Thanks to Lydka ~ A Trip To Italy For Us All!

22 thoughts on “Thanks to Lydka ~ A Trip To Italy For Us All!”

  1. Lydka you do great work. Loved your post. I was in “LOVE” with Italy and the music since I was a young girl and still living in Europe. I really do not know why but it really does not matter because the music gave me great joy.

    1. Gina,I love Italian music since childhood. 🙂 I remember that I listened to it since really young age……Music brings many joy in our life ! Have a very nice day ! 🙂

  2. Lydka, this is a wonderful post! I love the Italian food pyramid! Their language is so beautiful. Thank you for all of the translations. Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life…my favorite phrase here! Wow, this post helped me start my day the right way!! 🙂

  3. Moje milá Lydko opět jsi odvedla skvělou práci,v průběhu roku jsi nám vyhledávala pohotově fotografie z M+G,koncerty,články,zajímavosti.Dnes jsi přidala i citáty a základní italské výroky které je dobré se naučit před cestou do Itálie,hned se pokusím vše zapamatovat.
    Kdybych měla možnost,poslala bych ti třeba tričko s obrázky chlapců (jistě bys měla radost) ale sama víš,že jejich koncert v našich zemích je pro nás obě zatím jen sen a zbožné přání.Tak tedy alespoň díky za všechnu tvoji práci a čas a možná že někdy uvidím v kolonce “autoři a přispěvatelé” i tvůj obrázek – jen tak dál!

    1. Veľká vďaka Zdenka za krásne slová. 🙂 Veľmi si vážim každú spätnú odozvu, človeka to povzbudí do ďalšej práce, nech už robí čokoľvek. Áno, napr. také tričko by mi ako darček urobilo obrovskú radosť. 🙂 Koncert je pre nás naozaj zatiaľ len snom…..Ale nikdy nevieme, čo prinesie budúcnosť….Prajem Ti nádherný deň ! 🙂

      Many thanks Zdenka for beautiful words. 🙂 I appreciate every feedback, it encourages a person to the next job, no matter what he/ she does. Yes, for example, Il Volo T-shirt as a gift ,would made me very happy . 🙂 The concert is for us really still only a dream ….. but we never know what the future will bring …. I wish you a wonderful day ! 🙂

    1. Anncruise, I think, lessons in Italian are really helpful to us. 🙂 Thanks for your words and wish you a nice day ! 🙂

  4. Thank you, Lydka, for the wonderful post. It makes me want to go to Italy more then ever. But, sigh, since I am a senior citizen, I know that will never happen. I will have to do my traveling to Italy through the postings by the Flight Crew.

    1. Allene, never say never. 🙂 Have a great day and enjoy at least virtual meeting with Italy. I’ve never been there too. Maybe in the future I will be able to go there.

    2. Allene! Girl! What does being a senior citizen have to do with it??? Round up your grand daughter, make a plan and GO!!!

  5. Thanks, Lydka, for a wonderful post, as usual. Maybe someday we BOTH can visit Italy and enjoy the wonderful sights and the wonderful food, where our guys came from and also my parents came from. Thank you for all the hard work you do to bring us many facts and information we love reading about.

    1. Dear Victoria, thanks for your beautiful words ! 🙂 (Hope you got email from me.) It is necessary to dream and believe that dreams can become a reality, when they come from the deepest desire of your heart ! 🙂 Have a beautiful day, my friend ! <3

  6. Wise words Lydka. That is the only way our dreams can happen if we work towards making them happen & firmly expect them to fulfill our dreams. Works for me

  7. Thanks Lydka for all the quotes about Italy and also the sayings which I hopefully can learn. Just following Il Volo, I obviously have picked up some words and phrases. It truly is a beautiful country with beautiful people!

    1. Margaret, person learns throughout life and useful new informations enrich us internally. Europe has many beautiful, interesting cities and countries, Italy is one of them. 🙂 Have a wonderful day ! 🙂

  8. Nice job, Lydka! I think you should be our tour leader! I particularly like the Italian phrases. I’m trying them out on the cat or ” gatto” in Italian. ( not going well!) Keep up the good work and thanks for all the coverage on all the Guy’s concert and other appearances.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. But I’m not the type of leader. 🙂 In a group of people, I am always lost and inconspicuous. 🙂 Have a very nice day !

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