Il Volo Professional ~~ The Media Tour Continues

All the professional dealings of Il Volo
All the professional dealings of Il Volo

As usual, not touring every night does not mean that Il Volo is not busy.  🙂  They have been very busy this week…so there is more to come.  🙂

~~ Kelly


Die grosse Drei Lander Show

Libiamo, O sole mio, Nessun dorma Medley

Video:  Die grosse Drei Länder Show ~~



Domenica Live

Photos: Il Volo a Domenica live – 02/10/2016 ~~ Il Volo Sicilia Facebook

Video: I ragazzi de “Il Volo” ~~

Video: Il momento magico de “Il Volo” ~~ 

Video:La storia dei tre ragazzi ~~ 


Just Because

I know how this feels….     😉




42 thoughts on “Il Volo Professional ~~ The Media Tour Continues”

  1. Thank you so much. I could watch and listen to them all day!! They really make one’s day so much better.Now to get on with the mundane things in life…ironing, cleaning etc.

      1. In the thirteenth photos, the girls holding up the two large yellow posters have written:

        I do not want the prince with the white horse, but Ignazio with Walter

        We had to find to tell you how much we need you.

    1. Thanks for all the photos and videos Lydka. Watching some of this video in Catania of them signing, it seemed extremely chaotic and almost frightening in some cases. This has to be exhausting! I don’t know how they can do all this with their schedule as busy as it is.

      1. Margaret, yes, it’s definitely exhausting. I admire their patience and maintaining of helpful and kind approach. Have a beautiful day !

    2. This Catania video is a riot, Lydka! I can’t stop laughing! The poor guys are getting beaten up by Kisses & Choke-Holds. Their faces are going to bruised from all those lips. Too funny! Bless them ( & their well-intentioned, loving fans!).:)

      1. Laura,wonder whether it is pleasant for them ? This is the reason for which I wouldn’t want to be a famous person. 🙂 I don’t like intimate contact with strangers, and isn’t polite to kiss a man whom I don’t know personally. The Italians, however, are different in nature. 🙂 I’m probably “ice queen”. 😀 I wish you a nice day.

    3. Hi, again, Lydka, I don’t think they were enjoying it as much by about the 25th person! (Gianluca and Piero seemed to be having the most physical discomfort. I wonder if Gianluca and Piero had sore necks the next day!). They are smart, though, and big-hearted, so I imagine they were constantly having to remind themselves that this is their fans’ only chance to show their love and appreciation for them. They probably had a mantra going on in their minds, such as “This, too, shall pass!”. LOL! I would not want to be famous, either. I suspect that you and I have already “been there, done that” in a past life?! 🙂 You sure seem to have a strong moral center, Lydka. I have felt that about you, You always strike me here as being a very honest, fair, considerate and forthright person. ( I wish YOU were running for President here in the USA!) 🙂 I wish for you a really good day, Lydka.

      1. Laura,
        famous people have the job to be nice to people for public events. 🙂 I like your mantra, generally mantras are often helpful. Today they had autograph session in Palermo, tomorrow will be in Rome, so hope they stay healthy.Again I repeat, I admire their patience and kind approach in all circumstances to the fans. Already I have had many past lives, but do not know if I was famous, in a previous , past lives also I was interested in flowers, nature healing, minerals, gemstones… and in one life, I lived in Indonesia. Thanks for your nice words and compliments. I try to be honest, fair, considerate and forthright person, but as each person, I have also bad characters in my nature. I sincerely greet you, have beautiful days ! 🙂
        (I do not like politics.)

      2. I swear that this isn’t ” O.C.D.” (obsessive-compulsive disorder)!! Just had to respond because, like you, I ‘ve apparently had many past lives, too. Maybe it’s a case of “Takes one to know one” 🙂 Even though I’ve never met you, I can tell that you are a very old Soul ! I can easily imagine you having been interested in the things of nature, as you described. Indonesia! So interesting! A Buddhist Monk whom I met once told me about a few of my past lives which explains a fascination & longing for a certain group of countries that I had had from the time I can remember anything. It’s interesting to me how that longing dissipated only several years ago. That’s a good thing, though, because I think it means that I’m finally ready to move forward from those experiences and those times. You made me laugh when you added that you have no interest in politics. (Me, neither, really), but that’s fine, Lydka; I still think you’d make a good leader, self-admitted flaws and all ! ! 🙂 I know I’m a kind of stranger to you, but I can’t help this: UN GRANDE BACHIO, Lydka!

