I May Need a Little Help.

I love them. No, I REALLY love them. I don’t understand these feelings. They are deep. I am bewildered. G - all lovely  God knows I’m old enough. I think I’m smart enough, but I don’t understand. I thought that if I immersed myself (like having a dedicated website!) and wallowed around in “Il Volo” long enough, like math, I would eventually “get It”. I don’t. I never have.
I - all lovely
Yesterday I received Ignazio’s Georgio Armani Fragrance from ebay. All five of my senses have been alerted. So now I smell them. I have seen them, heard them, touched them and have even tasted a dimple or two. Still…
Piero tweet april 2015
I usually reach this point in my understanding and I stop trying. I just keep smiling happily because I’m able to feel this kind of love, this strongly, at this time in my life…This joyful, this contented, this fortunate time in my life!

                                               Really though, I’m clueless.

From Piove video cropped for header
I don’t fully grasp the beauty I see, the magnificence I hear nor the love that, not so silently, but surely sings through every part of me.

                 So..There it is.

No doubt, I eagerly and desperately, want those deeply wonderful feelings to continue.

I guess I’m lost in the thrill of it.i - b & w
Sometimes I wonder if I’m just being a silly old woman, but then it’s their fault… they are too charming & delightful, playful & inviting, wonderful, talented, handsome, kind and intriguing!My fav Gian Pic
So, here I am asking you, Myron, to explain it in professional terms. Or maybe you Jana in Italian. Or Loretta and Kitty who accept it so easily, can tell me why. Ineke, do you know that you are the furthest possible distance from me on this planet? We come from totally different cultures. The opposite sides of the world. Yet, we feel exactly the same. How is that possible? Penina and Connie, you two always have answers… Answer that! Minnesota Ladies? Have you all figured it out? Jeannette and Jeanine, who can express themselves so well… enlighten me.

a - firstalbum photo gallery
Il Volo must tap into the deepest most basic feelings we all share no matter our age, background, environment, or spot on the planet. Wouldn’t that be exactly what makes us “human”? Well, Ineke, my sister, I may just have my answer after all.


54 thoughts on “I May Need a Little Help.”

  1. My journey with IL Volo is like reading a great book that takes me away from my daily life. When I look at Ignazio I do as a grandmother that is proud and then switch to my youth and become a dreamer.
    Discovering the boys and all the ladies on this site adds a ZING to my daily life.

  2. Marie, I don’t know how it is that you know exactly the words and feelings I have for these three lovely young men! As I read this piece I kept thinking “that’s exactly what I feel”, “that’s exactly as I respond to them”! Your gift for this writing is amazing! I hope you keep on doing this for as long as the boys are singing! I so love them and coming to this site to start each day with love in my heart and tears in my eyes! Thank you Marie. Thank you boys!

  3. Well, Marie, you said it perfectly for all of us who are “word challenged”! Your last paragraph explains this phenomenon as best as anyone could, Remember Piero singing the theme from “Love Story”? How do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be? I’ve never seen, touched, or smelled them, and I share your emotions! They seemed to have filled a void in my musical world, and as a great grand mother, I’ve heard a lot of music!! Thanks, Marie, and the Flight Crew for making it alright for me to say this!!♡♡♡♡Dot….

  4. Marie, you have said it all so eloquently. Their mystical magical way of entrancing so many (age does not matter here) is part of what makes them so special. The pure joy and love we feel when even just talking about them is amazing. Music is a universal language and IL VOLO is proving just that to the world. This Minnesota Lady loves them so dearly and I consider them and all of the wonderful people I have met on this site such a gift in my life.

  5. Marie, my heartfelt thanks for your beautiful words which so eloquently express all our emotions on this amazing Il Volo Flight!!! I can only add that I love these young men!!! ❤️❤️❤️ !!! Could not love them more if they actually were my grandsons!!! I also come here to my Flight Crew friends when I get up each morning

  6. Marie, we may all be “human”, but the attraction for our three adorable Italian men is a mystery to me. All I do know is that they effect our “Hearts and Souls”!
    You really have such a beautiful way of putting your thoughts in writing. Many thanks my sister.

