When Life Begins to Change by Susan

Before I get into my story this week, I just want to take a moment to talk about the great news we received this week. The guys have written a new book with a beautiful title! “Quello Che Porto Nel Cuore” (“What I Carry in My Heart”) The title draws up images of beautiful moments that the guys experienced and probably some that we’ve experienced with them.

In the description of the book, it says: …. the bond that the three artists have with their lands of origin, with their roots and their families and traditions, remains very strong, and always represents an emotional and sentimental comfort.
In the book the three boys talk about themselves, precisely in the light of that indissoluble bond that characterizes their artistic expression: an intimate, personal and extremely intense story of their past, their present and their future.
I know your first question is, “Is it in English?” Right now, no, but down the line, let’s wait and see. In the meantime, you may be able to buy an ebook in Italian and if you have the ability to translate into English on your computer or iPhone, iPad or Tablet, you can order the book in Italian and translate it. Read my message at the end of this story about signing up for the eBook.
I know another question you have is will I write about this book like I have been writing about “Un’avventura straordinaria: La nostra storia.” Right now, no! I will certainly comment about the book, but I will not relive the story with you.
I only started writing about “Un’avventura straordinaria: La nostra storia,” five years after it was published.  It’s only fair that the guys have the opportunity to sell their book without interference. As an author I understand how important that is. Maybe a year from now I will write about it. What I want is for all of you to buy the book, even if you can’t read Italian, and hold on to it until I can write about it.

Congratulations, guys! We’ve been waiting a long time for this.

So, it’s time to go back to where we left off in our story last week. Let’s listen to Piero tell us how he progressed in his musical education and let’s explore what happens When Life Begins to Change for the guys….

Piero begins, as he always does….
From that day in some ways my father has changed his life, for him I have become a priority.
Since then, he started taking me to the first festivals, but I was too young, we understood that I needed to “put a base”, because the voice alone was not enough. Then Dad asked himself: ‘What must Piero start to do?’ And the answer was: ‘Piero must start playing the piano.’
When dad thought I could take piano lessons, I was four or five years old. When I actually started, I was eight or nine.
In those four years between the cassette with the recording of ‘Un Amore Così Grande’ and my first time sitting at the keyboard of a piano, in practice who took care of my ‘musical education?’ My grandfather.
As I told you, he has a great passion for music, composes songs in dialect and is a popular singer of popular music in the country.
In Naro there are many folk groups because it was the capital of the Almond Blossom Festival, which today is still celebrated but with the name of Primavera Narese.
Keeping this traditional festival alive has meant keeping alive the musical tradition of folk groups. So many guys are singing in these groups, and I was singing too. That’s how I started, learning the songs of Sicilian folklore.
So, I started studying piano only at the age of eight, but, there are two thoughts.
First, my father really wanted me to train musically in a serious way starting from the piano, but economically we could not afford to face the costs of the lessons and the purchase of the plan. It was my grandfather who paid everything, and not just from the material point of view.
Yes, because every Monday it was he who accompanied me to class.

Stefano Tesè, my first piano teacher, lived right under his house. Or rather, the mother of the teacher Tesè lived in the floor below my grandfather’s house and the master came to see her every Monday from Realmonte, a town thirty kilometers from Naro. Taking advantage of the visit, he had agreed to give me lessons. So, every Monday at six I showed up at his door.
The road (to his house) was very short, I could even go there alone, but, and here is the second thought, to get there I had to face a dog that was going around in that area, that dog approached and began to bark furiously. And I have a fear of dogs.

