My Reflections About Music and More ~ Lydka

60 thoughts on “My Reflections About Music and More ~ Lydka”

  1. Lydka, this is just beautiful! Your words are so heart felt and sincere. I love the writing about the baby and Mom. Your art work is lovely. Between your words and art work you have created a master piece here! Thank you so much!

    1. Story about baby and mom I didn’t create myself, the author is unknown, but I really like it and I feel it’s true, so I wanted to share it with you. 🙂 I greatly appreciate your words and compliments ! Many thanks for them ! 🙂 Have nice day with many happy moments, God bless you !

  2. You write beautifully. Il volo’s music has helped me thru sadness, pain,loss ,emotions and happiness. Music is food for the soul.i enjoy it everyday

    1. I hope, aren’t tears of sadness. A beautiful day full of happy moments, wish you ! 🙂 Thank you for your response, to evoke emotions in others is sometimes difficult, but beautiful. 🙂

  3. Lydka, what I love best is that you live in Slovakia and if it weren’t for the Guys, we would not be privileged to read your beautiful words from so far away. Thank you Lydka and thank you Il Volo for enriching my life in so many ways!

    1. Marie, you edited it very good, thanks for your work ! 🙂 Gianluca has on his Twitter account this sentence :The universe is the limit! Although we are from distant lands,so borders, for the common love to something, don’t exist ! 🙂 It is beautiful and rare that together we can enrich each other and share our thoughts and feelings, love, admiration, and we exchange our opinions and insights. 🙂 I regret that in Slovakia I do not know any other fans of Il Volo, but I believe that I am not the only one in my country. 🙂

  4. Thank you for sharing this Lydka. It was so beautiful and heartwarming just as beautiful as your crystals! Hopefully we will continue to enjoy of wonderful Il Volo for many, many years.

    1. Yes, I believe that Il Volo will be successful for many, many years and they still will delight us with their splendid music.:-)

  5. I thank you wholeheartedly for all your beautiful words ! 🙂 Such a positive reaction … I didn’t expect it. I’m glad I found a place where I can share my love for beautiful music of Il Volo, and appreciate its depth,with others who understand my feelings. 🙂 Once again, THANK YOU. Have a beautiful Sunday ! 🙂

  6. Lydka that was an outstanding article you wrote you are very talented, I can see you writing books & a famous author. Thank you for your profound thoughts. Il Volo has brought joy to our lives with pure clean music that soothes our hearts & souls & I am grateful I am here to experience them and their music. With the younger generation they are attracting they are already their roll models. I look forward to more of your writing Lydka

    1. Thanks for your wonderful words ! 🙂 Maybe one day I will write a book….Talent for writing, if I have it, I inherited from Mom. 🙂 Writing in English is much more difficult than in native language and it is a big challenge for me ! If I would have time and muse 🙂 , so I write something again. At the same time I must admit that this is for me also a small victory over myself, because I am a shy person,introvert, and I didn’t think that I would ever publish anything….Some people from my past would be shocked if they would saw this one. 🙂 They would not believe that I have such courage….Well, I think that person is evolving through his life experience, which change him and make more daring, there is no need to be afraid to express your personality….

  7. Lydka,
    What beautiful thoughts and what you have written brought tears to my eyes. If only the world could think the same way we would be better off. You have warmed my heart and spoke from your heart to mine. I hope this story gets to the boys to read how most of us think about them and their families. I won’t be able to see them this year but they will be in my heart and soul. God is looking over them and the angels are guiding them with their hearts and the amazing music they sing.
    Thanks for sharing <3

    1. Barb,
      many thanks for your response and very kind words, I appreciate it ! 🙂 You’ve also written very wonderful comment. 🙂
      I sincere greet you. 🙂 Wish you all the best ! <3

  8. Dear Lydka, please do not wait to write that book, and do it in your native language! Time passes too quickly…do things now so you can share your talent with others! History tells us that the quiet ones often have the best to tell! Thank you, a friend across the world (Texas, USA)…

