Left to right: Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero sitting on stools on stage

Chiacchiere sul Palco (Stage Chatter) By Giovanna



Anyone who has been to an Il Volo live concert knows that the guys are NOT stuffy, straight-laced, performers.  The description I hear most about their stage presence, besides “thrilling,” is “warm.” In addition to great music sung by spectacular voices, a large part of the fun of an Il Volo concert is the guys’ non-stop joking, ribbing and “fuoco incrociato” (cross fire) on stage.  Daniela gave us a lovely and letter-perfect overview of the magnificent music in her post on 6 June, 2021, never missing a single guest name, movie name or song title.   I have the privilege of sharing with you the other fun part of the show – the “Chiacchiere Sul Palco,” the stage chatter.  Sometimes it was pensive and touching, sometimes it was immensely funny.  I didn’t translate everything verbatim, but my narrative is mostly in the order of the action on stage, so you can use it to follow much of the repartee if you don’t understand the Italian.

The “chiacchiere” didn’t start on the stage.  Daniela showed and translated much of the Anteprima filmed backstage right before the show opening.  Marco Giallini, former movie actor turned Italian TV comedian and TV host, was supposed to be getting the Il Volo guys ready for their big entrance by encouraging them on their opening with “Ecstasy of Gold” from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.   Piero comes on screen warming up, with Gian telling him not to force it.  Ignazio limps on complaining of his shoes, which Marco thinks must be wood.  Marco doesn’t help; he only manages to ask the guys if they’re nervous.  Then the guys were too busy getting Marco ready, to get themselves ready.  While adjusting Marco’s tie, Ignazio chastises him “Put yourself together better, this is an important event.”  Gianluca, predictably, had to fix Marco’s hair.  (Ignazio will razz Gianluca about his own hair later on).  Piero does the last-minute run back to smooth Marco’s whiskers.  It didn’t look like Marco got to do much for the guys at all.

After the opening number, Ignazio very gratefully expressed that after a year and a half of silence, their guests of honor were really the entire live audience.

Gianluca explained that this was the highest moment of their career, and it was such a responsibility that his legs were shaking.  Ignazio quips that his legs are shaking, too, but in his case it’s because his shoes are a little too tight.  He reassures the audience he can handle it, though.  Piero, straight-faced, complains that even after a year and a half not singing in public, Ignazio hasn’t changed a bit.  The rest of Piero’s remarks are to thank the Morricone family and Maestro Andrea.

The guys often talk about how inexperienced they were when they started as 15-year-olds.  They decided to share what happened their first time rehearsing the theme from C’era Una Volta in America with Maestro Ennio Morricone at Piazza del Popolo in Rome.  Ignazio asks who made “la brutta figura” (the lousy impression/bad mistake) that time.  Gian admits it was him, so he’ll finish the story.  At that age, he had no training and no idea how to respond to the conductor, who is the only one who can tell them when to come in, or even how to address him.  When the Maestro pointed at Gianluca to lead off, he didn’t make a sound.  Confused, he turned to the other guys and the Maestro, calling him the informal “tu, instead of the formal “lei.”” (No Maestro is never addressed as “tu” in front of the orchestra or audience).  The Maestro, ever the forgiving father, told them, “It’s OK guys, just do what you do, I’ll handle it.”  I noticed that as he told the last few lines of the story, Gianluca lapsed into Abruzzese.  It may have been an embarrassing memory.







Piero, to rub it in to Gianluca, then (loudly and properly) asks the current Maestro (Andrea) Morricone, “Maestro, we’re ready.  Can you kick us off now?”

Ignazio announces that now that they are grown up they don’t goof up like that anymore.  (You should always check out the eyes on the other two, when he says things like that).

