The Color of Their Wings…

We all know change is difficult to accept. Yes, Il Volo started out as the 3 Tenorini, these 3 little tenors dressed up like adults because they sang music only old people knew and liked. The beautiful bel canto music of Italy. But we forget that they were boys dressed up like men. We wanted them to stay the cute, innocent, and cherubic-faced lads we grew to love – for some, love at first sight (or sound!) But time moves on and things change. The world is constantly moving, the universe in perpetual motion, if everything just stopped, we would all die.

1a - igna butterfly

The air we breathe, our own heartbeat, our very being is in constant flux. To quote the ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus, “The only thing constant is change!” Our three young guys were just caterpillars feeding and feeding off of the fans, growing and growing fatter each day, nourished by our encouragement and constant praise, their very essence being shaped by our devotion to them until finally they were ready to make and form their own chrysalis, where they’ve been for the last several years, constantly growing and changing right before our eyes. In front of everyone, we watched them change from inside the ever protective watch of their parents and families. Many things we saw and yet some things changed without our realizing it. When Sanremo came around, that was when they started to emerge from their metamorphosis, their wings getting more color each day, each week, and month, that went by, on their way to Eurovision – then it really happened. Their wings burst forth and they flew for the very first time.  I can still hear the crescendo of their wings on the last chorus of Grande Amore!  Their wings were still a bit wet, but they learned to fly stronger and stronger each day. During their flight they ran into enemies and feared for those that wanted to eat them. They fed on the nectar of the crowds from their sold out concerts. Their wings getting a bit battered along the way; yet still staying strong and floating on the wind, as they traversed over the world with their successes.

1a - piero butterfly

We hope their flight will be long and never changing, but their flight paths will change with the wind, their fans may come and go, but still they will fly on, always seeking the energy from their fans that keep them going – young, old; tried and true. They will be who they are, their colors will not change. A little battered and bruised along the way, but they will find their destination, landing briefly on our hearts; staying forever in our souls, as they migrate the world in search of their needed and constant approval of themselves and from those that they love.


There are two quotes I found on the Internet, simply entitled “butterfly quotes and proverbs” and I think they depict our guys quite well…

“How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that.”1a - gian butterfly

They certainly gave up being caterpillars. With their first notes of “O Sole Mio,” they started changing into butterflies; giving up many things…in order to soar to unbelievable heights.

Beautiful? Our guys are so beautiful inside, as well as outside; and sometimes I really don’t think they know…?

Il Volo – Sempre, per sempre,



p.s.  thank you to Marie, for the beautifully suggested title of this post…

64 thoughts on “The Color of Their Wings…”

  1. Jana you are a true fan. Your love for the boys shows in all of your “articles”. Thanks for reminding us of the journey we are all taking with IL VOLO.

  2. Beautiful post. Grazie! Following the boys on their journey to manhood has been an absolute delight. I know we all wish them the best on the road ahead. I love them, for themselves, their music and the joy they have given me in some dark moments. They really make me “Smile”.

  3. Jana this is a work of art! Your words just flow like a beautiful stream. I could picture every thing you described. You are a very talented writer! I sat and smiled the whole way through this post. It is so truly amazing to think back on where they started and where they are now. Thank you for joy of this post!

    1. Thank you, Jane! Yes, these words came very easy to me on this one…although I actually did a few rewrites! Lol! Look forward to seeing you soon!

  4. Jana, Tears are flowing! Your beautiful words truly describe our wonderful guys ! The flight has been amazing and we are just beginning to see and feel how much higher they will take us!
    We will ALWAYS be their fans! They are part of our families!

  5. Beautiful, beautiful words, Jana! You must have inherited your talent from your adopted mom. We often say they have angel wings. Now we find out they also fly like butterflies. Not wonder they soar so high. It is wonderful to know that the people here will forever be their supportive fans.

    Now where’s my net…I want to catch one!

    1. Yes, mom, I think I may have inherited a talent or two? 🙂 Yes, and will soar like eagles! Yes, do be careful if you catch them, remember, their wings are delicate!