  7. Marie, Like it has been said by my sisters, I always start my day reading all the comments. Although I have not had the opportunity to touch or smell our guys, I sent for Piero’s fragrance “jean paul Goultier le male cologne. It is a subtle one. Not over whelming. It suits him just fine. Love to all of you sisters. joanie G

      1. It is heavenly!! The aroma was OMG!!!! My scarf was drenched in it! Okay, I might have licked that face trying to get to the dimples and the scent came, too. 👅👅👅 The next day, Ignazio was still here with me and my scarf. When I came back from Minneapolis, I fit it in a ziplock bag so it will always smell like him. Marie, you know what I mean! If I could send a whiff in the mail for you, I would do it! 😼😻😺

  8. You have expressed so beautifully, as only you can Marie,the intense love that we all feel for these three talented and charming young men.
    I myself have been on their journey for the last five years watching them grow and conquer the world.
    I have just recently returned from a dream trip to Italy/Sicily with three other wonderful women that I was fortunate to meet because of our mutual love for Gianluca,Ignazio and Piero and their exquisite music.
    We visited the three towns that they were born and raised in and ended up having an adventure of a lifetime that is hard to put into words. A grand and memorable Il Volo adventure that far exceeded any of our wildest dreams or expectations. In the near future we will tell you our story. A story that is filled with priceless, unexpected Il Volo moments and memories that we will treasure for the rest of our lives !!!

  9. Wow! I don’t know how you get into my mind, but that is exactly how I feel. I can’t write it like you do, so I am thankful you can! Keep it up, please!

  10. How I feel? I only know that when I look at Ignazio’s face & that perfect smile that is always there & even if it isn’t I find myself always smiling back at the picture. I only know I need to see his face before I do anything else in the morning because I get a sense of calm that no one else has ever made me feel. I feel so surprised & privileged when he recognized me in Toronto after Buffalo last year & spontaneously hugged me. I know he is younger than me but I don’t feel me age. For me that feels wonderful. If he recognizes me again then I will be on cloud 9 forever.

  11. Marie…I am “word challenged”, but you nail it every time as to what I feel! Thank you….

  12. It is impossible for me to explain just why I love these three young men so completely. But this Minnesota lady agrees with everything that has been said by all of you here. Yes, I am a grandmother, but Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca fill a hole in my heart that I didn’t even know needed filling. I have watched them grow into fine young men, and I couldn’t be prouder if they were my grandsons. Thanks Marie, for putting into words exactly how I feel but can’t find the words myself.

    1. Dear marie, I so envy you , putting into words, how we are all feeling about these three remarkable human beings. It’s unbelievable the love they have for their fans and for the music they put out and share with the world. My love and admiration for these beautiful young people is indescribable. It is so intense that I cannot get through one day without listening to their voices. They really help me get through some sad moments in my life. Can’t wait to meet them once more. Thank you marie.

  13. Dear Marie we all know how you feel because we all feel the same way I love the way they make me feel especially Piero. When I hear them sing it’s like heaven above and then we you see them how gorgeous they are how can you not fall for that. It’s not just their looks, or the way they sing it’s their beautiful personalities that get to me even though I haven’t met them yet anyone who watches our guys knows how kind and thoughtful they are . Put all of these qualities together and you have our wonderful beautiful Il Volo Men. Love you guys and Flight Crew.

  14. I love them as well. It reminds me of my love for Elvis when I was 14. But more so. Do you keep a place for Ignazio on the other side of the bed, just in case? Come on ladies! Love reading. Your letters. Love Donna from Windsor,Canada across from Detroit.

      1. I will post our adventure as soon as I get it together with the other three adventurers. One of them just returned from Italy today.

