Mean Guys ~ by Marie (or anyone else who will take the blame for this one)

As one of the founders and administrators of this website I feel it’s my duty to be honest with you.  All of the posts here can’t be only about the good that happens. That would be unfair to you and way too one-sided of us.  So, here is the other side.

You all think those Il Volo Boys are Angels, but they have you fooled. Open your eyes, people!  You’ve been blinded by some handsome faces and nice music.   You refuse to see that they are mainly just a couple of pretty rotten guys barely out of their teens.  You won’t want to see these but you must…  Sit down.  Take a breath.   Get ready to delete their pictures from your computer and hang in there with me.



Here’s Ignazio spitting in the face a defenseless puppy.  Why Ignazio?  Why?



Speaking of spitting…this is just offensive!



Poking fun at the new Justin Bieber CD… not at all nice.

a - ab



Attempting to insight a riot against little white notebooks!

6trying to start


 Piero has a serious biting habit I’ll bet you didn’t know about.


OUCH!  Again Piero?

the kiss


Piero and Nonno


OK, OK, I’ll buy that concert ticket.  

musing 1

And one for the Meet & Greet.

Ignazio in Ny - fireman mood - April

And I’ll buy the DVD.  Just PLEASE don’t hurt my family!

a wine & Dine 5 - photo DPTV


I know you think they love children.  But….
(this one broke my heart)
Piero abusing a child

Also caught him trying to stuff a child under a table!

trying to stuff

And how about Ignazio trying to pull this poor little girl closer so he can poke her in the eye!
boys and



The three of them never really got along from the beginning.  You didn’t know that either?

“Let go of the mic Gian!  No you let go, Ignazio!  No you, Piero!

Let go

“It’s mine let go! No, I won it, you let go! I’ll drop it on your head if you don’t let go!”

grabbing 1


“Let go! No, you let go!  No you!”
let go 2


Rumor has it that Gianluca tried to get rid of Ignazio from the beginning.  He wanted Il Volo to be a Duo. 



Yes, you should be ashamed!  You should ALL be ashamed!

he's watching you



“You let go first!  No you let go first!  No You!”


I’m sorry you had to see all of this, my poor gullible Flight Crew friends.  

With much sadness,

p.s.  No hate mail, please!

70 thoughts on “Mean Guys ~ by Marie (or anyone else who will take the blame for this one)”

      1. Marie you made my day. I love it. But I still think they are angels with tarnished wings maybe. They are enjoying life and having fun. You know Ignazio would NEVER spit in a puppy dogs face. Marie you are fantastic. I always enjoy what you write.
        Alice in Florida

  1. Marie, my goodness, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I checked my email this morning and started reading your post! I thought “Whaaat?” Then the puppy pic came up – and WOW what a relief. I thought for a second you had gone to the dark side. Thank you for starting my day off with a laugh! I will looking at these pics all day.

  2. And of course we cannot forget how they trashed the hotel room in Locarno, Switzerland where they urinated all over the floors and threw feces on the walls!

      1. Thanks for a good laugh Marie and also thank you Lydka for the video. Seeing it again, it is still hysterical! I love seeing them have such hearty laughs and Piero, here and often at Ignazio, doubles over when he is laughing so much.

      1. Yes, a hotel employee in Switzerland actually accused them of this. Within days, the Guys were interviewed on Italian TV so they cold defend themselves. There’s a clip on YouTube which sounded very tense as the three of them gave their sides of what happened. They also threatened legal action against the hotel. Eventually the hotel management confirmed that nothing had happened. Google “il volo hotel Locarno” and you might still be able to find some news reports in Italian.

  3. Even being ‘bad’ they are still cute. I think that is what I will tell them when I see them next month.

  4. Thanks Marie but I have seen things a lot differently so I’ll get hold of Ignazio & he can move over here. I have lots of room. I’ll take him good or bad. He is a gentleman with me

  5. Oh, Marie! You’ve done it again! Honestly, I’ve always liked a good “horror” story, but I’ll just have to see this one in person IN ONE MONTH!! Thanks for a good laugh this morning!♡♡♡

  6. Oh Marie, There must be a dark side but I keep digging and so far I haven’t found it. Maybe my spoon is too small. Joanie Guyon

      1. Penina, Why do you always do that? You lead me into replying something suggestive. Well…this time I’m not going for it. This time it would be just too easy.

      2. It was not meaning to be suggestive. I just meant they are sweet and yummy inside!

  7. After reading Marie’s post and having a wonderful laugh, thank you Marie, I must tell you about seeing the 3 “angels” last night in Albany. The performance I saw truly sent me “in flight”‘ for two wonderful hours. It started with a exciting overture conducted by the maestro. I was thrilled he came to Albany despite this being a small venue, and he was wonderfully animated and the musicians were first class.

    This was my third Il Volo concert over four years.
    Two years ago my son and I saw them in Stanford, CT. My son lives in Florence, Italy and he flew in to take his momma to Il Volo for my birthday. I was excited to see Gianluca and give him flowers for his birthday (Feb. 11) and completely forgot how to say “happy birthday” in Italian at the meet and greet. Piero, with his wonderful, caring smile tried to help me.