Squeezed under my grandfather’s arm, he being blind actually need to be guided, I felt protected as behind a shield: when the dog approached, he shouted: “Passa arrassu!” (fast pass), go away, and the dog went away.
I confess there would be a third thought. Besides the nightmare of the dog, every Monday six in the afternoon was a nightmare for me, because I did not like going to the piano lesson. Or rather, I liked it only when the lessons were good, when I could play, but at the beginning I was bored a lot with the hammers, the solfeggios and all the things that you rightly have to do to learn how to play the piano.
Maestro Tesè was a tough guy, and I was always worried that he would scold me. After a while I started to understand how the piano worked and the lessons started to please me.
But dad wanted me to train with my voice too.
You will notice that Piero has a lot to talk about in these stories. He is a great storyteller. When he tells you a story, he leaves nothing out. At the end of the story, you know everything there is to know about the event! Piero speaks more about his life than Ignazio or Gianluca. He can go on for hours especially when he is talking about family.
Piero continues….
At first not knowing how to do it, we attempted various things. My father on a Saturday night took me to Agrigento to buy one of those keyboards where they put the disks with the backing tracks and with that keyboard I sang at my grandfather’s house, alone and even with him.
But Dad had made up his mind that I had to study seriously.
The only advice everyone gave him was to take me to the choir that met in the church of Santo Spirito in Agrigento.
‘Why should I take Piero to the choir of the church, that they break my son’s voice?’ Dad used to say. But we did not know that this was not just any choir.
I remember it as if it was yesterday. the first Saturday afternoon we went, my father and me.
The first thing I find myself in front of these guys who are in a semicircle. I enter, I hear them singing and immediately I see in the center of this semicircle a lady and a gentleman sitting at the piano.
I had just made the acquaintance of the Little Singers of the Philharmonic Association Santa Cecilia of Agrigento.
The association was founded in 1983 and has two choirs, one for white voices and one for adults. Until 2008 they also collaborated with the ‘Sistina’ Music Chapel of Rome, which led the choir to perform before the Pope during the Jubilee and which opened up to the best singers the possibility of doing an internship in Rome.
The master accompanist is Alfonso Lo Presti and the director of the chorus of white voices is the maestro, Marisa Bonfiglio.
I will owe everything in my life to this lady.

Marisa was right in the middle waiting for me because we had warned her that we would go to see the evidence to understand how it worked and to see if she would like me.
I arrive. I was ten years old and I was pretty chubby, and I find myself in the midst of all females and just two boys, Davide and Arturo.
After the greetings, ‘Buongiorno,’ ‘Buongiorno,’ Marisa asks me to introduce myself. ‘Hi, guys,’ I say. ‘I’m Piero, Piero Barone, I was born in 1993 and I like to sing.’
In a chorus what else should I say? If I was there, I had to like music, right? I thought it was the first thing to clarify.
At that point the master Bonfiglio makes me sit on the left, next to Davide and Arturo, while all the rest of the chorus, all females, were on the right.
Three males in a world of females: this number three will be my destiny, right?

Being three males in a world of females would be his destiny too!

