Personally Speaking ~ Mary and Jane

I am happy to announce to you today a new feature on the Flight Crew Site. It is called, PERSONALLY SPEAKING and will be written by Ladies you know well, MARY BOHLING and JANE CEMINSKY (aka maryjane). Their new column will fill a spot we have been missing…the personal doings of the Guys. It will be about where Our Guys are and what they’re doing during the times they’re not performing or accepting awards. “Personally Speaking” will include the fun stuff like diving off ships and racing cars. (Gianluca’s the only one not scaring the hell out of us, lately). So here, “Personally Speaking,” is Mary’s view on some…

Ignazio Antics!

Isn’t it amazing how versatile our guys have become? A good example of the guys becoming masters of the art of the ad lib and the quick retort is the video of Ignazio and Piero’s stool.
Ignazio, up to his usual antics, pulls the stool right out from under Piero, thinking he is getting a good one on him. But Piero, without missing a beat, pulls out another stool and sits on it. Gianluca, ever the straight man, congratulates Piero with a handshake, followed by a pinkie swear. Ignazio, having been foiled, raises quite a rumpus. These guys have become artists in this kind of “in the moment” comedy. Always ready and able to pull it off with style and good humor. Their talents never cease to amaze us.
(Stool Gag at 2.06)

And Jane wonders…

Piero, with or without?

Is it my imagination or does Piero look like another whole person without his trademark glasses? He has been seen more and more lately without them on. STILL appears to be the dashing young man that we all know and love, but just sports a different look. A look we all adore with or without glasses, with or without beard, with or without the hip gyrations in SURRENDER…wait, NO we’ll keep that one forever! Hard to imagine you could look any better than you already do guys, but you never cease to amaze us in every way!


Photo Mundial
Photo Mundial

I’d say they both hit the nail on the head.  Thanks Jane and Mary and welcome aboard Ladies!
Now, let’s talk about that shot of Piero walking out of the water….

27 thoughts on “Personally Speaking ~ Mary and Jane”

  1. This will be a fun segment of our site. Piero has changed lately into a very confident and always smiling young man.
    Long time ago I had seen someone making this comment about Ignazio “a child in a man’s body”. Hope he always stays our Ignazio. Gianluca just gets more and more charming and a delight to all the females of this world.

  2. Thank you, Mary and Jane! I can already tell these posts from you are going to be soooo much fun to read!!😍👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  3. What a treat to wake up to!!! Thankyou, Mary & Jane!!! I can see these posts will be entertaining & fun!!! Our guys can do no wrong, in my opinion, so can’t wait for the next story!!! Gianluca, Ignazio, & Piero, stay the same!!! We love you just as you are!!!

  4. Thank you Mary and Jane !! This is great !! Our guys are so much fun to watch when they are having fun with each other, their friends, and their families. Now, because of this new feature, we woun’t miss a minute of their relax time !!

  5. I think the boys deserve their personal space and time away from the public eye. Personally, I like to see them perform, listen to their music but it doesn’t interest me how many pieces of luggage they take when they travel, what and when they eat meals and if they sleep.

  6. I on the other hand love knowing every single little detail about them ( except of course if they have girlfriends, no, I don’t want to know that).

  7. Thanks Mary and Jane. What a wonderful way to start the day. I have always been in love with Piero . Can’t wait to see him in Las Vegas. Hope to see some of you there too. Joanie G

  8. Mary is out of town so it will be a couple of days before she finds out I posted this note to me this morning. I think she suspected I would:
    Mary Bohling Today at 12:54 PM
    marie crider

    Just a quick note before I leave:
    Mmm, Marie wants to talk about the picture of Piero walking out of the water….Well, Marie, I “personally” think that IN the water, OUT of the water, or WALKING OUT of the water, he is a vision to behold. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could walk ON water, or is that carrying my crush on him too far?

    Fortunately for us he loves the water and spends as much time as possible in or on it. Whether he is performing his aquatic antics, which sometimes make us fear for his safety, climbing up on the ships’ mast and hanging precariously over the water, playing beach volleyball, or just sunbathing, he is as treat to the eyes. His time at the gym and healthy eating have paid off big time.