      3. Laura, I think, that right name is “the decency to reply”. 😀 We have good behavior. Your words are also interesting. Maybe in the future I will also learn more about my past lives.It is a long road of learning ahead of me… I am a person who seeks the truth and the path of the soul, interested in spiritual things from childhood. I hope that I will be able once to reach higher level of the state of the soul, how I wish, and I will be helpful to others. My dream is to make this world better place for life, to see better people, happier, more satisfied, with peace in the souls and love in the hearts. Infinite light of God’s wisdom and presence offers his love to is necessary to be quiet and to listen to your inner voice, open your heart wide, open your temple of treasures and give wings faith in miracles and the correct determination of life’s journey comes with angels sitting on your shoulder,spark of light shines in each of us, just the flame must be maintained with constantly work on oneself. I think Il Volo also bring together the souls of good people around the world with their music, they are like messengers that transmit through the music the light of the love of God. Surely,they are also old souls. Maybe we all met in the past ! 🙂 My mom, also interested in these things, sincerely greets you ! Hugs and kisses to you. 🙂

    4. Greetings, Lydka’s Mom!! Your daughter there is Already a beautiful Soul – – What a dream she holds in her heart- – to serve & help the world’s people. You Must be a special Lady, too. Lydka, I agree with you about Il Volo being messengers of Light & Love through their beautiful music, use of their voices for Good and their example as people. I agree that they are old Souls. Frankly, you & they are further along the path than I because you are Already trying to Live the principles of Goodness (Yes, Lydka, you are!) I think,too, that this Il Volo site attracts similar people. Yes;maybe we have All met before – -including Il Volo! Hmmm…! By the way, you have a dignity about you that I’ve noticed here all along. Wish I could conduct myself with such consistent dignity as you! ( That could be a credit to your Mom as well; believe me!). Too often I forget that this is a Public site! omg 🙁 Too late now!!:) UN GRANDE,GRANDE BACIO to You and your Mom! “XXOO”

  2. I am going off topic to say that it is 8.20 p.m. in England and 9.20 in Italy. The concert of “Una Notte Magica” is about to start on Canale 5. As my DVD has still not arrived from Amazon, I am super-excited at the prospect of seeing it even if I know that it will be interrupted by lots of commercials. I will edit those out later on my PVR. For those of you who have already received the DVD, I will soon know what you already know. From now on, I am maintaining strict radio silence!

    1. Bernard we feel after for the comments !!
      Until now it’s amazing, they interspersed with interviews made on Lake Como. I already have the DVD but is mounted slightly different, there are not all back when they go out and discussed with each other.
      See you later.

      1. Bernard, remember that immediately after the concert there is the interview the boys to Matrix program.

  3. Thanks Kelley, Lydka and Daniela for all this information. Marie must be packing to go on her Italian tour but she certainly would agree with the young girl “forget the knight with shining armor just give Ignazio on any of the horses he now owns.”

  4. The Catania event in the video here must have been nerve-wracking – & deafening – for Il Volo! They’d never permit that form of large, in-store appearance anywhere else on Earth, nowadays! They appear to be trying their best to be & look appreciative; it’s painfully obvious! Poor guys. They remind me of the ever-polite & patient Elvis Presley when he was faced with so many fans at once. It looks hot in there,too!:( Thanks for these videos & info., dear Ladies.

    1. Piero oozes self-confidence in the picture of him standing with those great, big men! NO ‘Napolean Complex’ in Piero ! So- self-assured!

      1. Height is not the most important but the “size ” of the heart and soul. 🙂 Have a nice day !

  5. Hello everyone, I have to tell you that I also saw videos instore in Catania I thought “that chaos” but I expected a little. In an interview the boys have said that when they do the instore in Italy more descend from north to south, the warmth of the people increases, and have compared the south of Italy as Latin America.

    But now I want to comment on the broadcast last night of the concert UNA NOTTE MAGICA by Channel 5.
    I do not know how many of you were able to see him (apart from Bernard) but in my opinion it was a great airing. The concert by now we all know is beautiful but did not stop to broadcast only the DVD, there is a long interview placed between songs and the other recorded on Lake Como.
    Also there are lots of backstory where you can hear their comments to the executions, their emotions and their doubts, recorded on stage. Exciting.
    After you see the concert, how wonderful hugs with parents and the embrace between PIERO IGNAZIO and Gianluca, gorgeous.
    They were not aired the three orchestral pieces and then three individual songs (Tonight, Aranjuez and Non Puede Ser) and of course missing Adeste Fideles that there is not even in the DVD, in fact I’m glad to have it recorded that night because the DVD does not exist.
    After the concert there was an interview in the MATRIX program and I thought it was seen that they are registered in Sicily, instead were live link from Catania (where they finished the instore). They were very good and mature in the responses, also they said that in several countries are first in the standings. Pride.
    In short, a wonderful evening, all started at 21:30 and ended almost 01:00.