Back to Piero….
We begin to sing: Easter songs, Christmas carols, church choirs.
With Davide and Arturo, we have established a very strong relationship, which continues today: we are still friends, we talk by phone when I’m far from Naro and when I come back home, we go out together as often as we can.
While we were in the choir, we were always attached to each other, we looked at the girls (with all that there!), But we were three losers of nine to ten years, losers! So, the girls did not look at us, and then in bottom we were interested only in singing.
I went there to be with them, I could not wait to have fun together. We were fine together.
Marisa never scolded anyone, but if we were disturbing, she looked a little like that and said ‘Guys,’ and we were immediately serious again.
We performed at Easter parties, Christmas, there was a real tour of the choir, four or five concerts during which we choristers had to always put a burgundy gilet that I will never forget.
I remember these entrances, because first we always sang the ‘big’ chorus and then we entered, the little ones: the first little girls entered, while I, Davide and Arturo closed the row. I remember that feeling of having all the eyes of the people watching us. Chills!
Even more chilling when the tour of the choir stopped in Naro, and I knew that there would be the whole family and all the people I knew and loved. It was an incredible emotion.
And then, at thirteen, there also was additional fun because my dad gave me a motorbike for my birthday. It was a big one, and I used to use it in the village even if I did not yet have a license. I did little laps, but one of those little laps was to get to the church when there was a concert by the Santa Cecilia choir. But I swear that now I drive only if I have a driving license!
As I have already told you, every year in the choir there was a selection for an internship in Rome held by the choir director of the Cappella Musicale Ponteficia ‘Sistina.’ (The choir singing for the Pope). Actually, the selection and the internship were for adult tenors, but Marisa Bonfiglio said to my father: ‘Take Piero, let’s make him listen to the master.
By now I was close to that period called ‘change of the voice.’
What is the change of the voice? It is the passage from the white voice, the acute one of the children, to the adult voice, to explain it in two words.
For those who sing is a difficult moment, we must stop if we do not want to risk ruining our voice.
When that moment arrived for me, we needed a technical opinion on what to do, and understand what my potentialities were at that point.
That day I had dressed in red, all red from head to toe.
They make my presentation, I start to sing, I could still sing, I was at the limit, and I start the ‘Ave Maria.’
The other tenors had arrived at the end of the piece all red in the face for the effort. Because singing requires a much greater physical effort than one imagines.
In short, I finish the song, the teacher looks at me, looks at Marisa Bonfiglio, looks at my father, looks at all the others: ‘Do you see this guy? He has everything red, except his face: he sang with incredible ease.’
And to my father’s question, ‘What could I do with my son?’ The master replied: ‘Mr. Barone, now your son is having a change of voice, in his throat there is a diamond. What would I do in his place? I would take this diamond, put it in a safe and hide the keys. Between two years we reopen this safe.’
And so, we did….

Let’s move on to Marsala to see what Ignazio is up to….
It is a mystery that Piero and I have never met in some competition. He has done almost all those in Sicily and I have made some of them and I also started in the same period, around eleven-twelve years, after more or less a year that I lived in Marsala.
Yes, in 2004, there had been this great change: the economic stability that mom Caterina and dad Vito were looking for had arrived, mom had also regained her health and then what do we do? We return to live in Marsala.
Let’s say that my parents had always thought that sooner or later they would be back in Sicily, but my sister also had her part in the choice.
Every time we went on holiday in Marsala in the summer, for her it was a pain to go back to Bologna, as reasonable as a speech given the beauty of Sicily and since she left a lot of friends and all the rest of our family in Marsala.

However, in the end, July 24, 2004, we moved permanently down.
At the beginning, however, I did not accept Sicilian life. It was difficult for me to set myself up at school because the programs were very different from the school where I had trained. The consequence? I was seen by everyone as “the polentone” of the situation, it will have been the Bolognese accent …….
Let’s say that at the beginning I did not take it very well.
Mom remembers a lunch at my paternal grandmother’s house when she was so hurt by my words that she started to cry because I had said this phrase: ‘I recommend you, if I die you must take me to Bologna.’
Fortunately, there are friends. I met some close to home that made me change my mind.
Let’s start from the assumption, if there is still any need for it, that being lively every now and then some damage I would combine it.

And when I combined the damage in Bologna, notes at school and various red crosses, my punishments were: ironing, washing dishes, cleaning the floors, in short, housework.
You imagine now the teasing that I had to take from Vito, Vincenzo and Ivan, my new friends of Marsala, every time I combined something, mom had me do the housework.
One day, I face my mother. ‘Dear mom,’ I tell her, ‘The pleasure is over, you are not going to make fun of me anymore.’
Bologna’s punishment ended up straight straight ‘nu puzzu’ (in the well): it was there that we went after school. We arrived at home, ate something and then everyone ran behind the house to the well, that is a square that had in the center this closed water well.
With Vito and Vincenzo, and sometimes Ivan, it was there that we decided what to do: build huts, play the game of the week, go for a bike ride, in short, everything and more, and right there we met to go to school football that was just two kilometers from our home.
And sometimes, in the middle of a challenge or under a hut under construction, you could hear shouting ‘Ignazio!’ and everything stopped.
We stopped breathing a second and descended silent.
Mom wanted me to go home and do my homework.
She wanted, but I did not always agree.