When they introduce “Nessun Dorma,” Ignazio explains they sang it during a different tribute (to the Three Tenors) in a different place (Florence), adding that some of the folks in tonight’s audience were probably there.  When Ignazio gets no audience response, Piero throws in, “No.  I guess no one at all was there.” After they gave a breathtaking performance, Piero got visibly shaken by the deafening applause, and had to explain that it was very emotional to hear that welcome response again after a year and a half of silence.









It’s at this point that we start to understand exactly how extensive their responsibility was.  Piero mentions that he hasn’t slept in 40 days, since it was decided that the three of them would host and help plan the entire show.  Piero explains he couldn’t sleep because of Ignazio.  He was worried about managing the behavior of the usual crazy one.  If you follow Instagram, you know that Ignazio is a self-confessed “rompiscatole” (pain-in-the-rear prankster).

As Piero mentioned, it was decided that the Il Volo guys would not just be the stars, but also do the music selection and be hosts.  That meant choosing songs, scripting the stage act, interacting live with the guest stars, and coordinating with other artistic media.  On top of that, it was being filmed live.  That’s why you keep hearing Ignazio make comments throughout the concert about “il bello della diretta,” meaning “the beauty of what happens when you film live.”  Even more, this was not a concert; it was a multi-media tribute.   As you watch, you will notice that in addition to the 100-piece orchestra, choral backup choir, and powerful vocals, there were film clips, ballet choreography, still photo backdrops, and narrative readings.  Our guys had to mesh these with the parts they scripted and performed themselves.  Major responsibility, yes, and they carried it off beautifully.

Ignazio promises he could behave and feel better if he had “una piciottedda, una fimminedda.”  Daniela explained these were Sicilian for a young girl or young lady.  Gian decides Ignazio means he needs a muse.  That’s when they bring on actress Laura Chiatti.  She says she’s flattered because she’s never been a muse.  Piero corrects her that she’s a muse for him and Gian, but for Ignazio she’s “una piciotta, una fimminedda.”

Ignazio brings her to his side, explaining, “We rehearsed where to have you stand.  These other two told me, ‘Ignazio, you stand next to Laura.’  You see, those two have a fear of heights (paura dell’altezza).”  In Italian, “altezza” doesn’t mean only high places.  It also refers to a person’s physical height.  Igna was intimating that Piero and Gian are afraid to stand near tall women.  (But we know they are not!)  Laura admits that without her heels, her height wouldn’t be a problem for anybody.  Igna tells her he wants her to leave them on.  Laura helps them introduce “Se Telefonando” by playing around with Ignazio using the three notes it’s known for.

Afterwards, Gian recounts that because they have been travelling since they were 15 years old, there were times when they got on stage and totally forgot where they were.  Piero claims that Ignazio was the worst of the three.  Ignazio explains that once when they arrived in Vienna, he shouted out to the crowd, “I love Germany”, but of course they were in Austria.  Gian insists Ignazio also said “Good evening, Berlin,” when they were in Vienna.  Ignazio argues that it was the exhaustion.  Piero fires back to Igna, “No, that’s just you.  Exhaustion has nothing to do with it.”  Then Piero underscores Ignazio’s forgetfulness even more, saying “Let me tell you what he’s like: When we go on stage wearing socks, he forgets his socks.  Then he forgets the bowtie.  Then he forgets the cufflinks.”

As Ignazio slinks away in ignominy, Gian interrupts Piero, “Excuse me, but he has this incredible voice.”  Piero goes after the escaping Igna calling “But without him… but without him…” and wins Ignazio back.


Piero explains that Ennio Morricone arranged the most requested song at all Il Volo concerts.  When they get ready to sing “Il Mondo,” they get their places mixed up and Piero is headed downstage towards the audience.  Ignazio is fussing that Piero has to be on stage to sing this next song, unless he intends to sing it from up in the balcony.  (I have actually seen Piero do that for Puccini arias).  This is another place that Ignazio remarks on “il bello della diretta.” (live filming).  When they sort it out, Gian promises they’ll come down into the audience later.  Read Daniela’s post to hear how gracious Piero can be when he’s down in the crowd.