    1. Thank you Dorothy ! I think that the book still needs the time, I have not yet 30 years …I think I still need to gain more experiences and wisdom. 🙂 I sincere greet you. 🙂 Wish you all the best ! <3

  9. Lydka somehow I surmise you are in your twenties just guessing from remarks made earlier. If you can write like this then I am going to keep track of you to watch for your first book because I am sure it will be spectacular so if that is your desire then go for it, Your writing is top quality of course I will need English translation but I would be willing to pay for that as well as paying for the book. I Congratulations in advance on your budding career

    1. Oh, those are strong words, but will motivate me to the future….Again , thank you,I do not know if I deserve it. 🙂

      1. Ignazio says slovak tongue twister “strč prst skrz krk” it means “shove finger through neck”. I must say that he told it pretty well , he could start learning the Slovak language. 🙂

  10. Dear Lydka, I loved reading your beautiful words about the healing power of music! Music transcends all boundaries of politics, religion, space, and time…it speaks to our souls, our very core. Every civilization on earth has music…we need it as we need air to breathe and food to eat. From the time we are babies we yearn to sing and dance…we are born loving music! Our love for Il Volo brings kindred souls together from all over the world, spreading love and good vibes to all…I’m so glad they’re in the world! Much love to you! <3

    1. Ruth, really beautifully written ! 🙂 And it’s true. Thank you for your view. 🙂 I wish all the best to you and also much love ! 🙂 <3

  11. Lydka
    This is just beautiful, especially the part about the Mom. I have seen that before and have cried every time. The rose quartz is gorgeous and with all the beautiful thoughts for Il Volo coming from all over the world, this will buoy them up for their heavy schedules. Lovely words!!

  12. I spent 32 years as a Music Minister in two different churches here and one back in Milwaukee. It did not take much thought to realize that of all God’s creations the human voice is the most incredible in its sound and its connection to the heart and soul. I do not think that God went to all that work just to have people say that they can’t sing (when, in fact, just by talking you are already singing – same exact physical action) . Frankly, I feel it is our responsibility to sing God’s praises and to sing about love for all of God’s creation including other humans. I really do not think this is an option. I think it is a requirement of life. Otherwise why would God have given us this extraordinary instrument. Makes no difference to God what quality we have just that we try. Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio do this kind of singing to God’s creation every day. They just happen to do it better than most people because they have been smart enough to get the help of another of God’s creation: voice teachers and voice coaches. Now, if they wanted, they could turn around and be great voice teachers themselves. Oh, well that is my Sunday thought for the day. Never expected to be inspired along those lines today.

    1. I have always felt that way Myron. Many years ago when I watched Sesame Street with my eldest son (over 40 years ago!) there was a song–don’t remember the exact name but the lyrics had a line that went “no matter if it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song!” I felt that expressed my philosphy of singing–sing while you work, sing when you are walking, sing in the shower–just SING! It releases something wonderful in us.

      1. Myron and Peninahonig,
        thank you for your very nice thoughts and true ideas. 🙂 It is scientifically proven that singing has healing effects and improves our mood ! Music heals and recovers, activates, promotes memory, imagination, intuition and creativity. Aristotle claimed that after musical experience comes mental relaxation.Music therapists argue that the appropriate melody can do wonders: they can soothe, cheer, bring tenderness, strengthen, but also to mobilize the hidden power. Department of Psychiatry, psychological counseling, even some neonatal departments are increasingly using relaxing music or authentic nature sounds as birds singing, the voices of whales and dolphins, the rustling of leaves, sea waves, sound of raindrops … Listen to these sounds is able to return humans to the natural and innate harmony..For example, regular listening to the sounds of nature deprives children of aggression, develops creative thinking and increases sensitivity. Sounds have influence on our psyche, and the physical body. The music, we do not perceive only by hearing, with its various vibrations and positive effect , heals our internal organs, the endocrine glands, the brain centers that produce more endorphins – the hormone of happiness and multiply us a feeling of well-being. Music is also created by our body: heart and breathing working in a dynamic rhythm.The research also confirmed that listening to music works as effectively as the massage and the healing power also has the human voice . Singing soothes, it improves mood, cleanse the body of carbon dioxide and other impurities. Moreover, is one of the most effective breathing exercises, because while singing deepens breathing, improves oxygenation of the blood, refresh the lungs and heart. I also love to sing, although false. 🙂 Teacher of music education in elementary school, when I was about 11 years, told me that I have a beautiful voice, and if I removed the fake notes, it would be good, I sang the folk song,we had the task from teacher to sing some learned song and she told us her opinions. I had trouble with breathing and a strong allergy, so I could not sing…But I think, that singing is pleasant relaxation and pleasure. 🙂