    Only very negative note and that all legacy disgusted …….
    After the concert Roberto Cenci (sets that put the boys to TI LASCIO UNA CANZONE) did this horrible comment on twitter:
    Surely this man is gnawing their success. It was a very low blow and the Italian fans are very angry.

    Those of you who have seen this broadcast?
    I’d like to know your comments.

    1. Daniela, I sent Kelly full videos from concert and Matrix show and also photos. I assume that she will do a post about it. I wish you nice day ! Hugs !

    2. CIAO, Daniella, I’m so sorry that I don’t totally understand what Roberto Cenci, who first put The Boys together on the last airing of TI LASCIO UNA CANZONE, said on Twitter. I understand that it wasn’t very nice, though, from what you wrote (above). Is he jealous of their success? Or that they proceeded to become successful without him ‘At The Helm’ ( or, as ‘The Pilot’), so to say? I would think that Il Volo must have thanked him at some point for his inspired idea of putting their voices together on that last show in 2009. Now I’m curious as to what is exactly bothering him. (You will be getting together before long with Marie & Jane; that is amazing to me!).

      1. It is past midnight in England. I have just returned home from a work event that kept me in London.

        I have to agree with Daniela. The program on Canale 5 was wonderful. While I thought that I wanted to see the uninterrupted concert, in fact, I wanted to see this program!

        Instead of the concert running non-stop, Canale 5 put together a program where the guys spoke regularly to explain the difficulties in performing each aria and the background to each one. It was fascinating! I obtained a far greater understanding of the technical difficulties that they faced in undertaking this wonderful project than I could ever have imagined. Then we had almost an hour of extra material where the guys gave us even more information.

        Bravo ragazzi e bravo Canali 5. A wonderful evening. A treat for both the eyes and ears. They go from strength to strength!

      2. Hello Laura, I’m still angry about the bad bad bad person that has proven to be Roberto Cenci. After the concert, the “peasant” you are allowed to do this tweet:
        “When you do not know your limits and challenge the myths, you can not do that a paltry figure”
        ……. But how dare you? This is the one who had the bright idea of ​​putting together their voices and now so talk about them? Thank goodness that a person is no longer their manager and think that after a few minutes while they were live in transmission Matrix, they have appointed him saying that it was he who put them together. There are no words!!

      3. Hello Bernard, I had no doubt that you would have liked. It was a really nice drive, very well assembled and that made us understand many things about the guy. I was expecting Kelly to publish the video to comment below it and also feel your opinions. I still am very angry with Roberto Cenci as I wrote in response to Laura. Here ensued an uproar. In addition to certain Italian press that believe me when I read certain articles I make me regret being Italian !!!

    3. Thank you for describing the Broadcast for us all, Daniela & Bernard. I can only imagine the technical work-out to sing the arias. The breath-control, alone, amazes me. They love to sing & they are also brave, I think. By the way, Daniela, I have a couple of close relatives from Italia, one from the North & one from the South. The Piedmontese relative is more reserved & with a dignified bearing ( but a very warm heart) on the surface & the one from the Campania region is quite friendly,loquacious &’out-going’ (somewhat extroverted). (Both, however, can be stern at times). I can see why Il Volo feels at home with the South American & Southern Italian fans, for they seem, over-all, to be more comfortably & unreservedly Demonstrative in expressing what is in their hearts, compared with Northern Italians and (we) North Americans (as examples & GENERALLY-speaking, of course!).

      1. Laura, I think everywhere it is similar, the same difference between Western and Eastern Slovakia. People in Eastern Slovakia are more temperamental – spirited,hearty, friendly , hospitable, can enjoy life more and are ” crazy” (in my country we say “šaľene vychodňare ” :-), it means mad – šialený, východniari – word for people from Eastern Slovakia, východ is east, but I wrote it in our dialect. 😀
        My mom thanks you for the nice words and greeting. (She doesn’t speak English and has the same name as me. )She thinks, that you are also old soul, and very cheerful, optimistic, friendly, likeable person. Have a very beautiful and successful day ! 🙂 Hugs and kiss from us.