During the first year, mum has come back and forth from the center of Marsala every day to be able to realize her great dream: to open a pizzeria of her own.
First thing: she went back and forth from the office for the permits and all the bureaucratic things that were needed.
Second thing: she went to the ovens of friends and make pizzas.
I remember it very well. She went from one oven to another and tried so many types of flour, she tried the dough, she tried so many types of mozzarellas so when she finally opened the pizzeria, she already knew how to prepare the right dough.
Because it is different to make pizza in Bologna and make it to Marsala, take the word of a son and a brother of a pizza maker: it is different because it depends on the humidity, the temperature, the type of flour. It’s not a simple matter to make a really good pizza.
So, mom did these two things alone, but to build the pizzeria physically the job was for a team and involved the whole family, dad first because he had started working in a company that built wooden structures.

For a whole year, in every free moment, my father dedicated himself to building the pizzeria for my mother and I loved to help him, so much so that when there were a few days of school vacation I went to work with him. ‘
You will think that I tell you about the pizzeria under construction, but I am not a pizza maker. Of course, but if there had not been the pizzeria, perhaps I would never have started singing seriously.
Because in the meantime, while the pizzeria grew, into me grew more and more the passion for electronics and music.
I had started to be part of the elementary school choir and my dad, who was more passionate about electronics than me, had bought me a mixer, a microphone and two speakers, with which we started doing the easiest thing that could be done with that instrumentation: karaoke.
I really enjoyed singing the songs of Andrea Bocelli and Giorgia.
A year later in 2005, mum inaugurated the Pizzeria dei Desideri.
Within a few months she already had her regular customers. And since the pizzeria was right in front of the house, when I was singing at home, the customers could hear me. One day a gentleman says to my mother: ‘You know, my daughter is studying singing, why don’t you come with your son once? Even just to try.’
As usual, we talked about it in the family and the enthusiasm was immediately great for everyone. It was decided: I would go and see what this singing lesson was like.
I remember it as if it were yesterday, and instead ten years have passed!
I wore a yellow shirt with green stripes. Fashion was never my strong point. With Arianna, the daughter of pizzeria customer who had heard me sing, and her mother, I waited for more than twenty minutes for Liliana Andreanò, the singing teacher, to arrive in front of the school.
She arrived with a grey Opel Astra. She got out of the car, and we entered immediately into school.
I was worried, almost embarrassed. Hard to believe, right? Even as a child I’ve never been the type to be speechless.
In the studio we began to talk about music, what kind of songs I liked to sing, and it was already a strange thing because usually I just sang, no one asked me why and how.
But what did I like to sing? ‘You know, Liliana,’ I told her, ‘I like to sing Giorgia’s songs.’
‘Strange for a kid to sing this kind of song,’ she replied. ‘And which song of Giorgia would you like to make me listen to?’
‘Gocce Di Memoria.’(Drops of Memory) I did not even have a doubt.
I start singing and Liliana is amazed by my extension but asks me to try a male song too.
I thought a little bit and then I said to her: ‘Sometimes I even sing ‘Con Te Partito’ by Andrea Bocelli.’
I started singing and, and when I finished Liliana told me: ‘Ignazio, this is your musical direction.’
This is one of my favorite videos. I listen to it quite often!  So young and so emotional! He feels every word!