    2. Thank you, Myron!

      Il Volo have been given beautiful voices and souls from God. I truly believe he put them together to bring joy and happiness to people and they certainly have !
      Music soothes the soul, especially Il Volo’s music!!
      Looking forward to meeting you in Vegas in March!!

  13. I know from my own experience that Il Volo’s music can heal a soul that is saddened by loss. I first heard them in 2009, and from then on, I have seen my world turn bright with happiness, excitement and most importantly with love. Thank you Lydka for a wonderful article. And thank you Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca.

    1. Allene,
      I wish you good luck in your life, many beautiful experiences, health, love,a lot of vital power and positive energy, and fulfillment of your dreams ! Let accompanies you only good things and gracious honest people ! 🙂

  14. Lydka: Your post was so amazing. You seem to have such a talent for expressing your feelings and writing them down. I loved everything you said about Il Volo and also the “Baby and the “Mom”. For me, music is the one thing that always calms me down after hearing the horrendous things going on the this world. But, as you say, a lot of the music now is very trashy and does not give our young people the right direction. It makes them think that what they hear is normal and that is what real music is about. How unfortunate. I listen daily to Il Volo and also love Sinatra and Bocelli. There’s is real music with real words that make sense. I thank you for your post. It was really emotional for me and I agree with everything you said. Take Care and God Bless You.

    1. Nazio, thank you for the beautiful words, very appreciate it ! 🙂 In today’s world you need to look carefully for real treasure because between the real pearls are hiding a lot of artificial replicas,which are only a weak shadow of beauty and the uniqueness of the original. I wish you all the best and many of God’s blessings in your life. I sincerely greet you ! 🙂

  15. Lydka: I’m sorry, but I forgot to tell you that I loved the beautiful crystals you made. Maybe some day we can all meet you. Thank You, again. Take Care and God Bless.

      1. Lidko moc ti blahopřeju a opravdu mám velkou a upřímnou radost z množství krásných slov,které dostáváš.Jsou to pochvaly od lidí,kteří stejně jako já tvoje znalosti i lidské kvality a poznali,že jsi vnitřně krásný,čistý člověk.Jak vidíš,měla jsem pravdu,když jsem ti napsala,že jsi šikovná.Teď jsi na samém začátku,určitě v životě napíšeš nejednu knihu a já budu moc ráda,když mi napíšeš věnování.Ale správně říkáš,že všechno má svůj čas – nic se nemá uspěchat.Tvůj příspěvek si celý přečtu až později,před léty mě právě v tomto čase umřela maminka (ve stejný den,jako Elvis Presley) a pro mě je to v těchto dnech stejné,jako by to bylo včera.Ale i to je součást života a hlavně se člověk musí dívat pořád do předu a těšit se na hezké věci,které ho třeba potkají.Já si moc ráda v poslední době poslechnu Limmensitá – to je pro mě úžasně silná,perfektní zpěv i aranžmá.
        K tomu fan klubu Slovensko – našla jsem nějaký OGAE SLOVAKIA – mrkni se na to -je to asi 25 mladých lidí a byli společně ve Vídni na Eurovizi a myslím,že s chlapci i mluvili.
        A co se týká kamínků -sbírám je taky,blízko nás se nacházejí acháty.Je tu kopec a tam si můžeš přímo nějaký najít.Jeden mám pro tebe připravený,pošlu ti ho k vánocům.Já sbírám ještě mušle a přátelé mi občas přivezou jako suvenýr kamínek od moře.Hezky si tyto úspěšné dny užij a brzy nám zas něco hezkého napiš.Jak vidíš,potěšila jsi mnoho užasných lidí a máš i hodně nových přátel a to je krásné.Moc ti to přeju!!!