    Please keep on being our “water baby” Piero. We love your bathing attire. Although, come to think of it, you look fabulous in those Armani suits, too. Guess I just adore looking at you in whatever you are wearing.

  9. I love the Flight Crew. You really know how to keep the fan fires going….not that it takes much, oh nooo. I always want to know what they are up to and I am so happy that they share as much as they do! So write on ladies!
    So lets see…Piero coming out of the water…. When I saw that photo it literally made me drop my jaw…took me a while to get it back too! He is truly a real water baby. I love the water but you won’t see me jumping off a boat! He is fearless.
    The other day I looked at some photos of him back in 2009 and it is hard to believe that he is the same person today, only better, MUCH MUCH BETTER!
    I really must remember to leave a drool cloth at the computer….it gets so messy when I see photos of him without clothes, I mean not fully dressed! My friends tell me I have become quite a cougar these days . I just laugh and then go back to staring at the latest photo of these beautiful men!

  10. Jane that picture of Piero coming out of the water to me it’s his best picture all year with our without glasses. I almost fell to on the floor when I first saw that one posted oh my goodness. I agree with Piratesorka I just think Piero has finally grown into himself and I think it so great. I look forward to more great pictures to come.

  11. Look at this video, very cute :


    1. Čau Lydko,děkuju moc za zaslání videa,už ho mám stažené v počítači 3x,ten poslední pozdrav od Piera – ČAU LYDKA -jak mu zasvítily oči,je přece krásné a my ostatní ti můžeme jen závidět! Udělám si z toho fotky a časem vyrobím nějakou novou písničku .Napiš mi,která se ti nejvíc líbí.
      Italštiny se neboj,není to těžký jazyk na učení,určitě i u vás prodávají učebnice /dobře se učí z těch obrázkových/.Anglicky umíš dobře,tak ti to půjde lehce a věřím,že se brzy s kluky setkáš osobně,jsi šikovná.Já se snažím rozklepnout ten vzkaz ,co nabízíš dnes,ale nedaří se to.A ještě nevím,který z chlapců je tvůj nejoblíbenější ?
      Pro nás je nejblíž aréna ve Veroně,musíme věřit,že to někdy vyjde.

      1. Ahoj Zdenka,
        stále si hovorím, že by som nemala byť lenivá a mala by som sa pustiť do učenia cudzieho jazyka, minule som sledovala DVD zo Sanrema, je veľmi pekné, len škoda, že nerozumiem, čo chlapci v ňom hovoria, iba pár slov. 🙂 Tak snáď sa raz do učenia talianského jazyka pustím. 🙂 Ďakujem za kompliment, ale šikovná si nepripadám, hlavne s počítačom niekedy bojujem, lebo nie som technický typ a hoci som mladá, tak rozhodne nie som veľmi zbehlá v tých rôznych novinkách, aj telefón mám rada svoj starý s tlačidlami. 🙂 Obdivujem tých, čo vedia vytvárať videá s fotkami a piesňami, to ja neviem… Inak Verona je jedným z partnerských miest Košíc, dozvedela som sa to len nedávno. 🙂 Môj odkaz neuvidíš, pretože to video mám stiahnuté v počítači, ale bez URL adresy, nepamätám sa, odkiaľ ho mám, tak neviem dať informácie o ňom, poslala som ho Marie na mail, myslím, že iba tak sa dá pozrieť….Moja obľúbená pieseň ? To je ťažké, keď ja mám rada všetky….:-) Ale predsa moji favoriti sú Grande Amore, O sole mio, Un amore cosi grande, Ave Maria,, Canzone per Te, Il Canto, Il Mondo,L’Immensita’, We are love, Non Farmi Aspettare, Granada, Per Te, Piove, Splendida, Beautiful day, Angel, Cosi,Can You Feel the Love Tonight,Surrender (Torna a Surriento),La luna hizo esto, I bring you to my senses, No puede ser ,E lucevan le stelle a už vieš, kto je môj najobľúbenejší z tria. 🙂 Mám rada klasickú hudbu a vždy sa mi páčili tenorové hlasy, ktoré s ľahkosťou dosahujú výšky. 🙂 A Tvoje obľúbené piesne a osobný favorit ? 🙂 Ozaj si myslíš, že mu zasvietil oči pri tom pozdrave ? 🙂 Možno je to len nejaké odrazené svetlo, napr. z kamery. 😀 Rozhodne je to aj po troch mesiacoch krásna spomienka a taký malý splnený sen, lebo napr. pri mojich obľúbených tenistoch sa mi nikdy nič nepodarilo.. napísala som im napr. žiadosť o autogram, že aká je adresa, kde by som sa mohla obrátiť s touto žiadosťou, ale nič….Jedna už bývalá kamarátka mi dala na narodeniny autogram od Djokoviča, takže to bol ďalší splnený sen. 🙂 Tak verím, že v budúcnosti si splním aj ďalšie, treba byť optimistkou, snáď aj ten koncert bude raz realitou…. 🙂 Prajem krásny deň ! 🙂