  6. Jana, that was so beautiful that I hesitate to add anything, but you know I will! I love the idea of butterflies! They are lovely and delicate, strong and determined! We are in the path of the Monarch butterflies on their path to southern countries! When I see them, I think, “how do they do it?” Determination comes to mind! Just so Gianluca, Piero, and Ignazio are determined to fill our mundane lives with their beautiful misic, not to mention their beautiful selves! Thanks, Jana…you’ve made my day!♡♡♡

    1. So glad to have made your day, Dorothy! I love your analogies, as well! I’ve always loved butterflies and collected various butterfly motifs when I was younger, and used to draw them as well! I guess it’s only fitting now, I follow these three!? 🙂

  7. Jana, I hope you keep on writing such beautiful words for us. You put into words what we all feel but haven’t your talent. Thanks. Joanie G

    1. Thank you! I never thought I could write like this, but the guys are so inspiring! I’m sure you could also, if you tried? 🙂

  8. Lisajoy I sometimes go back to previous days to peruse the commens to see if I missed somes commets & I just saw your answer. Ignazio is a treasure he is so caring of others. I am sorry I won’t see you at Vegas it would be nice to sit down & chat for a few minutes. I hope I see you again at another concert. Stay safe & healthy

  9. Jana your words are beautifully written I think you’ve written what so many of us feel. Although I miss the old days they sure are marvelous to watch now and I feel they are only going to get better as they get older. Look how incredible they are now and they are still young.

    1. Thank you! I feel so blessed and lucky to have found this blog and am thankful to have a place to express my feelings…and share them with all of you!

  10. Thanks Jana. 🙂 Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life and everyone deserves a little sunshine.Your post is as piece of sunshine, very positive, and nicely written. 🙂 Somewhere I read that a girl should be like a butterfly, pretty to see, hard to catch. 🙂 Russian dancer Anna Pavlova said : “When a small child, I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong, happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away.” So we should rejoice in every moment of our lives Not live in the past, or in the future, but here and now.All around us is only pure and simple divine energy. Do not waste your precious time with changing other people’s energies, focus on changing your energies and create your own balance.. Focus every minute in the positive things in your life, be grateful for the blessings in your life.Learn how to forgive yourself and others.Treat others as you would like to be treated Never postpone happiness. Always accept help when you need it . Pray to thank and to ask for courage and wisdom.Respect all living things especially the ones that have no defence . Be humble, especially in your victories.Be the best person as you can. Never deprive others of their hope, it may be the only thing they have.Living your soul essence is the most important thing you can do every day…..miracles happen every day. 🙂 No one can make you feel unloved, unhappy nor unworthy, you are doing that to yourself.What other people are doing to you, is being the mirror of your deepest feelings., so change your energy, change your thoughts and you will live a life full of love and happiness,because decision how we feel, always lurks inside us.Each of us is unique,beautiful and strong personality ! Each one of us can become from the caterpillar to the most beautiful and colorful butterfly. 🙂

    1. Lydka – beautiful as always, as well!! Similar to our dear Ignazio’s post on having a family and woman to love? So happy for him, but that is for another post! lol! Thank you… 🙂

      1. Jana, my inspiration came from own experiences from previous years and also in recent times it has become something that influenced me
        and some people disappointed me…In the past I had hard times for various reasons but I had to transform (like a butterfly 🙂 ) and change mindsets but I’m still learning some things and looking for the right mental balance. 🙂

  11. Thanks for the beautiful explanation of how our young boys have become youn men. They are very special and I do not like those who speak bad of them. Usually these kind are jealous of them. I want only the best for them in what ever they do and look forward to seeing them in San Jose.

    1. Thank you, Janet! Yes, often success will bring out the jealousies of others. It is sad….Ignazio is so wise beyond his years, to wish those who cause him pain and sadness, to feel joy instead. He is almost a living saint! I hope you enjoy your concert! 🙂

      1. You tap on the smiley face icon on the bottom of of the keyboard and they are there along with many others !! See you in Vegas !!! 😃

      2. oh, so you do this on your phone or tablet? Does this work? <3 We'll see…. I just type from my laptop keyboard – don't have any little icons! lol!