From that first lesson we began to study songs like ‘Il Mare Calmo Della Sera, Un Amore Cosi Grande’ and all those that came to mind – and that liked me – that approached that genre that was not lyrical, it was modern music but with something classic.
With Liliana, I found myself very well, we understood each other immediately because she is a sociable person, simple, as are all of us in the family.
After several lessons, she proposes me to take part in a bullfight organized in Paolini, a fraction of the Municipality of Marsala.
I was not completely convinced that I wanted to get on a stage. Until that moment I had only thought about singing, but I had never seriously thought that all that singing one day could bring me into the spotlight.
In short, I was afraid. Fear of making mistakes. Fear of not being able to face the stage, but just to gain mastery on stage, Liliana urged me to participate, and so in the end I decided.
I was about to get on the bullfight stage. My legs were trembling, the butterflies in my stomach were no longer butterflies but crazy swallows.
I had decided to participate with the song by Bocelli ‘Con Te Partirò’ (Time to say goodbye), a song that we had studied and re-studied with Liliana, but as soon as the music started, I had a terrible fear of forgetting the words.
So, what did I do? I watched all the time down. So, the audience in that place, what happened around me while I was singing, it’s not that I do not remember anything, I just do not know because I only saw the tips of my feet.
Fortunately, however, I remembered all the words and it is not so obvious because sometimes it happens to forget the words even today that we have become professionals, the emotion continues to take us despite everything – and I came third.
Once the ice was broken and the stage panic was over, that ended up being just the first of many competitions.
And so, with the ice broken for Ignazio, his life is starting to move in a new direction. He’s realizing that his music is his greatest passion and he’s facing the reality that his life is all about music.
Let’s move on to Montepagano to listen to Gianluca’s continuing story….
Yes, we were lucky all three to have the families we had. Ignazio and Piero were able to study music thanks to the sacrifices, and even big ones, of their families.
I’ve never studied it, if I have to tell the truth, but the music at home has always been there.
My grandfather Ernesto, as my father says, has been a musician since he was a boy: he played the contralto flugelhorn in the band of the town, he toured all of Abruzzo doing performances with the band, and has always been a lover of the opera.
My father Ercole, instead studied music, played drums and sometimes he still does it. Let’s say he’s more rock than grandfather!
Dad and mom Leonora realized that I had something special in my voice when I started to sing the initials of cartoons, at three or four years. But, as it has always been, they let things take their way without ever forcing me.
My grandfather was the first to think of bringing me closer to music. He prefers Claudio Villa to Domenico Modugno, he has very classic tastes, more ‘popular’ I would say. He is one of those gentlemen who fifty years ago listened to Luciano Tajoli, but he is also an opera lover.

So, around the age of eight or ten, I began to listen to classical music, opera, especially Luciano Pavarotti, and some genre of music from the Fifties to the Sixties.
My grandfather took the tape recorder, put in the cassettes and, my parents told me, it seemed like I was immersing myself in those notes.
As they tell me that, when I was three years old, I sang ‘O Sole Mio’ in the town square in front of all the elderly gentlemen friends of my grandfather who, sitting around the bar table, were listening to this little boy with such a particular voice.
They were my first audience. Too bad I do not remember!
Grandfather also wanted me to study music, he always told me: ‘Gianluca, study the piano, study an instrument.’
Unfortunately, I’ve never done it. It would be a dream to sit down on the piano and start playing and singing. Let’s say it’s one of my next goals: learning to play the piano and take the license!
In the same period in which my grandfather made me listen to classical music, Pavarotti and music from the Fifties-Sixties, my father made me feel Fabrizio De Andrè, Francesco De Gregori, Giorgio Gaber, Antonello Venditti and, as I grew older, I became more passionate about singing, including the great American classics, first of all Frank Sinatra.

This was the moment when they ruled the Latin Market. Look at how José José is watching and listening to these three amazing young men. When a National Treasure looks at you that way, you know you have arrived!
So, let’s say that as a child I had a beautiful musical culture.
What was left of that period? The classical opera no, because today I do not listen to it, it is not part of me, and I do not feel it particularly mine. The only opera singer I keep listening to is Andrea Bocelli, but I have come to him by another road.
My father began to follow me in 2009 when we signed the contract with Universal and began the adventure with Il Volo. Until then, dad and mom have always worked, my father was a worker, and my mother was responsible for the quality control of the product, always in the factory.
So, when I went to school, in the afternoon I went to a kind of after-school session with nuns. We were about ten children in class, and we had a teacher named Gabriella.