      2. Google translate:
        Hi Zdenka,
        still say that I should not be lazy and I should get down to learning a foreign language, the other day I watched a DVD of Sanremo is very nice, just a pity that I do not understand what the boys in it say only a few words. 🙂 So perhaps once in learning Italian language let go. 🙂 Thank you for the compliment, but I do not feel smart, especially with the computer sometimes I fight because I am not a technical person and although I am young, so definitely I am not very adept at the various news, the phone I like my old with buttons. 🙂 I admire those who know create videos with photos and songs, I do not know … Otherwise Verona is one of the partner cities of Kosice, I learned just recently. 🙂 My message will not see it because I have a video downloaded on your computer without URLs, I do not remember where I got it, so I can not give information about him, I sent him to mail Marie, I think that only in this way can be viewed. … my favorite song? It is difficult when I have all the advice …. 🙂 But yet my favorites are Grande Amore, O sole mio, Un amore cosi grande, Ave Maria ,, Canzone per te, Il Canto, Il Mondo, L’immensity ‘We are love, Non Farmi Aspettare, Granada, Per Te, Piove, Splendida, Beautiful Day, Angel, Cosi, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Surrender (Torna a Surriento), La Luna hizo esto, I bring you to my senses, No puede ser, E lucevan le stelle and I know who is my favorite of the trio. 🙂 I love classical music and I always liked the tenor voices that reach a height with ease. A 🙂 your favorite songs and personal favorite? 🙂 Really you think his eyes shone with that greeting? 🙂 Maybe it’s just some reflected light, for example. camera. 😀 Definitely it after three months beautiful memory and such a small dream come true, for example. at my favorite tennis player I never failed anything .. I wrote them for example. request an autograph, that what is the address where I could go to this request, but nothing has …. One former friend gave me for my birthday autograph from Djokovic, so it was another dream come true. 🙂 So I believe that in future, meet other, it must be optimistic, perhaps even the concert will be a reality once …. 🙂 Have a great day! 🙂

  12. Google translation:
    Lydko Hey, thank you so much for sending video, I got it downloaded on the computer 3 times, the last greeting from Pier – ČAU LYDKA -how his eyes lit is so nice and the rest of us can only envy! I’ll have photos from that time and I will make a new song .Napiš me which you like best.
    Italian do not worry, it’s not a difficult language to learn, surely even you sell textbooks / well to learn from the picture / .Anglicky you can do well, I’ll go lightly and I believe that soon the guys you meet in person, you will šikovná.Já I try rozklepnout the message that you offer today, but fails to.A still do not know which of the boys is your favorite?
    For us it is closest to the arena in Verona, we believe that it would ever be.

  13. Thank you for all of the wonderful positive comments you gave up above. Looking forward to having fun with this. And what could be more fun than celebrating these three special young men in every way possible!! 🙂

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