  12. Jana, your article is so beautiful and I know it is coming from
    your heart. We fans I think all feel the same way, Il Volo goes
    into flight to bring melody and happiness to all their listeners.
    I am so glad they are in America bringing their Bel Canto music
    and joy as they sing from city to city. I love their music so much.
    They are so talented, handsome, awesome and give so freely
    of themselves to their fans. No wonder that we love them.
    Guys the best to you and be safe in your travels is my prayer.
    I do so look forward to my first live concrt March 20.

    1. Thank you, Gale! Yes, they are wonderful, it’s hard to believe there are those that don’t like them, but there are… I certainly ditto, your prayer!! Maybe they brought their rosaries with them? lol! 🙂 Enjoy your concert!

  13. Ciao a tutti!

    Thank you all for your kind words. The inspiration for this little byline/article was that I had been reading over the past several months on the various blogs and FaceBook pages about different comments the fans had about how the “boys” had changed over the years, comparing pictures, etc. Many liked the changes, but more often than not, most seemed somewhat perplexed in the changes, so it got me to thinking and I came up with these thoughts and then it kind of “morphed” into this little essay of sorts – metaphors abounding…

    I never thought of myself as a writer, but in the last year, I’ve certainly become one. I am truly positive these guys have no idea, or concept, of the effect they’ve had on their fans. I mean, look at all the artistic and creative people there are out there – the ones that do all the drawings and paintings, and even the computer graphic images, that is real talent! And all time they devote to their craft?

    And a lot of us, myself included, have become a “lot more techie!” I’ve learned quite a few things because of the guys, because I wanted to figure out how to do something on the computer. They’ve also increased our knowledge. I’m sure 5 or 6 years ago, you never really cared where certain cities in Italy were, or had even heard of them? How many of us thought we’d be killing ourselves trying to learn Italian? Or trying to read a book in Italian on Kindle and getting it to translate? (by the way, no, I am not done with the book yet, but plan on finishing it before the 2/27 concert!) Or finding out your Amazon account is global? lol! All these things and more, inspired by 3 young, Italian, singers; we never laid eyes on 7 years ago! And some of us, even less years than that!

    Yes, these guys came into my life at a time when I needed them most and reminded me that life could be joyful again, as they’ve come into many of yours. They’ve inspired me to write, something I never thought I would do, and share it with all of you!

    So, to all the caterpillars still out there, I hope you grow into beautiful butterflies with the help of the guys!

    By the way, the pictures of the butterflies are butterflies all found in Italy. Just don’t ask me the names of them! Lol! Except for the Swallowtail with Gianluca – that one really seems to get around! 🙂

    Grazie mille…
    Jana Farfale… 🙂

    1. This is another lovely post Jana. I do believe so many of us feel the same way about them and the changes they have brought into our lives. Not all of us can express ourselves as well as you and others, but we all feel the joy and happiness Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca give.

      1. Margaret – I know many of you say such sweet things about my writing skills, but I often feel guilty, as I feel I just write in clichés and metaphors! Anyone can do that! I’m sure others could, if they gave it a try? But thank you, all the same!! <3

  14. Jana, I loved your comment about the guy’s being like ” a flame burning brightly in the darkness for many” These word’s have a very special meaning for me . I also believe that with all the terrible thing’s that are happening in the world today, that God gave us these three sweet soul’s to bring happiness and joy to many!

    1. Thank you, Jill! What do they mean to you? They definitely helped me through some difficult times in the past few years… 🙂

  15. Jana – this is a beautiful article. I know I can always come to this site and be uplifted afterwards – always so positive.
    Lydka – thank you for your post. There are so many words of wisdom in it. I have and will read it over and over.
    Thank you both.