      2. Zdenka, ďakujem za nádherné slová, ani neviem, či si ich zaslúžim, či som naozaj taký dobrý človek……Ale všetky reakcie ma dojali a zahriali pri srdiečku, aj slzičky boli a hovorím si, že ste mi tu všetci dali jeden úžasne krásny darček k meninám, ktoré budem mať v stredu…
        ….Vraví sa, že čas zahojí všetky rany, ale keď odíde najbližší človek, tak to neprebolí nikdy a človek sa s tým asi celkom nikdy nevyrovná…Pozdravuje Ťa moja mama a rozumie Ti, pretože tesne po Vianociach 2011 zomrela babička a minulý rok, 10 dní pred mojimi narodeninami dedko (rodičia mojej mamky). Bol to ťažký rok pre nás, aj moja druhá babka vlani zomrela, už nemám starých rodičov….Aj mama sa stále učí , ako žiť bez rodičov a často na nich myslí, ako jej chýbajú….tento rok ani nechce oslavovať narodeniny, pretože budú jej prvé bez rodičov…Aj teraz myslím na babičku, lebo zajtra by mala meniny…..Ale všetko je pominuteľné, hoci duša je nesmrteľná, a kým sú naši blízki v našich srdciach a spomienkach živí, tak nikdy neumreli, navyše nás určite ochraňujú z neba a stávajú sa našimi anjelmi strážnymi,ktorí nás chránia a pomáhajú nám a raz sa nakoniec všetci stretneme vo svetle, alebo teda v nebi, ale ja rada používam slovo svetlo. Limmensitá je nádherná pieseň, už som o nej tu písala, jej atmosféra je naozaj silná a text sa mi mimoriadne páči.
        OGAE Slovakia poznám, komunikovala som s nimi počas Eurovízie, ponúkli mi členstvo za ročný poplatok, ale oni sú iba fanúšikovia Eurovízie. Vraveli mi, že Il Volo stretli dvakrát ( na obede a na autogramiáde v hudobnom obchode), ale len krátko, pretože mali nabitý program. Jedna členka má fotku s Gianlucom a Ignaziom.
        Moja kamarátka, ktorá zbiera minerály a vyrába z nich aj nádherné šperky, chodí aj do Česka, napr. na predajné výstavy a burzy, často do Tišnova, možno ho poznáš. Ja tiež túžim nájsť nejaký minerál….U nás v okolí to najskôr môže byť drevný opál. Obdivujem krásu minerálov, ktoré sú vzácne poklady a hlavne dary od Matky Zeme a vždy ma fascinujú svojou rozmanitosťou, nádherou, silou a svojou energiou… Ak chceš moju mailovú adresu… rozmýšľam, či ju mám takto verejne napísať… radšej popros Marie, určite Ti dá na mňa kontakt. Inak, neviem, či si si to všimla, ale na fotke, na booklete z prvého albumu Il Volo sú položené 3 mušličky, viem, že chlapci majú radi more a pláž, tak som ich použila. 🙂 Prajem krásny deň a ešte raz veľká vďaka za vľúdne slová :-), aj ja som rada, že som sa tu zoznámila s množstvom dobrých ľudí s otvorenými srdiečkami a krásnymi dušami ! 🙂 Srdečne zdravím ! 🙂
        Toto video si videla ? Vzniklo na autogramiáde vo Viedni a je od OGAE Slovakia 🙂