One afternoon, while we were doing homework, all of a sudden, I got up and started singing ‘Time To Say Goodbye,’ as I had heard from Andrea Bocelli. I had no CD of my own, but I happened to listen to him on the radio and I liked to go crazy.
The teacher was speechless.
‘What a voice you have, what a wonderful voice,’ she tells me.
‘But do you know Andrea Bocelli?’
She could not believe how it was possible for such a small child to have such a voice and to know a singer of that kind.
‘Of course, I know him, he’s my idol, my favorite singer,’ I reply, with a certain pride.
‘Only I do not have his CD yet.’ It was something that really displeased me.
‘I’ll bring it to you tomorrow, I’ll gift it to you’ was the teacher’s answer.
I was seven, maybe eight years old. And thanks to her I was able to start listening to Andrea Bocelli as often as I wanted.
If you are wondering why I suddenly sang ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ at that age?

The answer is simple: because it made me feel good.
When I was little, I sang only for that. I only did two competitions, small things in the country. Usually, I would sing at home or in situations where I felt protected as if I were at home – the afterschool, for example and I was happy. I did not care to make myself heard from others, others were asking me (to sing).
It also happened at school.
The teacher knew about this particular voice of mine and in the classroom, in front of my classmates, about twenty children of my age, every now and then she would tell me: ‘Gianluca, sing for us, guys, let’s listen to Gianluca’s voice.’
Do you know how I reacted? I sang, of course, because it was the teacher who asked, but first I went to hide behind the blackboard and put myself face to the wall. I was ashamed to die. I still remember that feeling of being hidden, while I sang, without seeing anyone.
Also, because I was already singing with this voice that tended to the baritones, it was really special. I understood that it was a beautiful thing, which everyone liked, but I was still ashamed. Dad says I also did it at home to turn my face to the wall while I was singing.
What could I do? I was a very shy and a little insecure child. I’ve always been looking for confirmations since I was a child.
At school I was the most loved by teachers just because I was the sweetie, the most sensitive because of my shyness.
Today I have forgotten the shyness, it is one of those I consider defects of when I was a child that now I managed to overcome.
Instead, what I have not changed is the constant need for confirmation.
On social networks, for example, you see my selfies and people think I do it because I’m vain, but in reality, I need constant fan approval, I need to know that they support me.
And when I was a child, I remember very well, with the kindergarten teachers I did more or less the same thing, because I went to them, and I always asked: “So ‘bavo me? Eh? So’bavo me?” (I’m good? Eh? I’m good?)

In kindergarten, though, it’s easy to be good. At school it was definitely more challenging.
I’ve always been a lazy man; I’ve never been a great scholar. I went to the after-school afternoon and my good grades I took them home.
I liked algebra in middle school, I did expressions with a lot of taste.
But most of all I have always been fascinated by languages: Spanish, French, English. I did not have a hard time studying them, I am naturally inclined to study languages.