    1. Thank you, Linda! It’s nice to know there is a bright spot or two (or 3) still left in this crazy world!

  16. This is the most delicate and gentle biography of the live and times of Il Volo.
    Meravigliosa Jana, cosi bella!!

    1. Kelly, I know?! And it’s usually while I’m watching a sappy movie on the Hallmark Channel!! 🙂 They just seem to touch that special place in our hearts (or brains) that releases that special hormone, serotonin, like chocolate. You just can’t seem to get enough! 🙂 <3

  17. Dear Jana, I am so happy to have found The Flight Crew. You express so elequently what is in my heart .
    I think I have been waiting for the music of Il Volo all of my life. And that has been a looong time.
    Do you know if they are aware of these beautifully written blogs?
    I would be proud to have them all as my grandsons.

    1. Rose Marie – well, it has been said, by Marie, that they “used” to read the Flight Crew blog, but since they are so busy these days, we are not sure if they read it or not? Maybe we can rekindle their interest at our Vegas bash? 🙂 Thank you so much! I’ve really only been following them for about 2-3 years, but they touch your lives in a way that makes it seem like your life did not exist before they appeared in your heart? Words just flow like rushing rapids when I think of them, filling my heart and soul; and the inspiration just bubbles over in words of love and heartfelt emotions from my brain to my fingers! Like Mt. Vesuvius, they flood your mind and soul with their voices, and take over your very being with their essence of love and passion. Oops, there I go again! 🙂 <3

      1. Jana, you just go girl! I have a tablecloth with butterflies, (LOL)and I will be enjoying it more now that I can give each butterfly a name. Thanks to you. Let me see, that would about 25 Gianlucas, 25 Pieros and about 100 Ignazios.

      2. Ah, another Ignazio fan… must be in the “name”… lol! My middle name is Marie… 🙂 Yeah, butterflies are beautiful!! Sorry, but all of mine would be named Ignazio! lol!

  18. Ciao a tutti! Not sure who has checked the “little box” to receive all future replies on this post, but if you have…. tomorrow is St. Valentine’s Day – a day to remember those we love and have in our lives! I am sending to all of you, my deepest love and affection to all of my newfound Il Volo family and friends, and friends yet to be! This has been a beautiful year, and sometimes a labor of love, writing here. I am kind of celebrating my first anniversary writing here, as my first real official post was about Sanremo and Gianluca’s birthday!

    I get to see the guys in 2 weeks in Detroit, in the front row and I can’t be more excited! Ignazio seems to mostly be sitting on the left of the stage for their more intimate songs, when they sit on the stage, so he will be darn near right in front of me! I hope to catch his eye once or twice!

    I will be pretty decked out for me – I had a special tunic style top made in periwinkle blue, which I am accenting with tanzanite jewelry – a bracelet, rings, and a butter”fly” pendant! I also have a scarf I am making to go over my shoulder, with Il Volo on it in Swarovski crystals!

    I invite everyone who thinks they cannot write beautiful prose, to give it a try – it’s so easy with these guys! As they say, if you think you can’t, you are right!?

  19. Your words are just beautiful, Jana! Yes, 2 weeks for me also to see the guys in Detroit. I can’t wait! I need to drag out my notes to see just exactly where my seats are. Still hoping and praying that the weather is not like we are having right now. It is pretty amazing to go back and watch the older videos from when they first started doing concerts. They have grown so much and their voices just become better and better with time.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone, yesterday I guess. I can’t find those cute hearts either.

    1. Jeannie – my seats are Orch Pit seats 407/408. You won’t be able to miss me in my periwinkle blue top – come down and say hi! To get the little hearts, you use the shift key, to get the little “less than” sign – not sure where it is on your keyboard, and then the number “3” – this makes the heart – <3 It sort of looks like a heart if you look sideways… lol! 🙂

      1. Jana,
        My husband and I are in the Orch Pit also. On the right side. I need to find my notes to get our exact seat numbers. I think it is the third row.

      2. Jana, I just checked and our seats are Orch3, Row 2, Seats 313 and 314. So we should be close enough to at least say hello!

      3. That’s great! I think I’ll turn around and wave to everyone from the flight crew. Won’t be able to miss me in my periwinkle blue top! Not sure if they will let us walk around or not but I plan to flit around like a butterfly. Besides I’ll be too nervous to keep in my seat anyway! 🙂

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