In Case You Missed it…..August 11

In Case You Missed It

thCAI1VE801.)  We would be remiss in not acknowledging the passing, at age 84 of singer, Eydie Gorme. Ms Gorme was a popular pop and jazz singer since the 50’s. She and her husband, Steve Lawrence toured the world as a duo for decades. She also did some spanish albums, notably “Amor” with her rendition of “Historia de Un Amor”.
Meheaton emailed this to “The Boy’s” manager, Michele Torpedine. Mr Torpedine did respond with his sympathies. I believe some of you received a copy of the e-mail.

2.) If you haven’t yet, check Il Volo Mundial Facebook for some very cute pictures of Gianluca with a fan, she looks so happy and he was very sweet with her.

3.) There is a notice on Mundial to show “The Boys” some respect and privacy in their private lives. Apparently there were some insulting tweets going on because Piero had a tweet from a Mexican actress.

4.) Il Volo will be special guests of “The Pooh” in Salerno on 8/12.  There is still no word on when they will return here to the USA.

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