After Riccardo Cocciante performs with the guys and announces he’s had 50 years of career, Gian says he hopes Il Volo will be able to say that someday, too.

Marco Giallini finally joins the guys on stage.  In preparation for the next love song, he asks the guys about their first kiss.  Igna tells a story most of you already know.  He remembers being four years old and crawling under the sofa to hide from his first kiss.  Marco asks Gianluca about his first kiss.  Gian says he doesn’t know, he hasn’t had one yet.  Marco encourages him, “There’s still time.”  When he turns to Piero, Gianluca says it’s better if Piero doesn’t answer this one.  (I don’t know what that was about).  Gianluca also asks Marco if they can call him “Zio”, Uncle Marco.

The guys bring on Salvatore Cascio who played little Salvatore “Toto” Di Vita in “Cinema Paradiso” in 1988.  (My late Uncle Salvatore was also Toto).  Igna describes Toto as “The little boy (“picciuteddu”) who has grown up a lot.”  Igna tells him he wanted to speak to him on stage in Sicilian but he’s not allowed, so, they will visit backstage later.  Note though, that Ignazio had been throwing Sicilian around on stage all evening, anyway.  I don’t know what put Ignazio in that mood, but he may have been remembering and honoring his late father in some way.  Before Toto leaves, Piero remarks how many people he made cry during that film, but Toto adds, “and made them laugh, too.”

Nina Zilli joins them for “Metti, Una Sera a Cena.”  After pianist Raphael Gualazzi says his goodbyes, Ignazio brings Nina forward saying “Look at all this splendor.”  She flirts back with “You’re not looking bad yourself.”

After the break, Piero starts the next “battuta” (gag) by saying “When we meet people on the street they often say, ‘I remember you when you were this little.’”  Ignazio gibes that Gian and Piero may once have been that little, but he was never that little.  Piero snipes “Let’s look at a picture of Ignazio when he was little, so darling, so fascinating, so attractive.”  They show the pudgy, round-faced little guy he was.  Gianluca points at today’s Igna, saying “What a miracle.  Look at how handsome he is now.”  Ignazio rebuts Piero with, “Ok, do you want to talk about what you were like: ‘pafutello’ chubby.”  We see a chubby Piero with the wild ears and chopped hair.  Gian is waving at the current Piero and calling out “Miracle 2.0!”  Then they show Gianluca as a child.  Same smooth face, same smoldering eyes, same daring stare.  Piero is yelling “Always the same.  Same pose, even.  Peter Pan.  Never even a wrinkle.” Gian says he can still do that look, does a spin and comes around in the same pose.

Marco Giallini shares a narrative about the lives of Sacco and Vanzetti before the guys sing “Here’s to You”.  Afterwards, he tells a story about Ennio Morricone having a face-off with Franco Zeffirelli who rejected “E Più Ti Penso” for one of his films, and chose a Diana Ross song instead.  Marco always manages to slip in F-bombs and funny Italian obscenities into his stories, and of course does it here.  That doesn’t mean I’m going to repeat or translate them.








Ok.  Next skit.  After “E Più Ti Penso,” Ignazio uses one of their old lead-ins that “We are three different personalities, with three different tastes in music, and three different heights.  But, of course while we’re sitting down right now you can’t see that.”  You can almost tell what’s coming.  Piero reacts with “Yes, three different personalities, and three different musical tastes.  But the three different heights, Non c’entrava niente.”  (Had nothing to do with anything).  Igna insists, “Yes it does.  For Gianluca to look as tall as me, he had to start styling his hair up really high (“allungare il ciuffo”) like he does.”  Gian points out that he had his hair styled lower this evening.  (He did).