      3. My translation :
        Zdenka, thank you for the beautiful words, I do not know if I deserve them, or if I’m really such good person …… but all responses touched me and warmed my heart, also were tears in my eyes and I have to say that you all have given me amazingly beautiful gift for my name-day, that I will have at Wednesday…
        … . We are saying that the time heals all wounds, but when the close person died, so it never be without pain and the person with this probably never reconcile … My mom sends you greeting , she understands you, because just after Christmas 2011 grandmother died and last year, 10 days before my birthday ,died my grandfather (my mom’s parents). It was a tough year for us, also my second grandmother died last year, I do not have grandparents … .Also mother is still learning how to live without parents … .This year she does not want to celebrate her birthday, because it will be for first time without her parents … Even now I think about my grandmother, because tomorrow she would have name-day… ..but everything passes, even though the soul is immortal, but when our loved ones are in our hearts and memories alive , so they never die and become our guardian angels who protect us and help us, once eventually we all meet in the light, or in heaven, but I like to use the word light Limmensitá is a beautiful song, I already wrote about it here, its atmosphere is really strong and I like the lyrics..
        OGAE Slovakia I know, I communicated with them during Eurovision, they offered me a membership, but they are just fans of Eurovision. They told me that they met Il Volo twice (on lunch and signing session in the music store), but only briefly, because they had a busy schedule. One member has a photo with Gianluca and Ignazio.
        My friend who collects minerals and makes jewelry,was in the Czech Republic, for example for exposition of minerals , often in Tišnov.. I also want to find some mineral … .In my surroundings I maybe could find wood opal. I admire the beauty of minerals that are rare treasures, and especially gifts from Mother Earth and I am always fascinated by their diversity, splendor, power and energy … If you want my email address … ask Marie, she gives you contact on me. Otherwise, do not know if you noticed, but on photos, on the booklet from the first album of Il Volo are three seashells, I know that boys love the sea and the beach, so I used them. 🙂 Have a great day and once again many thanks for the kind words :-), I am also glad that I met here a lot of good people with open hearts and beautiful souls! 🙂 Best regards! 🙂
        Did you see this video? It was filmed on signing session in Vienna , in music store by the OGAE Slovakia 🙂

      4. Lydka: I have been reading your posts for quite a while. You are a very impressive young lady, with your ability to write the way you do. You are very articulate. I have a friend from Bulgaria and she, also, celebrates name day. I believe hers was this past June. She explained the custom to me and it is very interesting. I’m sorry about the loss of your Grandparents. Please wish your Mother the best. God Bless you both. Take Care, Victoria

    1. Victoria, in Slovakia, each day of the year corresponds to a personal name. People celebrate their name days ( meniny) on the date corresponding to their own given names. Slovak culture has accorded similar importance to a person’s name day to his or her birthday. I personally prefer name day :-).Because “meniny” doesn’t make you older. 🙂 You can also find the name day in the header of daily newspapers. To name days people get small gifts,greeting cards, often flowers, sweets ..Thank you for your really beautiful words ! 🙂 No one has ever told me that I am impressive young lady,usually people say that I am intelligent, polite,smart, kind, strange or peculiar in the sense of the originality. 😀 I felt sometimes that I am strange and sometimes that I am boring. 😀 My mom warmhearted greets you ! And she wishes you all the best,many of God’s blessing, love and angelic protection. She is also Lýdia, nicknamed Lydka , as me. 🙂 Although, we have name day tomorrow, today we give gifts each other, even our best friend sent us gifts, in advance. 🙂 We baked the cake with peaches ( love them)….it will be nice days. 🙂 Have a wonderful days full of success, joy, love, abundance, with wonderful moments with family and friends ! 🙂 <3 Sincerely… Lydka K.

      1. Which video you mean ? The only video that I placed here is from OGAE Slovakia. Link is in the Slovak text and works, at least for me yes.

      2. Lydka: Thank you for your kind response. “Impressive” was my initial feeling about you. To me, the descriptions of “strange or peculiar” do not apply to you. Quite the opposite. I will continue to look forward to reading your posts, as we all do here on this site, and I will enjoy responding and “talking” to you. Please thank your Mother for me on her greeting and warm thoughts. Happy Name’s Day to you! The peach cake sounds wonderful, as peaches are my favorite fruit. My best to you and your Mother. Take Care and God Bless you both. Victoria From one Il Volo lover to another!!

