Personally Speaking ~ Has It All Been Said? I Don’t Think So…



Many of us here on the site have been writing about the three best singers on the planet for several years now.  Everyone describes them with superlatives and all of the superlatives about Il Volo are authentic.

I love the way we come here everyday to read someone’s thoughts about Gianluca, Piero or Ignazio.  Their professional and personal lives, their  beautiful country and culture, their families and friends are all very interesting to us.  We never get tired of seeing them, reading about them or writing about them.  This brings us closer to them and each other making us feel more connected.

They give to us more than I think they will ever know.   They stand in front of us on stages world wide and share their gifts so openly and humbly.



They  need no fancy lighting, gyrating dancers or catchy gimmicks.  Just a microphone and each other.



They own the stage and their music.  It’s pure.  It’s captivating.  It’s powerful.  Their current Notte Magica Tour showcases this more than ever.







There is still so much to be said about these three.  I can’t wait to read what some of you will say after you have seen them in concert during the European leg of their tour.   They will become legendary.  There will be people talking about them and writing about them for years to come.  Has it all been said?  No way!










49 thoughts on “Personally Speaking ~ Has It All Been Said? I Don’t Think So…”

  1. Jane, Jane, Jane! Truer words have never been written. Nor written so well. Brought a lump to my throat. Just look at those three singing photos. There is no question that they give us all they’ve got …EVERYTIME!

    When I think of Piero, that is the picture I see in my mind. I was privileged to be in the audience the first time I heard his solo and he held his fists in that position. What power! What strength! What a voice!

    Thank you Jane and thank you, thank you, thank you Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero for the magical music I will be lucky enough to listen to the rest of my life.

  2. Thank you, thank you, Jane!!! You have said exactly what we feel! Our Trio is marvelous with their music!!! They are unique young men in every aspect of their lives!!! I am now living with my daughter, Elizabeth & her husband in Utah. I moved on April 23. I am getting older & was unable to live alone anymore!!! I wanted to be with family & will visit around with my 6 kids thru out the year. I had told Ignazio at PBS in Dec & I got hugs, kisses & encouragement from all three!!! They have been so sweet to me!!! They take the time to be sympathetic & encouraging to any of us that are encountering life’s difficulties . I was able to enjoy 2 Concerts, LA & Vegas & the M&G’s!!! Notte Magica was two evenings of enchanted, magical Music!!! Beautiful memories, untill we meet again!!!

    1. Anne, I am so glad you are able to live with your daughter and family. That must be so comforting for you. The encouragement you received from Piero, Ignazo and Gianluca is priceless. These three have wisdom beyond their years. They understand and respect people of older ages. Two Notte Magica concerts and M&G’s! Wow! That is wonderful!!

  3. Jane, you wrote a really nice thing.
    The VOLO not only performs, but makes us participate in everything they are doing.
    Thank you for having said that they will become legendary, it will be time to confirm it.
    Just last night I found an old article when they won Sanremo and brought you back to what this journalist thinks.


    Certainly we know this is not so, but now I think so well knows that journalist who is eating his fingers for his unconfirmed predictions.

    1. I am sure there are many journalists and music critics who have made erroneous predictions of upcoming artists. And this one couldn’t have been more off the score. The fine gentle men of Il Volo just keep showing the world what excellent music sounds like and what kind humble human beings look and act like.

    2. YES, Daniela: I sure hope that journalist is eating his words!! Our guys are just perfect in every way! Looks–handsome, dress- elegant, personalities and voices that astounds their audiences wherever they perform!!

    1. Rose Marie, I haven’t been around quite as long, but know exactly what you mean. No one I’ve ever come across ever matches up to these three. 🙂

  4. I can only agree with the comments above & add my feelings of love for these gorgous your men our heartthrobs. My life was mundain until I heard & seen them n person. Now my ears hear the explosive magnificense of their voices & see their lovable smiles on their handsome faces. Now looking at their pictures & listening to
    their voices daily always puts me in a good mood with the longing to see them again in concert. Saying that they are the BEST singers on the panet isn’t enough. Exquisit maybe fits a little better. Or if someone has a better word please add it in your comment.

    1. You are so right Loretta. Exquisite is a better word! I know what you mean about them changing your life. They bring sunshine and joy to every day.

    1. Yes, this is the exact smile I get when listening to them. I can see you get the same smile Cynthia!

      1. oh hi Jane… soooo nice to hear from you…. my heart smiles again with that….

  5. good luck Ann Quinto on your move. I also am too old to live alone any longer. I don’t have close family so will move into an assisted living place soon. Our “boys” will keep me sane through all of it. Not many people on this planet can say that they have saved lives as our trio has. Stay with me guys. I need you. JoanieG

    1. Dear Joan,
      No matter where we are, or where we go, we are able to have our boys come with us. That is very comforting to me and I hope you too.

    2. Joanie, I hope your move goes well. And I know Il Volo music will help you through!

    3. Good luck on your move, Joan! I have friends in assisted living who are doing fine! You will too! Have most unpacked & my IlVolo bedroom mostly put together! Will share photos when I get a chance!!! The Boys keep us going no matter what life changes come our way!!! Their wondrous music soothes & comforts!!! Amore to all!!!

  6. Thank you very much Jane. Your words express perfectly my own feelings too and for sure of all of us. They are magical and keep us all smiling and filled with love. They are legendary for sure! Thank you.

    1. Thank you SunFreeStar. What a pretty name. They ARE legendary and a true phenomenon I am so thankful we have all been around to witness.