Igna explains how their different tastes led them to start performing solos.  Gian remarks that it’s hard to be alone for a solo after 12 years of performing nearly everything together.  He also recounts being distracted by music even as a schoolboy constantly wearing earphones.  It struck me that he introduced Elton John’s “Your Song” by saying it was 51 years old.  (It was a pop hit when I was in high school, and that can’t be 51 years ago).  It was easy to figure out where Mama Eleanora Ginoble was in the audience, because after dedicating the song to her, Gian kept pointing her out.  Afterwards. Gian came back to the other guys asking how he did, saying he values their opinion.  Piero congratulated him on how beautiful it was, then told him next time he sings it to turn around and look at the beautiful ballet choreography behind him.  So, we can expect to hear this one again.

When it’s time for the next solo, there’s another Sicilian argument.  Piero stops Igna who’s moving forward with a microphone in hand, saying he’s going to the solo area downstage to get ready.   Piero reminds him, “Always the same story.  This was the agreement:  him (Gian), then me, then you.”  Igna then insists he was just putting the microphone on the stand. (Right).  Gian tells Piero “OK, let’s hear what you got, Il Torrucciddu.”  You can tell my two paesanos are still teaching him Sicilian.

Piero introduces his accompanist, Andrea Griminelli, by saying that he has seen and heard him accompany Luciano Pavarotti, Sting and other powerful artists.  After Piero’s heart-stopping “No Puede Ser,” Ignazio tells him he sounded better than ever.  Then Ignazio shifts gears, saying we all know what we lived through this past year: separations, distance, missing people, losing people.  He adds if you have a love far away, you can call them near again.  He adds there were great losses, yet great satisfactions.  Most touching, he dedicates the concert to all those who at the start of this year, were no longer with us, adding “Our thoughts are with them who are now up there” (pointing to heaven).

Then Ignazio goes to the solo mike stand and says, “OK.  My turn.  I really feel alone over here.” Piero assures him he’s not alone and reminds him to do a mini-interview with his coming guest.  Ignazio introduces his saxophonist, 8-year-old Julian.   Ignazio described him as a big and little surprise.  Big, because he’s insanely talented.  Little, because he’s of short stature.  Gian interjects “Like me and Piero.”  Daniela gave us a literal translation of the little mini-interview Ignazio did with Julian after the solo of “Listen.”

After the solo, Marco narrates the story of “Mission”, and how Ennio Morricone came to compose for the protagonist, Padre Gabriel’s, oboe.   Gian tells us that the film allowed us a peek into places paradisical and un-contaminated.  Piero adds that that we need to protect our planet and preserve the beauty of these places.  Ignazio explains that it’s not just because two of them are Sicilians that he wants to thank the ecological rescue team that has restored one of the most magnificent beaches in Lampedusa, one of the most beautiful there is.  They restored it from a state of degradation to a place now magical, especially because of the indigenous turtles, the Caretta Caretta.  Ignazio is always Ignazio, so he quips that if you’re not familiar with these turtles, they are friends of his.  Then he mis-reads “nitificare” on his prompter, and also misreads the text on the migrations, settling for “They’re there every season.”  Gian is giggling “See, what happens filming live.” It also happens that June 5 was World Ecology Day.  Piero provides an Italian text number 45593, for donations to support eco-restoration, then has trouble reading his own prompter.  Ignazio is gibing, “Now we can’t even read anymore.”

Of course, Gianluca starts in with, “Well now that you have mentioned Sicily, I need to mention Abruzzo, and greet all the Abruzzese watching.”   Piero throws out, “I was actually asking myself, how is it Gian still hasn’t mentioned his home, yet.” (Because we all know Gianluca does that at every show.)

When Laura returns after “Volare,” she tells the guys that in her role as muse, she requests a favor that they cannot refuse her.  She asks them to sing “Un Amore Così Grande.”  Igna offers it from the bottom of his heart “corazon” in Spanish, but Gian has him say it in Portuguese “curação.”