I remember that when we sang the first songs in English and Spanish, I was the one who took the least time to do the right phrase, with the right pronunciation, because I immediately feel the musicality of foreign languages.
And then I listened to Sinatra who has a perfect pronunciation and I understand every single word of every song he sang. It was a great way to learn the pronunciation and even the songs.
If after middle school I did not choose to go to linguistic high school, it was only because we thought that with the work I would have traveled and I would have learned the languages directly.
So, in 2009, I enrolled in the classical high school as a privatist and studied the Greek and Latin versions, the French translations without errors.
Also, difficult versions. I liked Greek more than Latin.
Then unfortunately I had to stop in the second year, I could no longer support the rhythms, it was too demanding.
But when I can, I read, it’s a pleasure for me.
If I have any regrets about my school years? It is not having studied music when I was ten or eleven. But there is still time.
How was I at that age? Very shy and a little insecure I said, but also a little immature and too instinctive.
I am very critical with myself about my adolescence, because I realize that now I have really changed, even with the boys.
In quarrels, for example, maybe it happened that I also answered in an annoying way because I was the one, I felt at that time, and I could not wait until then.
Piero, for example, took some good kicks from me. Once, I practically threw a pizza at Ignazio in front of the Universal Canadian official in a restaurant in Montreal (a shrimp flew off the pizza and hit the official of Universal, I mean really). But I was small and very, very impulsive….
That was then….
Gianluca certainly had many issues maybe because he was so insecure. But that has all changed.
What I did notice from Gianlucas story was he realized at a very young age what their three voices were about. On other occasions he has said, “I thought there were three hundred thousand boys singing like me,” but of course he found out the first time they sang together that there were only two other voices like his. “Piero and Ignazio!”
I think Gianlucas description of his voice, “it was really special,” as a child explains all three voices. How very special they were. How important each voice was in his own range, weight and timbre even at such an early age. This was remarkable! Each had this special voice which was something that no child at such an early age should have but, in fact, each one had this unbelievable voice that just couldn’t be explained. Except if you attribute it to a higher being!
Can you imagine what their parents must have thought about their voices. Did they think it was rare and unusual or did they not recognize the miracle in front of them? An interesting thought!

This week the guys were on a journey to find their voices. It was the time When Life Begins to Change for them. They are now facing their fate for the first time. Starting with the choir for Piero, the stage for Ignazio and the realization of what your voice is about for Gianluca.
Join me next week as I go back Through the Fields of My Mind and open the door to a new adventure!

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On your computer there may be a translator which will translate Italian into English. If you have the ability to translate, go to https://www.kobo.com/ and sign up. After you sign up, order the ebook. It will go into your KOBO account on November 8th.
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Another possibility is to install the Google Translate app on you iPhone, iPad or Tablet and translate the story page by page. There is a camera mode that you use to take a picture of the text and it translates it. Then you can save it and send it to your email. It will take some time to do but it will be worth it in the end. And you will have an app that will translate other stories that are in Italian that are about the guys. Google Translate is a free app.

If you would like to share a story with me, please email:  susan.flightcrew@yahoo.com

To read more Il Volo stories visit us at www.ilvoloflightcrw.com
*Excerpts from Il Volo, Un’avventura straordinaria, La nostra storia.

16 thoughts on “When Life Begins to Change by Susan”

  1. I loved reading every single word about their lives! Thank you so much for sharing with us. Sending love to my favorite singers😘😘😘

  2. Thank you very much. I have read so many times. I am a mad fan of Il Volo three very talented guys. 🌟🌟🌟👏👏👏❤️ Three stars, bravissimo that I love and appreciate so much.

  3. Susan, thank you sooooo much for sharing! I will try to get the ebook and get it translated into English. I just love hearing and reading as much as I can about Gianluca, Ignazio, Piero – I just love them and their music. Long live IL VOLO! Thanks again. You are doing an amazing job in keeps us fans informed.

  4. Well it looks as though I will have to do what I did with the first book, aka, buy it! It is actually a good way to help with learning Italian as good as Google Translate is, sometimes it gets things a little mixed up. Balloon instead of ball (soccer) for instance.

