birthday Wishes and a few other details!

Ciao a tutti!!

Reminder for last call for Gianluca birthday wishes!! Please either comment on these posts or send to the gmail address as many of you have already! 🙂

I’ve been getting numerous questions on the soundchecks for the various cities. I’m really sorry, but I cannot answer most of your questions.

I have been locked out due to some technical issues that they are supposed to be fixing, but until then, I cannot get in. I have also not received any emails myself about any of the soundchecks.

For those of you who have been to the soundchecks, can you post here on how to go about it? What you did and how it went? I’ve read from a few of you that it was very nice. I also know you are requested not to take pictures. Please respect that.

It’s also been communicated that the guys/management made a request to limit the closeness we have with the guys at the meet and greets. I.e. hugs and kisses. Please also be mindful of that if you feel you have the sniffles and have some hand sanitizer on hand, just in case.

I will get the next 3 or more who’s going where to publish tomorrow.

We got a nice review from John in CT, which we will publish shortly. Looking forward to hearing from more of you. Can be long or short, up to you! 🙂 I have received a few already from some of you…

I’ve also gotten questions on the dinner before the concert in Vegas. Please email Jeannette at Yes, that is MAIL, not gmail.

I’m sorry this is not pretty, but am doing this from my phone. Kitty in lap. Lol

Ciao for now! Hope everyone is enjoying the concerts.


25 thoughts on “LAST CALL for Gianluca Birthday Wishes and a few other details!”

  1. Hi guys. For soundcheck, you have to be a member of the fan club, and you will get an email usually only a few days before your concert, or you can go to the fanclub page which is on there will be a link to make a reservation.

  2. Hsppy Birthday Gianluca! Your voice and the music keeps getting better. Best Wishes always for the rest of this tour, and for the next 10 years. Love and Prayers always,
    Love, Donna Pothier

  3. Happy b day sweet Gianluca enjoy you very special 25 birhtday i have my birhtday on the 8 of februari a little bit older than you and a celebratem in Spain Huys and kissebissen for you and of course Ignazio and Piero 🎊🎂🎉🥂💋💋💋🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪

  4. I just got back to NJ from Radio City Music Hall about 90 minutes ago and can give more information later but to me this was their best concert yet. It’s hard to believe, but they just keep getting better and better! There was so much energy and love! There were many of us jumping up clapping after every song!

    As far as the soundcheck, I saw the notice on the fan club site about two days ago and I think it was near 11:00 AM in the morning of the concert before they posted the time and place to meet. It was to be at 5:00 PM. They didn’t let us get into Radio City until about 5:15 or so and then we waited in the lobby another 10 minutes or so. When the doors were slightly open, we could hear them singing. Before we were allowed in, a gentleman told us not to clap after they sang and not to take pictures. He said they usually come to greet everyone. There were about 28 people. They sang bits of songs. Ignazio came to say hello to everyone first and then Piero did the same and finally Gianluca! It was lovely seeing them so close and to have them speak to everyone at the soundcheck. After that, the gentleman took our picture and we had to leave. I believe they were going to have the meet and greet after the soundcheck. One of the women waiting outside near me came from Australia!

  5. Happy Birthday, Gianluca ! May the next 25 years be as successful and full of love and surprises as these 25 years have been.
    Tanti auguri!

  6. Just got back from RCMH, what a fantastic concert, boys looked smart in their new velvet tuxedo jackets, finally a could understand every word, when they teas, and making fun of each other, Igna in his best humor, lot of ‘merry me, I love you screaming ‘, lot of standing ovation. Little disappointed with repertoire, I would dropped at least 5 or 6 well known in US songs and replace them with some of the songs from 10 year album, few more classic Italian songs, one or two opera aria. But regardless, it was unforgettable night, took my granddaughter, her first time introduction to IlVolo, she fell in love with them!
    I have a question: I have M&G tickets for Chicago and Tampa concerts, ticket does not say if it will happened before or after concert, my first M&G. Anybody can tell me?

    1. The M & G is always after the concert. You wait in a group while the guys shower and change and then eventually you are led to the place in the theater where the M & G takes place.

  7. Thanks everyone for the info, so happy all having great time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIANLUCA! You are quite a young man, much more success & love!

    Ann Calderone

  8. I wish you Gianluca a happy birthday thank you for making the end of Laval showunique by wearing the Rockets hockey sweaters hugs Lucia

  9. Happy 25th Birthday Gianluca!! Wishing you many more healthy, happy birthdays and continued success. We love you!

  10. Congratulations Gianluca, wishing you a wonderful birthday full of love, happiness, fun and laughter.
    You are a lovely man, kind, caring, talented, skilful and with a magnificent work ethic, we admire you tremendously.
    You have the best voice in the world, especially when you give us those strong deep notes or the velvet soft tones. You sing with such passion it hits straight into our hearts.
    I have listened daily to the 3 of you for 7 years now and you always disperse my worries, lift me on the bad days or make the good days blissful. I cannot thank you enough.
    Sue and Graham (England)

  11. Dear Gianluca,

    Your voice, elegance, personality, and charm are the things I love about you! I call you the romantic one, (Ignazio the playful one, and Piero the mysterious one).Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your lovely family and friends!

    Thanking you for your sacrifices of long days, lots of travel, being away from family and friends and of course the dreadful meet and greets😁.

    I will fulfill my one and only item on my bucket list Feb.22 in. Ft. Lauderdale and Feb.24 in Tampa when I get to meet the gentlemen of IL Volo.😁

    The Flight,

    Me…Sally McConnell ….A Hopeless Case…

  12. Hi, all, does anyone know the protocol for gifts to the guys? Are they allowed and when? Thanks.

  13. Gianluca, Happy Birthday on Feb. 11 – You should know that Jeannette (Il Volo Fan faire in Las Vegas) has a birthday on Feb. 11 as well – so Happy birthday to both of you.

    By the way, My Choral group will be singing in your home town this summer in July. If you are in town, come over and hear us.

  14. add to previous birthday note: The Chorale will sing in the Montepagano area July 22, 23, & 24. One concert may well be in the church in the town center.

  15. Principe mis mejores deseos en tu cumpleaños. Deseo que sigas con esa salud fisica y mental que te hacen un bello ser. Felicidades!

  16. My birthday wishes to Gianluca
    Dear Gianluca, I wish you to be always surrounded by decent and trustworthy people, who as well help you develop your incredible talent and entertainment skills. Wish you to become great composer and sing for us your beautiful melodies till the end of the world… and one day more.
    When you sing, you spread beauty and love into the audience. I wish you to stay that sweet and humble, because it makes you an extraordinary artist. I know you become greater artist than your idols Presley and Sinatra… I simply know that 😉
    Warm greetings from Poland, your true fan Alicja

  17. happy birthday Gianluca, like the other 2 have grown into fine young self and walke and caretaker on row 14,, i would get upfrnt to boogy for your birthday lol,,,but my walker doesnt have feet. s instead just wanted you to wish you a gr b.d.. also to thank you for helping me with my really have helpedwhile in hosps etc XXOO

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