After describing their appreciation for American music and artists, they try to introduce “My Way.”  Piero explains that they’re turning their back to the audience so they can talk on camera to those at home.  Ignazio is trying to pontificate and have a suspenseful introduction with a flourish.  You can see that Piero, losing patience, blurts out the title too early.  The other two chastise him, “You ruined it.”  “Don’t interrupt.” You’re too intense, calm down.” That’s why Piero finally runs up to the camera face first and announces “My Way” really hard.

This one is followed by Andrea Morricone’s s new composition, “Il Colore dell’Amore”.  Then the guys take turns “conducting” the audience for “Libiamo de Liete Calici.”

When Marco gets ready to leave the stage for the last time, Ignazio thanks him for being a pillar of strength for Il Volo, because he believed in them, supported them, and taught them how to relax and take all the mistakes in stride when recording live.

Before singing “Conradiana,” Piero dedicated the concert to Ignazio’s late father, Vito.  There are no words to add to Daniela’s impressions of how moved and emotional the three of them were.  I can only echo Piero’s promise that he knew Vito was watching from “up there.”

Afterwards, what grabbed the Italian media reviewers besides the spectacular vocals and professionally polished delivery?  They latched on to Ignazio’s dedication, and have started calling the Verona concert what Il Volo calls it, “Il nostro concerto per chi non ce l’ha fatta”:  Our concert in honor of those who didn’t make it.

We are grateful for Il Volo’s sensitivity and care.

Credit to owners of all photos.

74 thoughts on “Chiacchiere sul Palco (Stage Chatter) By Giovanna”

  1. How deeply satisfying to finally know what went on in Italian or Sicilian! Also, the little glitches made me realize that nothing is ever completely easy, even for Il Volo! So far, every post about this concert will be kept and read and re-read. Certainly a milestone in our darlings’ career. Thank you ever so much!

    1. You’re very welcome. It was hard for the guys (and me) but I think for them the glitches were the most fun part.

    1. I know the full concert is already available on several platforms, but I don’t know of any plans for a subtitled edition. We are happy to be your interpreter in the interim.

  2. Thank you Giovanna and Pat. This was so nice to read and be able to know what was being said throughout the program. They always interact so well with each other I never want to miss a thing they say. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this for us. Their dedication at the end…so beautiful.

    1. Actually, I did not help with this post, Jane. It was Jana who posted it for Giovanna! They did a great job!!

    2. Yes, I am so happy to have the English translation. Yes, the dedication to Ignazio’s Dad and the other departed souls was so beautiful. I didn’t know what they were saying but you could tell by their faces that it was sad and the way they were with Ignazio, you knew it had to be about paying tribute to his father. I love the ways these 3 beautiful men interact with each. Their voices are heaven sent and they are just beautiful human beings.

      1. Wow, Giovanna and Jana, this is incredible that you’ve translated this for us .. it makes so much more sense to me now (I was using my Google Translate occasionally but it was too slow as I couldn’t watch at the same time as I tried to read the translations) !! Our boys and everyone else involved worked extremely hard to bring us the best concert ever .. it was absolutely perfect .. and my only regret is that I couldn’t have been there to enjoy it firsthand. I’m working on that though, for next year – Italy, here I come !! LOTS OF LOVE to Ignazio, Gianluca and Piero – and all of you guys ❤️❤️

    3. You’re very welcome. Make sure to thank Jana. It was she who published this post for me, and did it in the middle of a lot of other demanding things.

    4. Make sure to thank Jana. She posted this one for us. I thought the many dedications were touching. And they are not over. In a separate article we will translate for you soon, Gianluca also dedicated the concert to his Nonno (Grandpa) Ernesto who recovered from a life-threatening fight with COVID.

  3. Thank you so much now I can really feel everything I saw. Loved this explanation of what went on ! T Y again.

    1. These guys have so much aplomb and are so cavalier, no matter what happens on stage, it’s really fun to relate what they’re saying.