  15. Well said as usual, Marie, and ALL of you beautiful ladies! I have stopped questioning my love for our Guys a long time ago, and just enjoy it…but a few of the reasons are obvious: they have voices like none I’ve ever heard before (and music is healing), they are sweet, charming, funny, intelligent, wise beyond their years, handsome (!) and through social media, we feel as if we know them personally. They are “old souls” and my “Beings of Light”, and I love them, and all of my Il Volo sisters, so much!

  16. Il Volo boys have charisma, a spark, from them we can feel positive energy, humanity, modesty and kindness and have angelic voices.Today is born a lot of crystal, rainbow, indigo children who are exceptional and intended to help improve our world, to bring light and love to this earth.I feel that Il Volo belongs to them ! At their young age, they have matured unique personalities with the correct outlook on life and especially I like the idea that they want with their music bring love and peace to this world, that’s what they really do ! , we-fans perceive and appreciate it , they making the world better and their music beautify our ever sad and difficult days.When one hears their music, just to begin feel better, feels beautiful emotions, has reason to smile, peace of mind and love in heart. We all want to experience our “grande amore”. I’m not talking only about romantic love.Love is eternal essence of the universe, is stronger than fear or hatred, love is a magician, love is a mission, joy, laughter, smile and everything beautiful that goes with it. Love can manifest in several ways, with nice words, hugs, kisses,good deeds , little things that can sweeten the day, mutual understanding without words, friendship, dedicating our time to another , because time is the most precious gift we can give to someone,you cannot no longer move it back …Today’s world offers many instant fake plastic love and emotions that are played, they are not sincere and we desire after pure real feelings and love that comes from the heart, who not want anything, just wants to manifest in the presence and show its light to other people.It’s nice to be a beacon of light for those who seek in vain their journey in rough seas, be protection angels for those who are drowning in an ocean of sadness and loneliness….The energy of love is energy that propels the world forward ! In today’s world dominated a lot of negative news, disasters…. and we are looking for our own island of love, peace, harmony and we find it when we are listening to Il Volo music , this is the reason, why we love them so much.. 🙂 They bring us their great love and we perceive it and we are grateful for what they give us with their magnificent voices. We love them, depending on our age, differently,for example my mom likes them as sons and me love them , although I haven’t siblings, as younger brothers, I’m just a bit older than they. 🙂 Il Volo are more than just singers, they are as earthly Angels, they extend love and goodness,enrich our lives, therefore we fall in love with them. 🙂

  17. Lydka I love the way you write. You have the capacity to mention all the things I am feeling that I don’t seem to put into words. I have always said they are Angels from heaven sent to help heal this world & it seems to me that is what they are trying to do and now their big win was Italy where they come from.
    Thank you Lydka I look forward to more of your posts.

    Marie I liked the way you pointed out the bewilderment of your feelings. For a while I have wondered at myself for feeling this way about these guys & especially one of them & also calling myself a stupid old woman. But now I’m not because I like the feeing Itshows I’m not dead yet. So Marie roll with it & accept & enjoy it your not dead yet either & if you can grab a hug from anyone of them then enjoy it & say thank you.

  18. I have, in the past, expressed my delight in being a contributor to this site, and thought I was doing okay, but these comments have totally out done anything I could have written. Bravo! The feeling we, as older followers of these 3 young men, are accutely aware of the attibutes that lie beneath the surface, as much as those quite visible to the eye. Things that todays younger generation has not lived long enough to perhaps evaluate, or even recognize; but they will. That’s the advantage that adult fans, especially “grandmas” have. I sometimes wonder if the guys, themselves, can really understand. We attempt, therefore, to comunnicate all of our feelings by using the same words, publically, that they hear on a regular basis. But here, between us, those words have a much deeper meaning, and as they are growing up, they will realize what an honor they have earned. Sometimes what we feel is not easy to put into words, but it is nonetheless love! The deeper that love is, and the harder it is to explain, means it’s coming from an unexplainable place in our soul.