    I bought the first one from Amazon, and will do so again with the second. It will be yet another Christmas prezzie from me to me! The other one is The Best of 10 Years. Yes, I already have a copy, but not with the DVD. Soooo, I will donate the copy I have to my friend Christine, and keep the one with the DVD. 🙂

    I will make her a fan of Il Volo if it kills her! She doesn’t know it yet, but I have already bought her the Notte Magica CD/DVD. I posted the same CD to my friend Penny in Tasmania. She had never heard of Il Volo, well she has now! She, being a singer herself in her early days, rates Piero very highly. She reckons he has the voice to do Wagner. Sheesh, I hope he doesn’t, like Penny, I find it way too heavy. Give me Italian opera any day, even if written by Handel. 🙂

  5. Dear Susan
    It will be really nice to read this book that they did together they are truly a beautiful family
    Love Jenny

  6. Good idea, Roz! Think I’ll get the Italian version from Amazon too. My niece is married to a lovely Italian man and perhaps I can talk him into translating it for me, page by page. I keep them supplied with Il Volo CDs, so he just may help me out.

    Thanks, Susan, for another superb story, or should I say stories? Dol

  7. Susan, that video of Ignazio singing Il Mare Calmo is also one of my very favorites. I saved it to my computer many years ago (how funny that sounds!) I think I found it before the first Detroit PBS concert if that’s possible.

  8. Thank you for including Il Mare Calmo. I like watching those very early videos of Ignazio partly to see when he will become brave enough to open his eyes. Hard to believe it’s the same guy who turned into such an imp on stage.
    I don’t find early videos of Piero but there are some of Gianluca including his version of I’m Mare Calmo.

    1. The video of Gianluca singing Mare Calmo is beautiful but it does not have the intensity, the emotion–the oomph! of Ignazio’s version. For that reason I prefer the early one of Gianluca singing Vivo per lei with Sara Pischedda, as my favorite early Gianluca video. If you haven’t seen it you can find it easily on youtube.

  9. Hi Susan, wow! Thanks once again for the great stories about our favorite 3! I have purchased both books on kindle with the hope of translating them…one the gals suggested bing for translation but I could only find a Microsoft version. Is Kobo an app? I’m desperate to get them translated so I can read them. Everytime you write about them I learn more. It’s hard to get my head around Ignazio ever being shy!😅
    I had floors laid in my bedrooms today with Il VOLO on Alexa all day…the two men are Spanish and Italian and they were singing with some of the songs! Great fun!
    Thanks for always making my day more enjoyable!
    Blessings, Carol💕

    1. Kobo is an app. I purchased through KOBO because on Amazon I couldn’t get the eBook. I could read most of it but I translated anyway. With KOBO I had to go page by page but it’s a small book so it was okay. I already read it!

      1. In my excitement about the release of the new book I believe I omitted to say thank you. Sooooo albeit a bit late, I am saying it now.

        Anywhoo, I have bought the new book (Kindle) and am currently transcribing it into English with the help (and occasional hinderance) of Google Translate. Something must be getting through to my brain as although I have left the translation as given. I will try cleaning the fluffs at a later date.

        There are times when Google Translate wants to alter Piero’s words. When it does that it alters not only the translation, but gives a completely different meaning to what I believe Piero is saying.

        I did try copy and paste, but I was only allowed to do that on a small part of the first chapter. In a way I was quite pleased about that, as it although it takes longer to do it the manual way, there is a satisfaction in knowing that I am picking up new words and phrases as I go along. 🙂

        I can also see how certain words interact with each other. For instance in English we have ‘a’ and ‘an’, depending on what follows those depends on which one is used. There are loads of other examples in both English and Italian, no doubt other languages too. Soooo I reckon my nearly £9 is money well spent. 🙂

        Will I buy the book when it comes out in English? You bet ya. One day I will get to see them live, so perhaps they will be kind enough to sign it for me. Please note I said ‘when’ and ‘I will’. 😉

        Roz 🙂

  10. Thank you for sharing the story of the guys…It was wonderful..it was as if they were telling me their story in person…I loved it and of course I love Il Volo…I have been a fan right from the start when I first heard and saw them on American Idol on television…I was drawn to their amazing beautiful voices…and will be their fan for life–no other singers have had that impact on me…

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