  4. Yes, Thank you so much. Not understanding Italian, but knowing the boys are kidding back and forth good-naturedly, it certainly helps to read what they said to each other. They are to be admired as to how they have handled their celebrity and not changing from the wonderful men they are!

    1. Yes. They have remained humble and not gotten big heads from their celebrity. In the next magazine interview we translate, later this month, you’ll see that even more.

  5. This is wonderful. I am a new fan. This explains a lot. Really intriguing to want so much information about the guys. Thank you.

  6. Grazie mille Giovanna. È stato uno spettacolo meraviglioso. Sto studiando l’italiano ma riuscivo a capire solo un po’ di quello che dicevano e ci siamo chiesti chi fossero alcune delle altre persone che erano sul palco con loro. Grazie per aver spiegato tutto. Hai il mio sincero apprezzamento Stammi bene./Thank you so much Giovanna. That was a wonderful show. I am studying Italian but could only understand a little bit of what they were saying and we wondered who some of the other people were who were on stage with them. Thanks for explaining it all. You have my heartfelt appreciation. If you have not yet seen this show you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wUEimdGzrc
    Be well.

    1. Prego. Grazie per il link., Funziona meglio e più pulito della mia connessione RAI1.

      Scrivimi ogni volta che vuoi praticare il tuo italiano!

    2. Thank you, Frank Caesar, for the YouTube link to the concert. I’ve watched it a couple of times and sent the link to my niece in Vancouver, who is married to a wonderful Italian man. Also sent it to my daughter, who is an Il Volo fan (but not such an avid fan as her old Mother!).

  7. Thank you so much for the translation. Making mistakes while live filming just makes them human and more endearing. They were so awesome and can handle anything in such a charming manner Have watched this concert five times already and now knowing what was said will watch it again. Again, thank you

    1. You’re welcome. “Endearing” is a very good word for these guys and their style.

  8. Giovanna,Thanks to you and Pat, 4 filling in the blanks.
    I understand why Piero couldn’t sleep. So many
    moving parts with the whole world watching.
    The mantle of responsibility was huge. THEY MADE IT!
    Now its all captured on film for high-quality viewing.
    They kept the essence of who they are with humor
    intact. Thanks, and kudos to the Crew. We all feel
    “uplifted” after 16 months of downtime.

      1. It’s fine Pat. I’m making up for times I forgot to
        thank you. Thank you Jana !!

  9. Grazie mille, Giovanna for this. I just watched the whole show last night, and what a difference knowing what was said, instead of guessing! I wonder if anyone else noticed how much Ignazio perked up whenever there was a pretty girl around. I think he’ll be ok. And yes, I also will print out your and Daniela’s posts to have for the many times I’ll watch again. Such a nice layout too, Pat, with the highlighting and the big rose over Italia.

    1. Judi, it was Jana that helped Giovanna this time! They did a great job. Jana created that graphic of Italy with the rose. The rose is a photo she took!

  10. Elisa Marie,

    Giovanna, your detailed back-stage and on-stage “chatter” translations are so very much appreciated. Thanks to you and to Daniela, Jana, Kelly, and others, we feel like we were there in person. We love hearing about “our guys” because we love everything about them.
    Can’t wait to see Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero in an Il Volo concert. Hope they will be coming to America soon, and also to wherever all their fans can see them in all the countries for their concert tour schedule for 2021-2022.

    Thanks so much, Ciao,

    Elisa Marie

  11. Elisa Marie

    As a post script to my recent thank-you post to Giovanna, I have been trying to find out if and when Il Volo will be back in the United States. The only tour dates listed are for Europe 2021-2022. Thanks to anyone who can provide any info.


    Elisa Marie

    1. The guys have said that they plan, for now, to return to the US in 2022. It’s too early for a tour schedule. Someone will post something as soon as we have any information. The guys know the US fans are waiting.

  12. What a wonderful post, Giovanna and Jana! I really loved every word of it! Grazie mille for the translation of all the jokes and comments. 😄 They will be treasured!