      2. Greetings, Lydka &” Mom” Lydka ! Thank You, both, so very much for your kind words; truly appreciated. It’s special to be able to share on this Il Volo site with you – so far away in Slovakia ! Isn’t it something how people are so much alike all over the world, regarding the ‘personality’ of the regions? It’s interesting that every country seems to have areas of the more “crazy” folks — the extroverts! Are you in Western Slovakia ? I saw and greatly enjoyed the pictures you had posted awhile back with the two singers and some of your own city in the background; marvelous. It’s fun seeing some of your own language spelled out here, Lydka. ( You do admirably well with English). “Mom” Lydka, do you enjoy Il Volo & their music, too? Wishing each of you a wonderful day, too! XXOO

      3. Laura,
        last September I presented on this site my town, is the biggest town in eastern Slovakia and second biggest town in my country. I am proud “východňarka”. I remember that I posted 2 songs and one was singing in eastern dialect, funny song. I am calm person, but I think in my heart, I am “východniarske dievča” (girl). My mom is also fan of Il Volo ! She loves them and their music, for her they are singing angels who came on this world to bring through their music divine love and light for people.When she is listening to them and closes her eyes , she sees always big angel with big wings. One of her favourite songs is Grande Amore (mainly their performance in the final of Eurovision) , and she loves aria Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. And we have the common favorite between boys (Piero). We wish you very beautiful day ! Hugs and kisses from us !

      4. If your Mom, you and I think the same thing regarding Il Volo’s transmission of “Divine love and light”, then just think how many other people think the same thing, Lydka! Wow! Your Mom must be a really special Lady, and you are, also. What a ‘coincidence’ that the three of us are drawn to Piero, especially; I love that! ( I must confess to you both that for a brief time, I was drawn, suddenly & unexpectedly, more to the personality (?) of Ignazio. I can identify the moment it occurred, namely, when I saw the little video he posted last year of himself tenderly talking to & kissing his new, beautiful, black puppy-dog (Franz)!! Gradually, though, I gravitated back to Piero, whom, like You & your Mom, I particularly felt drawn to during the first concert shown on television that I had ever seen & how I first heard of Il Volo. When he sang, his voice amazed me and the unique ‘sound’ of their music as well. I wonder how you & your Mom first heard of Il Volo. Your country is not that far away from Italy, I think. Would love to visit that entire area of the world where you live. That would be awesome! I want to go back and view your town again. Thanks for mentioning it was posted here in September, 2015. Mom-Lydka, I especially like ” Grande Amore” from the Eurovision final performance, too; wasn’t it visually beautiful as well?! Uh-oh, getting late. Been having a lot of fun on this great site, full of interesting, fun, smart people such as You!! (Hugs & Kisses from me in (raining again) “The Sunshine State” ( not a whole lot of sunshine lately!). 🙂 🙂

    4. I did watch the concert today Daniela as it was posted on another site. I thought it was absolutely beautiful and Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca sounded wonderful with all the songs including the solos and duets. I thought it was very interesting to see them going backstage in between songs, the rehearsals and their comments on the songs. Of course I don’t know much that was said but it was still very interesting to see. I can’t help but think there had to be tremendous pressure on them and they more than exceeded expectations. I feel that starting with Nessun Dorma was a great idea and once they sang that so beautifully, they had to have been very happy. They truly are amazing, especially since they were so busy with their touring for so many months earlier. They never disappoint and continue to get better and better!

      1. Margaret those little moments when they leave the stage are touching because you feel that between them they make a compliment: “Bravo, (Piero to Ignazio)” or “I forgot two words (says Ignazio)” I stopped before the music in the final, ” says Gianluca and Piero heartened him, “but it is just a moment before” …… have their moments of intimacy after every song that make them feel a little more vulnerable, how many emotions are unleashed in them, and how many they unleash in us.

    5. Hi, Daniela! Thank You for explaining for me again what’s going on with Roberto Cenci and others. Please don’t feel bad about being Italian because of some negative people. People everywhere understand it is only some people who behave badly about Il Volo’s success there in Italia. Thank You, again, Daniela ! XOX

  6. Thanks Lydka, I had no doubt that you would have posted it, when something I like I have the pleasure that others can share.

  7. Thank you Lydka, I was not able to see the concert on Canale 5 last night here in South Africa, the message was basically that live streaming of this program was not allowed to my country! Previous times I was able to see Il Volo interviews live via streaming, but not this time, most frustrating!!!

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