Personally Speaking~Me oh my, which one do I want?

Do you ever stand there staring like a deer in headlights when looking at the vast displays of olive oil to choose from?  I know how to tell if it’s from Italy, but beyond that I am clueless.   Well, I admit I was until I came across this great article that explains what to look for!  Felice per la cottura!  (Happy cooking!)


When it comes to quality olive oil, Italy certainly holds the world’s first place. Yet, do we really know how to recognize a truly good olive oil from a mediocre one?


Here are some simple rules to recognize a quality extra virgin olive oil.


First of allalways go for dark bottles that protect their content from light and avoid its oxidation


Labels should give us basic information:

The olives’ geographical origin

Their type

Where they have been pressed

Where the oil has been bottled.




Checkmate to bad olive oil: here are some simple rules to recognize a quality extra virgin oil.


Acidity should always be lower than 3%.

Olives should always be cold pressed, which means the process should take place at less than 27 degree Celsius to keep flavors intact.

Color and clearness are important parameters to recognize a quality extra virgin oil.

It shouldn’t be too liquid, as it would mean it contains high quantities of  polyunsaturated fats.

It should smell fresh, with hints of freshly cut grass, tomato peels, almonds, and artichoke leaves.

It should taste bitter and tangy, that is, rich in polyphenols!




 Make sure its expiration date isn’t over 18 months from production and that price isn’t lower than 18 USD per litre (15 Euro). 

If all these parameters are met, than you got yourself a great bottle of extra virgin olive oil! Try it also to fry: it’ll surprise you. 

And of course, always check the label says 100% Italian. 


Article credit to L’Italio Americano,  and Varinia Cappelletti.

12 thoughts on “Personally Speaking~Me oh my, which one do I want?”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Jane.
    i really like extra virgin olive oil and always have some in stock.

  2. That is really good information. I use olive oil for cooking and salad dressing every day, and I usually find myself standing in front of the array of bottles of oil in the store trying to figure out which to choose. Now I know! Thanks for sharing .

  3. I live near a place that grows their olives in northern California and makes the oil here in so Cal It,s called Graber Olives. It, very good.

  4. I never dreamt that there was such a big story on olive oil. I always looked for extra olive oil but didn’t look for Italian oil. That is what I have been doing Janet standing in from of the bottles & wondering what to get. This site always gives us loads of information on everything. Thanks Jane.

    1. So do I Rose Marie. I even bake with it. Sometime I get the light olive oil for baking.
      I make cakes, brownies, etc with olive oil–wherever the recipe calls for oil. I fry with it too.

      1. And there is good olive oil from Israel too. I guess all around the Mediterranean there are olives!

  5. Thank you for the comments! Yes, Spain, Greece, Argentina, California…there are good olive oils from many places! I had never tasted such delicious olive oil before being in Italy. Nothing I ever found here could compare, but now that I know more what to look for I hope to find a good one! 🙂 (Jane)

    1. Jane, when I first read the headline of this article I thought you were talking about the guys, not olive oil!
      Of course we already know Ignazio is taken( by Marie)
      I always pick an olive oil made in Italy, and then which ever is on sale. Thank you for the education.

  6. I also thought the article was about the guys. Lol
    I knew none of this. I will now go armed into Wal-Mart.
    Ok, Daniela I am willing to try that spaghetti with olive oil again.
    Thanks, Jane.

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