    1. For serious artists, these three do seem to get funnier by the minute, don’t they?

  13. Thank you Giovanna and Jana so much for doing this post. I watched the concert again while reading your translations. Daniela’s descriptions and your translations made it even more enjoyable knowing what was being said. All of your hard work is much appreciated. And yes the picture with the rose was a very nice touch.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Daniela and I were trying to do the two articles as companion pieces. The picture with the rose was all Jana’s idea. I got stumped and didn’t know what image to close the story with.

    1. Just to make it absolutely clear to everyone, this was not posted by me. I am from Ohio but would never post anything so personal about the guys.

      1. I actually think the other rosemarieohio meant that Piero had been engaged to a lovely young woman, but the engagement fell through later. I don’t think she meant anything crude by it. Ignazio was involved with a few women but, as far as we know, nothing came of it. Gianluca seems to keep his personal life to himself. Although we’d love to know more, it’s up to them individually.

  14. Giovanni, this was no easy task… To watch the video a little bit at a time to get the exact words of our guys chit chat with each other…I truly applaud your commitment to the fans who all wished they knew what was being said…so I thank you and I am sure every fan who reads your article appreciate the hard work you put into this for us who do not understand Italian…
    Thank you Jana for working with Giovanna to get this posted for us fans.

    1. Jeannette,
      When I met you, I told you I wanted to help Il Volo out in some way. I wanted to promote the guys and their art. Since their sense of humor and verbal grace is part of their charm, translating and sharing that part of the show seemed to be one of the best things we could do for them. And of course, for the fans.

  15. Thank you all for your accolades and glad you liked the rose over Italy! But Jo Ann did the really hard work here!! 😉

    I have to say, I am surprised at the audience non reaction to ignazio saying there may have been people at Florence, when I know for a fact there were at least 2 people at Florence and at Verona! Maybe they didn’t hear them, if they clapped?

  16. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this. I’m going to print it out and follow along when I watch the concert again. It was the best IL VOLO ever. They should be hosts at Sanremo next year.

  17. Thank you so much for this wonderful translation. These young men are not just superb vocalists – thay are entertainers of the first order! I am so happy to be a long-standing fan – even though I live so far away!! Dena Pitchfork, Mercer Island, Washington US.A.

  18. Thank you Giovanna and Jana for this summary of the verbal part of this concert. Now I will go back, concert on the computer and translation on the phone and sync up all the parts. So enjoyable to know what they were saying and hear both the funny interactions and the serious thoughts and dedications. and yes the little glitches were fun and proved they are only human. They seem to be able to laugh their way through those. They did a masterful job producing both the musical part of the concert and master of ceremonies part. They have become true professionals.

    1. I’m glad it was useful. Do go hook up your devices and have some more fun. And yes, they have become well-rounded professionals.

  19. Thank you both for this very detailed translation! Now all the guests and jokes make sense —- catching a word here and there just doesn’t satisfy. Thanks to you, we can appreciate all the fun too.

    I am re-watching the full concert on YouTube but the quality of the picture is not great despite being filmed in HD. I hope through PBS we can have a quality version available for sale. It was such a perfect night (despite the few bloopers).

    I was also wondering why the lighting on Piero’s face was so bad, his glasses producing distracting shadows. I have never noticed that happening on his other filmed shows. Maybe in an outdoor setting they can’t have overhead lights?

    1. I’m glad you can appreciate the fun parts, now. I think the bloopers are some of the best parts. When I attended their concerts in Italy, they had way more goofy things happen, but they are quite comfortable and roll with the punches very well. The Morricone bloopers were nothing. I was there the night Archbishop Michele Seccia was waiting for the show to start, and Gianluca forgot his pants. Ignazio had a great time with that.

      I didn’t notice anything about Piero’s glasses and lighting, and I don’t know why it looked shadowy, if it did..