    The young men made the audience soar. Placido must beam when he hears Piero sing like a 40 yr. old opera star-so effortlessly it seems-yet we know better-much work.-Ignazio’s high notes and control are wonderfully inspiring-“Memories” so beautiful. He is still wonderfully silly. Gianluca melts my heart with Aneme e Core and Arunjuez-
    – loved the violin accompaniment although the guitar is a favorite too. His true, smooth baritone moves one whether romantically or stirring and dramatic. Goosebumps no matter who is on the stage. I will see them again in Miami-I feel so fortunate to be able to have my heart and ears rise to ecstasy thanks to these regazzi. Happy Birthday, Gianluca en retardo.

    1. SORRY. Not only am I trying to learn language, I must work on my spelling. RAGAZZI
      Hope that was my only mistake.

      1. Carolyn, the rest of it has no mistake! It’s wonderful and gets my heart racing and filled with desire to see them. Thank you!
        Look me up in Miami!

    2. “…have my heart and ears rise to ecstasy…” Wow Carolyn, that’s a line I wish I had thought of for my own review; great words to describe them!

  8. Marie, thank you for your sweet note. I would love to meet Il Volo Flight Crew members. I am remodeling my place on Jupiter Island but I may stay in Miami for a few days.

    My seat is Section 102, row B, seat 1.
    Hope to see you there!

  9. One more spelling note. Sorry, Gianluca and all music lovers! Anema e Core —and Perry Como used to live down the street from me-listen to both and you will agree-Gianluca’s is the best!

  10. MARIE!!! I am so in denial that these precious three could ever have any mean intentions! Remember “We Are Love?” Being totally PERFECT, they couldn’t possibly have a mean bone in their bodies….they only want to spread LOVE. And as for biting, you have heard of “love bites” haven’t you? I can only hope that Piero is in a biting mood when I see him in Vegas. I don’t care what the pictures imply….they are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!

    1. Mary, Mary, Mary, you poor blind foolish brainwashed woman. Remember that it was me who tried to warn you when he spits on you at the M&G and your heart breaks. Just remember to duck when he throws a punch.

      Do you think Ignazio bites? I hope so.

      1. Of course Ignazio bites–(the good kind) just see the look on his face!!
        Piero will only smother me with love..(I wouldn’t mind a little spit–)

      2. Marie, I can’t believe you misread IL VOLO’s actions in all those pictures. I distinctly remember you wrote something like this when you got their name tattooed on your ankle: “what are they going to do-kick puppies?” I don’t care what you say. I will still love them forever, even more so if Piero “bites” me when I meet him. Who knows, I might even “pinch” him from “behind” in retaliation-LOL!

  11. Marie you are so funny. Your sense of humor is similar to mine( which scares me a little)
    Do you think Ignazio was getting ready to lock lips with the puppy, and not spit on it?
    Because he looked at me just like that the last time we

  12. Marie, I just won’t believe that our guys are mean. I remember a certain incident in Detroit when you – – er – pinched Ignazio’s – er – bottom. Did he retaliate? Why no, he was a perfect gentleman. So I think you will have to do more research before you can convince me any of our boys are mean.

  13. Arrrrrr, these fine Eyetalian gents seem to have the real stuff to be rascallys scallywagish pirates true!. I be brave enough to load them up on my good ship the Dragonmist and cast off to the wild blue Where all Pirates go to shout Yo HO! and find salacious adventures bold.

    Yarr, I be taking these rampcalliishous ragatzzzzziiisss off your hands and you will no longer be terrorirzed any further! NOw I must be off, we have “Pirate Drinking songs ” to reherse!

    1. No fair, Pirate, for you to kidnap those “fine Eyetalian gents”, and keep them all to yourself. Besides, you will need someone to help you drink that bottle of rum, & I have heard the guys say many times that they don’t drink. So I volunteer to help you with the rum AND your kidnapped treasures. Besides, I would LOVE to be “bitten” by Piero.

    2. Ok Pirate… you and your all male crew capture them. I’ll stowaway. We can sail away to parts unknown. YO HO! (Lynn is not invited)

      Oh…this has the beginnings of a very fine fantasy!

  14. Oh my, my, my… mom! lol! I have to admit, I was a little shocked this morning at the title of the post! Then I kept reading, expecting to find some horror and then started laughing instead!! 🙂

    1. Hey there, Travel Buddy! Are you almost ready to see our Guys? That was a dumb question. I know you are. We’ll be picking you up at the airport “in the blink of an eye”. Can hardly wait for you to see them and the USA! We are going to have such fun!!!

  15. This Travel Buddy is sooo ready to see our Guys!
    You are the driver and I’ll be the DJ. Oh by the way, have you heard of a certain group called Il Volo? I am sure you will enjoy their beautiful music while travelling. HaHaHa.

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