Personally Speaking~TREND SETTERS~Mary Bohling



Our Il Volo guys are unique in many ways.  They could probably be considered “trend setters.”  It takes a certain amount of courage to be a trend setter.  It requires confidence and self assurance to step out from the crowd and follow personal convictions.
When they were first put together as a trio, they, with some wise guidance, chose to follow a course of action not popular at the time–that of promoting bel canto as their choice of music style to launch their careers.  Who was doing bel canto in the realm of popular music at that time?  That’s right–no one.  There was no assurance that the public was ready and willing to accept it.  But they set out  bravely bringing this music to a world that was not accustomed to hearing its unique style of beauty, and interestingly enough, they brought it  first to America–the land of “rap” and “hip hop.”  Three young boys in a foreign land courageously standing on the stage facing audiences who might or might not see what was there in front of them.
Trend setters?  Their talent and charisma were enough to win over audiences of thousands, raising musical standards to new levels and winning hearts over to their kind of music all over the world.
They were seen as trend setters in the realm of young men with whom courtesy, kindness, generosity and morality are primary characteristics.  Their clean-cut appearance and wholesome attitudes are welcome trends in today‘s society.  How refreshing to see their level of potential trend-setting alive and well in today‘s music scene.  Their fast rising popularity gives credulity to it’s validity as having brought out the appeal of beauty and quality in the field of popular music.
The Il Volo guys don’t  rely on elaborate costuming to impress their audiences.  They are usually seen in black, gray or blue–simple casual outfits, depending on personality and performance to captivate the fans’ attention.
When they do go dressy for certain events, it’s in high fashion (Armani?) with style and quality with the accent on dignity and respect for the viewers.
However, to show that  they can interject a sense of fun when appropriate, note their recent appearance wearing white tennis shoes with their “dressed up” attire.
These young men have set new heights of admiration in the hearts of the thousands of fans who have come to love and respect them.  To know them is to love them–for many of us at a level higher than ever before felt for a performer, having become as real and personal and close as family members.  They are setting trends of quality that we can only hope will be examples for others to follow.

~~Mary Bohling~~

31 thoughts on “Personally Speaking~TREND SETTERS~Mary Bohling”

  1. Mary, thank you for putting my feelings into words! You NAILED it!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️

  2. All of what you say is so, so true! I applaud them for their courage, tenacity, dedication to their music and especially to their fans. They love us as we love them – as family. Thank you for such a nice post, Mary.

  3. Great article, Mary. They sure are the best trend setters out there. What’s not to love? 🙂

  4. Wonderful , Mary!!! Thank you so much!!! I will just continue to enjoy & love these special trendsetters!!! How could you not Love them?!?

  5. Thanks, Mary, this was so good!! I was waiting all those years for Bel Canto and didn’t know it til I saw and heard it in a neat little package of 3 sweet young Italians! It’s been worth the wait! <3 <3 <3

  6. I wonder if they know how far they would carry “bel canto” when they started. With help of Michelle they have pulled if off remarkably well. Thanks Mary for putting it into words. Your talent shows also. Joanie G

  7. As always Mary, you have it so right and what so many of us think and feel! It isn’t just all about their beautiful voices and the wonderful songs they sing They are so much more! Seeing them with their families, friends and fans and especially little children is such a joy and so heartwarming!

  8. It is amazing and very, very true that these three Italian young men have wrapped themselves tightly around our hearts right from the very beginning. Mary, I love what you wrote. Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca have indeed become trend setters and a wonderful example for the young people of today.

      1. Yes and the most funny was when Gianluca imitated the high voce of moderator, mom told that moderator has strange voice, unpleasant to the ears, we have a different melody of voices. 🙂 But mainly after longer time interview that you all understand.

    1. Thanks Lydka for this interview. The questions asked were better than they get in some interviews.

      1. Ho letto l’intervista sulla GMG, che dire, sono veramente ragazzi d’oro da prendere come esempio. Grazie Lydka

  9. Mary hai colto nel segno, non solo è bellissimo ascoltare le loro voci magnifiche e le loro belle canzoni ma è anche un piacere vedere tre giovani uomini distinguersi per eleganza, modestia, educazione e rispetto, qualità che ultimamente scarseggiano. Bravi Piero Ignazio e Gianluca, standin ovation per il lavoro che state facendo.

    Translation: Mary have missed the mark, not only is beautiful to listen to their voices and their beautiful songs but it is also a pleasure to see three young men stand out for their elegance, modesty, education and respect, qualities that are in short supply lately. Good Piero Ignatius and Gianluca, Standin’ ovation for the work you are doing.

      1. Grazie Melissa, Piero Ignazio e Gianluca sono anche un esempio per i giovani, ho letto un commento di una ragazzina di 16 anni che aveva intrapreso una cattiva strada ed era molto infelice. Da quando ha iniziato ad ascoltare le loro musiche e leggere di loro, ha imparato a non esporre la sua rabbia, ad ascoltare e rispettare di piu’ i suoi genitori, la sua famiglia e il prossimo, ha trovato in loro un esempio di vita. Questo è’ molto positivo, i giovani di oggi hanno bisogno di questi esempi.

  10. So well put, and so true about our amazing guys! They are a breath of fresh, sweet air in our troubled world, and God clearly put them together from the start. Can’t imagine my life without them (especially Pierino, who’s my soul mate but just doesn’t know it heeheehee). No matter what’s happening throughout the day, listening to ‘my little guys’ never fails to make me feel better. I’m so thankful to their parents too, because I think it’s their teaching and love that’s made them into the examples they are today. Thank you Mrs. Mary for taking all our love and putting it into words. 🙂

  11. Mary your writing & how you express yourself is always superb, you know how to nail it. We all love hearing & talking about Il Volo, the best singers, trend setters &
    down home guys

    1. Harriett, interview was made before concert in London,but this part of it was published July 20, 2016 so in reality is new. 🙂 Greetings to you !

  12. Mary my opinion is that ideally this article should be in every magazine and also on facebook! Thank you, you are the best.

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