      1. I was at a concert when Ignazio, being melodramatic and silly, slid across the stage on his knees, which resulted in two big holes in his pants (at the knees). He tried to get the other two to pity his torn pants, but they weren’t having it.
        They shrugged him off as if to say, what do you expect when you do things like that! They just continued with whatever they were singing rolling their eyes, while Ignazio appealed to the audience to feel sorry for him. Funny moments!

  20. Thank you, Giovanna for the translations. That’s tedious work, but I sure appreciate it. And thank you, Jana for posting this so quickly. You mentioned prompters, which make sense, but the guys are so good on stage, that I never even considered that they used prompters. I often wondered whether they memorized all the songs they sing, or do they have prompters for them, too.
    Looking forward to more stories from you ! Thanks, again.

    1. Rest assured, the guys do not use prompters for their personal performances. They have memorized their lyrics. We know this because we have seen one or more instances where one of them (sometimes Gian) forgets a lyric and another one (Ignazio) comes and helps him out. Their jokes and repartee are all impromptu. They may have decided beforehand how to introduce each song and what they will joke (or argue) about, but they do not read their lines. The Morricone tribute was very different. It required lots of guests, movie titles, story lines, and things they don’t usually deal with in their own show.

  21. Dear Giovanna
    What a great article I loved what you said about Il Volvo they are definitely warm and thrilling
    Susan’s cousin Jenny

  22. Nice to meet you, Susan’s cousin Jenny. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

  23. Yes, Sally, I noticed Piero’s glasses making shadows on his face. Also noted that he seemed preoccupied at times, as though he was worrying about the presentation of the concert by him and his two buddies. On the other hand, Gianluca (who is reported to be the perfectionist) appeared to be very relaxed and enjoying himself. Of course, our Igna was his wonderful self and took things as they came!

  24. You’re right. Piero was preoccupied and said so. I think he wasn’t exaggerating too much when he said he hadn’t slept for 40 days. He joked that it was because of Ignazio, but I think it really was as you said, the whole presentation.

  25. Very beautiful this translation. Congratulations Jo Ann and Jana.
    I was waiting for your article to be able to reconnect with other information.
    Our boys were great.
    Good job !! 🙂

  26. Grazie mille! Grazie anche a te per aver controllato la mia ortografia italiana!

  27. Am I right in thinking that Jo Ann Tischler translates into the Italian Giovanna?? Haven’t been reading all the comments without learning something! Dolores (which means sorrow, example Via Dolorosa), but certainly doesn’t describe me one bit!!!

  28. Yes. Jo Ann is Giovanna in Italian. I was called Giovanna growing up, regardless of what my birth certificate said. That’s because my Nonna Vicenza and our family godparents couldn’t speak English.

  29. Oh. I forgot. Tischler is my married name. My family’s cognome (surname) is Marchione. A little bit like Morricone. But I am not a Roman like the Morricones. I am a Sicilian like Piero and Ignazio.

  30. Grazie mille, Giovanna, this is a wonderful translation. I know you put a lot of time and effort into this project and I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work. Having the English translation of the conversations, quips, and serious comments really enhances viewing the video of the concert. Thanks too, to Jana for assisting with getting the article posted so quickly.🤗

    1. You’re welcome. Also read Daniela’s latest post. She catches things I don’t catch and vice versa. Between the two, you’ll get the whole story.

  31. Dear Giovanna,

    I very much appreciate the time and your skill in translating the entire concert’s chatter for non-Italian speakers, such as myself. I am in admiration of your kindness. Thank you again.

  32. FYI. Elton John’s YOUR SONG was released in 1970. You were still hearing in high school because it’s such a great song.

  33. Giovanna, with much gratitude, I thank you. Understanding English only, the stage chatter is where I really miss out. The music and languages that Il Volo sings in are so beautiful, I don’t need to know what the words mean, as they are beautiful sounding and express emotion of the songs.
    This concert has so many aspects that I will be able to now understand and enjoy more because of your help.

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