    2. Recipe for Cake:
      5 eggs
      100 ml sugar
        vanilla sugar,one small package
      100 ml oil
      100 ml milk, lukewarm.
      400 ml flour semi-coarse
      1 piece baking powder
      1 soup spoon of cocoa
      peaches or other fruit, such as apricots, plums ..
      To whip whole eggs with sugar and add oil, milk, flour with baking powder and mix.them.Divide the dough in two parts and to one add the cocoa.On a greased and floured baking sheet pour alternately both doughs,with a toothpick you can create random pattern.Put fruit on top.Put in the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
      Good taste and beautiful day. 🙂 Thanks for your reply and congratulation to my name-day. 🙂 I look forward to further communication. 🙂 All the best my friend ” Il Volover”.

      1. Lydka: I just received your recipe!! I thank you so much for taking the time to send it to me. I am very appreciative of how far you go to respond to all of us. You are, again, a very “impressive young lady”!! I will soon be making your recipe. You just made my day because I love to cook and bake!! Thanks again, and I also I say “Thanks, my friend”. Love to you and your Mother. God Bless, Victoria By the way, what is the time difference us and Slovakia?

    3. I am happy if I have pleased you with recipe,then write whether cake was good. 🙂 In Slovakia is about six hours more than in USA …It depends on your time Zone. I wish a beautiful day ! 🙂 Take care, my “Il Volover” friend. 🙂

    4. Victoria,
      I wanted to ask if you go to one of the concerts of Il Volo US Tour 2016 ? Will be some concert near your residence? I’m waiting, when comes Il Volo European tour…I hope that guys also delight the European fans with their songs…Meantime I can say that American fans are happy people. 🙂

      1. Lydka: There will be a concert in Los Angeles here in March. I went to see them last year for the first time. They are so exciting and thrilling to watch and listen to.. Had the best time with my Sister. I’m trying to convince her to go with me next year. She may not be able to go. I will see what happens. I know you will be so excited when you see them!! By the way, when I make the cake, I will let you know. Thanks again. Have a good evening. Victoria

      2. I wish you to see Il Volo “live”again next year and convince your sister to go with you. 🙂 I think it’s better if one can share experiences with someone close,If someday I’ll be able to go to their concert, so I will have as a companion my mom. 🙂 She also is a fan of Il Volo. Have nice and happy days of August,enjoy summer time. 🙂

      3. Lydka: I, also hope I can go next year. I would really love to get your e-mail and speak to you, but I guess it is not possible unless you want to or if is okay with Marie. I’m not sure how it works. I found out you are 9 hours ahead of me. Take Care and God Bless, Victoria

  16. Google translate:

    Lidka much congratulations and really have a great and sincere joy of many beautiful words that dostáváš.Jsou it praise from people who, like me, your knowledge and human qualities and know that you are intrinsically beautiful, clean člověk.Jak you see, I had right when I wrote that šikovná.Teď you’re at the very beginning, certainly in many a life, you write a book and I’ll be glad if you write me věnování.Ale rightly say that everything has its time – nothing has uspěchat.Tvůj Please read this post until later, years ago it was at this time my mother died (the same day as Elvis Presley), and for me it’s the same these days, as if it were včera.Ale and it is part of life and most importantly one must always look forward to and enjoy the nice things that he needed potkají.Já a very happy lately hear Limmensitá – it makes me incredibly strong, perfect vocals and arrangements.
    This fan club in Slovakia – I found some OGAE SLOVAKIA – blink at it-it’s about 25 young people were together in Vienna at Eurovision, and I think the boys and talked.
    And as for the stone is too -sbírám, near us are acháty.Je the hill and from there you can direct some najít.Jeden I’m ready for you, I’ll send him to vánocům.Já collect shells and even friends occasionally bring me a souvenir moře.Hezky stone from these successful days have fun and soon again something nice napiš.Jak you see, you’re pleased with many great people and got a lot of new friends and it’s krásné.Moc you do not wish !!!

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