  19. Oh my goodness Marie, You put into words what we all feel when we share our emotions about Il Volo… We say to ourselves, how at our age can we look at three young boys that are only 20 and 21, and have such great emotion and deep love for them … There is no explaining it to anyone who is not totally enamored with Il Volo… We wake up in the morning and the first thing we want to do is fill our day with Il Volo…Whether it is their music, DVD, interviews or information about them on facebook, twitter, instagram and this wonderful blog … We share our emotions here without being judged… So for us the Flight Crew is the place that takes us to Il Volo land…Seeing, listening and blogging about them keeps us in that magical place all day with a smile on our face…

    I agree with Lydka, these three young men are Angels on Earth and have been put here to spread love and joy… There is no other explanation for the feeling we all get when we enter Il Volo Land every day… I have lived a great many years on this earth and I have listened to and enjoyed many kinds of music and followed many an entertainer… I too loved Elvis with all my heart… But never, and I do mean never have I ever had a deep love and devotion to anyone that I did not know personally… We know as much about these three young men as we do about our own children or grandchildren… We know what they are doing every day and if we don’t read something about them daily our hearts feel a little empty… So we come here to get uplifted once again with more information about our guys…

    They are almost like prophets of love, spreading their message with their extraordinary voices and charismatic personalities.. They enter your heart and fill it with love and as Gianluca said so long ago, this is our power… He, at the time had no idea that their three voices and the music they bring to us would ever be as powerful as it is, and would be such a loving gift to all who follow them…

  20. It is so very difficult for most of us to express the deep love and admiration that a we feel for Gianluca,Ignazio and Piero but Kitty and Jeannette you did it !!! You really did it !!! You both have an eloquent way with words and for this I thank you both.

    1. Thank you Joanie, that is very nice of you to say… The words just flow from the heart the moment I start thinking about Il Volo… I hear their music, and my fingers run faster than my mouth when I am in the company of friends…

  21. Thank you Kitty & Jeannette now I know that I am not the only one who has had these feelings & I didn’t want to say anything to anyone expecting to be classed as weird. Thanks Marie for explaining how you feel. Now I know Kitty that is the explanation I can give to myself its coming not only from my soul but from my heart.
    I also Jeannette followed Nat Cole & Johnny Mathis, & went to see then in the States. Nat died in 1965 about with stomach cancer & I felt I would never listen to another singer & I was devastated. Then I turned to Johnny Mathis more & I still listen to him & he is now about 70 & his voice isn’t quite the same as it used to be but he is still a wonderful singer.
    But all told Il Volo voices surpasses even them. I get a fullness of joy in my whole being hearing them sing that I can’t just do anything except stop what I am doing & smile until the song is finished & when watching a video my eyes are glued to one young man whether he is being interviewed or singing. Now I don’t give a darn if I am called weird it feels good.

    1. Well Loretta, I do not call that weird, I call that a true Il Volover… Only another Il Volover can understand that feeling and know that you are not weird but blessed to have found happiness because you found Il Volo to love and enjoy.

  22. When I asked for assistance, in this post , to help me understand why my love for The Boys is so strong, I didn’t think so many of you could or would have such wonderfully literate answers. You have and from my heart I thank you.

    Because of this Crew, I now walk around, not only with the glow of Il Volo, but the knowledge that I share something very special with some very special people.