  7. Jane I’m sorry I didn’t thank you for your comments above & through others inputs. You are usually right on the mark. While looking at the picture of the guys above has anyone noticed that Gian & Pearo are the same height as Ignazio? Possibly heel lifts in their shoes? Good for them. I also noticed that Gianluca is becoming more relaxed kibitsing around with them. I feel its been wonderful & educating watching them grow up just like watching my own boys only without the stress.

    1. Thanks Loretta. I do see the high hairdos may make them look taller. They are gorgeous any way you see them! 🙂 I know what you mean about Gianluca becoming more relaxed and kidding around with them. It is great to watch him open up like that as the camaraderie really shines through!

    2. Hi Loretta, I just think that picture shows a false impression of their height because Ignazio is a step or two further away from the camera so he doesn’t look as tall as he really is. Look at the other ones–the last two that Jane posted and you’ll see what I mean.

      1. Hi Penina nice to hear from you. Yes I get what you mean. To me. Whatever they are doing or posing it is nice to see them the same height if pretend or accident.

      2. I agree–however they appear they are music to my eyes–if I can mix up a couple of metaphors!

  8. Jane, that was wonderful. And I heartily agree with all the comments above. I, too, give our boys of Il Volo the credit for making my world bright again after losing my husband of almost 52 years. When I first heard them in 2009, my gray world suddenly became bright and beautiful again. I had something to look forward too – their beautiful voices on new albums – and three somebodies to love – Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca! Meeting them at M&Gs and concerts was just magical.. So thanks, Jane, for reminding us just how and why we love these young men so much.

    1. Allene, that was so beautiful the way you put that. As I said above, they give us more than they will ever know.

  9. Thank you Jane for your wonderful writeup of…..IL VOLO…..I first heard the
    boys singing on America’s Got Talent…..What wonderful voices and talent
    such as I had never heard before, pure vocals that reaches down deep
    inside and makes you want to hear more……I next heard them on a PBS
    special and thought there they are again……One day later I was looking
    around on my laptop and there was…..IL VOLO……on youtube and my whole
    world changed that day…..I have followed them daily ever since and have
    been privileged to attend one concert and M&G…..and yes my world was
    bright and beautiful once more……They are the most uplifting singers I have
    ever heard, bar none……And not only talented singers but as Daniela said
    makes us participate in everything they are doing……Thanks to all the
    Flightcrew members for your heartfelt comments and thank you Gianluca,
    Ignazio, and Piero for your awesome, magical voices, and touching
    performances I am privileged to hear and see everyday on youtube, DVD,
    and in my car……God bless you all, I love you……IL VOLO…..and Flightcrew.
    You are all wonderful.

    1. Gale, thank you. There is a special kind of love here for Il Volo and between Flight Crew members. I am glad you are part of it!

      1. Jane, IL VOLO and the FLIGHT CREW reminds us everyday there is
        so much love out there to give and receive……who knew this before
        IL VOLO/

  10. Thank you Jane for expressing what so many of us feel about these three wonderful, talented young men. They are truly beautiful both outside and inside and have such tender and loving hearts. They don’t need gimmicks or anything fancy. It is all about their amazing voices and love they give to the audience. The photos are great and show Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca doing what they do best! They have brought so much joy and happiness into so many lives.
    I am glad Anne that you were able to move in with your daughter and her husband and good luck to you Joan with your move.

  11. Grazie Jane for a beautiful review of our young men! I especially like the comments that they don’t need any glitz!! On stage it is just them poring out their emotions with each song and us, the audience, absorbing every note.

  12. You did a great job Jane, although I don’t know if writing about our guy’s is considered work!😊
    I, like the rest of you have had my life change since knowing these three gorgeous men.
    I have a feeling that Ignazio was thinking of Marie in that one picture, don’t you?😊

  13. You know when growng up I listened & danced to the 50’s music & still listen to it occasionally. At that time it was the best music ever in my opinion & some of the
    vocalists were tops. Now over these later years I couldn’t find good music to listen to unless I pulled out my records or CD’s. Now since finding Il Volo I have the very BEST music & singers again where no one will ever keep up with & which no one will ever be able to compete. IL VOLO the best singers in the world & as a bonus the handsomest guys in the world.

      1. Ditto Ladies! The anticipation of waiting for the next tour has been a part of my life for the past 3 years. What now? Wait and see I guess what plans they have for 2018💔

  14. I am going to be 80 years old in August and i don’t let a day pass without listening to your news about Il Volo and hearing any videos you post. Please keep on saying all the wonderful things you have to say about them. I can’t tell you the joy they bring to my life and the tears every time I hear them. Sincerely, Arlene Butler in Morro Bay, CA, USA

    On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 3:30 AM, Il Volo Flight Crew ~Share The Love wrote:

    > Jane posted: ” Many of us here on the site have been writing about the > three best singers on the planet for several years now. Everyone describes > them with superlatives and all of the superlatives about Il Volo are > authentic. I love the way we come here ev” >

    1. Arlene, I am so glad you come to the site like the rest of us to be filled with Il Volo love! They have changed all of our lives for the better!

  15. Thank you so much Jane for your beautiful and very true words and beautiful photos of our boys. It is nothing short of amazing the love and joy they bring to our Flight Crew and to people all over the world simply by their pure talent and the purest souls you will ever meet.
    I too come to this very special site to get my daily Il Volo fix and I always come away happier than I was . Thank you from then bottom of my heart to all you wonderful angels who keep us updated with everything we need to know about our boys.

    1. Thank you Margaret. I feel the same way you do about coming to this special site every day. My day can’t start until I DO come here!

  16. Amazing how we all feel the same !! My children, grandchildren and great grand children ,can’t understand what ‘s happened to me since the IlVolos came into my life!!

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