Tag Archives: St. Peter’s

2021 HAS ARRIVED by Daniela

And so here we are, 2021 has begun, with all our hopes and all our intentions. Above all health, because if there is not that, nothing can be !!

I read this nice thought on “If I were poetry” is a nice quote that I share with all of you.

WISHES for a wonderful 2021 !! 


I want to wish you the strength to think that things can improve,

positively exploit the time that passes,

feel alive which is different from being alive,

especially when you have no reason to continue.

I wish you strong shoulders,

outstretched hands to help you up when you are on the ground,

smiles born out of nowhere, warm hugs,

dates to remember, exciting departures, changes,

to shorten the distance with the people you love,

a pair of serene eyes . . . and everything you deserve.

 . . . and I add, many, but many concerts of Il Volo!! 


. . . and we laugh with this backstage video of the recording of the wishes for the new concerts in Verona.

Always cheerful and nice, these guys always know how to make us smile !! 😁


And here is what we all hope for this New Year !!

And we end with the wishes of Il Volo with the policemen of the Vatican Inspectorate.

Piero = Hello everyone, we are Il Volo, we are here with the policemen of the Vatican Inspectorate.

Ignazio = Together with them we want to wish a Happy New Year to all the state police.

Gianluca = We hope to see you soon and of course to be able to go back to life as always.

Credit to owners of all photos and videos.