    1. Hi, Marie. It was so wonderful how you gave us your feelings about the three wonderful men! I am a little embarrassed to say what I am about to say, but I hope someone will understand me. I read daily the flight crew and I used to leave comments, but I have not since last year. I saw “our guys” at the Greek Theater last year. I am alone and since 2011 until now, I listen to them daily and, this is when it becomes embarrassing, I put on their tapes on my CD player, and I sing with them, as if they had asked me to. I sing with each voice and start from their first CD to the present, Grande Amore as if I was in Concert with them. I can’t tell this to anyone, not even my Sister, who loves them also. She came with me to the Greek Theater concert in LA last year. They really make my days bright, as compared to what is going on in this Country. I remember my Mom used to take a broom and sing to Sinatra songs. So now I take a hairbrush or my wireless phone and sing WITH Il Volo as if I was in concert with them. Am i CUCKOO or does anyone else do this?. It’s nice to finally tell someone what I do. I feel like I’m weird, but I love them so much. They make my day, EVERY DAY!! Well, I hope someone comments and tells me I’m NORMAL!!! But I will continue to sing with them daily. Unfortunately, I don’t have sound on my computer and I can’t afford to fix it, so I have missed interviews, etc. But they are here with me and they MAKE MY DAY!! Thanks, Marie. You gave me the courage to tell everyone what I do.

      1. I love it, thank you Nazio for telling us your best kept secret… And I want to say to you, please post more often… I miss you… We had a couple of really good conversations after seeing Il Volo at the Greek… It was too bad that we did not know about each other before June 7th, so that we could have met up like so many of us did… I know you live in CA. and I think I shared with you that I live in Las Vegas now… So if that is where Il Volo has another concert, I will be there… Maybe we can meet up and share Il Volo love stories with each other then… Truly good to see you here once again.

      2. Thanks for responding. I guess I’m not as “weird” as I thought. They just make my days and nights. I really pray that they make it to the US this year. And if they come to Las Vegas, you will definitely see me, sharing all kinds of “LOVE” stories. Take Care, Victoria

      3. Nazio, I sing in concert with them everyday! Hairbrush, tv remote or sometimes I don’t need a microphone, I am body miked (lol). I thought everyone did that! Thank you for sharing with us.

  23. Dear nazio1, no, you are not strange at all. If you were, then everyone here would be also. I feel so bad that you have no sound on your computer, for you are not able to fully enjoy what they give to us. However, even without sound, you have your cds and you know the songs. Beyond that, you know the expressions on their faces, and you know their voice. You have watched the intensity of delivery and when they close their eyes, they are so into the beauty of the song that even without intention, that beauty comes through straight to your heart. It can’t be stopped, it just is. Keep doing what you’re doing, and God bless. Hope to hear more from you as we go along on their Journey. Il Volo love, Kitty

    1. Thanks, Kitty. At least I also have all their DVD concerts and a still-working DVD player. Well, time to keep on singing! lol Take Care, Victoria

  24. Nazio1 I am so delighted to meet you & you have joined this great group & told us your story. I sincerely welcome you. It is difficult to admit to something we do thinking others will think us weird. We can’t help loving Il Volo these handsome lovable young men. So if people think we are weird then you & I are in great company. Carry on singing

    1. Thanks, Loretta. Good to meet you, too. The only good thing about admitting that I am “giving concerts” with them, is that none of you could see my face as I typed my comment. So in 1 day I went to feeling “weird” to know I’m perfectly normal. Take Care, Victoria

  25. Thanks, Marie. I think I’m going to get body miked, too. LOL I bring my boombox outside to my table and bring a glass of “vino” and give my neighbors a free concert of their beautiful voices. Two of my neighbors now are big fans and have started their CD collection. Maybe I and my neighbors will have an Il Volo block music party!! Do you think I could get the three “stars” to come?? If so, YOU’RE ALL INVITED!! Take Care, Victoria

  26. I have been away from the blog for some time and now it seems I have a bit of catching up to do. So, it seems our beloved “boys” have favorite fragrances? Would love to know what those are. And the Il Volo fans on Twitter are often listed as IVU; what does that stand for? I promise to try to keep up better in the future; I don’t know how you all do it!

      1. Marie, this is great. I love the things you write about our guys. I hope someday to meet them and I would also like to meet other Il Vololovers. Thanks again for everything.
        Alice in Florida

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