Personally Speaking ~ REVIVIFICATION ~ Mary Bohling

To impart new life, energy or spirit.


You’ve taken flight for home, sweet  songbirds.

It’s time for you to rest.

You’ve sung your little hearts out.

You’ve given us your best.




You’ve filled us with your beauty, our hearts are overflowing,

We say caio for now, and shed a tear, but  we are always knowing

That  you will come again,  though the waiting will be tough,

Anticipation can be sweet and will have to be enough.

After you’ve revived yourselves with lots of relaxation

Immerse yourselves completely in your favorite recreation.


The sea is calling Piero to help relieve his tension.




And Walter and Buddy truly need Ignazio’s attention.




Gianluca likes to spend his time with family and friends.




And soccer at the beach is a joy that never ends.




Piero says  the Nautilus Club is really neat,

And running in the sand feels lovely on the feet.




Sometimes just being left alone is really what  you need.

To take some time to ruminate and cut down on the speed.




Relaxing by the sea is always lots of fun

When you are with a best friend, just soaking up the sun.




 Even though this time is meant for rest and easy living,

The passion for your work will make you keep on giving.




You’ll be busy with recording and making future plans.

Please top your list with this request: remember all the fans

Who wait here in the USA  to hold you close once more.




We LOVE you, we WANT you, we NEED you,

You are OUR Grand Amor.




~ Mary~

Photo credits to:

  Piero Barone Fans

Il Volo Fans In The World

All Things Il Volo

Il Volo Recent Photos

34 thoughts on “Personally Speaking ~ REVIVIFICATION ~ Mary Bohling”

  1. Mary, you’ve done it again. How beautiful! Your words flow like velvet and convey so much. Our dear guys are having fun being just “guys” right now. Resting up for the next adventure. Enjoy the time guys!

  2. Mary, this is beautiful!! Love every word!!! It is hard not knowing when we will see our charming trio again!!! I hope they have much more relax time !!!

  3. Mary, you put into beautiful words what we are all thinking. I miss them and can’t wait until tickets go on sale for their next round of concerts. Do you know if the promotional tour for the new CD that is planned for September will include any concerts or TV appearances?

  4. Very nice Mary! They really deserve and need some time to rest, have fun and just spend time with their families and friends. Ever since they won SanRemo, they have been touring Italy and the world. They have done tv shows, interviews, and charitable events, but it is always nice to be back home. From what Gianluca said, it sounds like starting Sept. 30 they will be in the US and South America and that is great news!

  5. how appropriate – the birds shown are of the Swallow family and I am the ” landlord ” of 2 colonies of Purple Martins “= largest of the Swallow birds. [ I live on the cliff edge of Lake Erie in Lakewood, Ohio ] They only eat flying insects. They hang out in Brazil from November until beginning of January.

  6. Mary Your talent is astounding. The photos bring back the personal life of our boys that we miss so much. I am first is line for the DVD and CD coming up. Joanie G

    1. Thank you so much. That is exactly how I feel. Can’t wait for another vist from that wonderful trio. Keep up the good work.
      Alice White in Florida

  7. I’m gearing up to hopefully get a ticket for September 30th, hope the city isn’t too far from the Border.

  8. Mary, I lack words to express these feelings….so….thanks for speaking for me!! You are a true poet!! Keep it coming!!♡♡♡

  9. Is possible that Il Volo is going to Detroit Public Television on August 24th to promote their new CD & DVD “Una notte magica”. But I think it is not officially confirmed by Il Volo. Today they canceled their participation in the World Youth Days without giving a specific reason.

    1. Lydka, thank you for the new’s that the guy’s canceled their appearances at World Youth Day. I have been worried about them attending it, because of all the violence going on in this world. I’m assuming this is why they canceled.

      1. I think mainly fans in Poland are disappointed, because boys have there quite big fan club and fans are inviting them, for long time, to come to their country and to make a concert in Poland. (People in the East Europe often feel they aren’t interesting for some artists and they never have concert there. ) The boys didn’t explain the reason of absence,but did it at the last minute. It’s strange, because in the past few days on their official profiles were words such as they enjoyed that there will be. Certainly had a serious reason for it, maybe the danger of unpleasant incident was one of the options. Let’s see if they explain this more later.

    2. Lydka, I imagine they cancelled due to security concerns. I have been watching the news and hearing things that made me afraid for them. I am glad they are not going.

      1. I believe that everyone in Krakow is well protected. Also Pope is there and everything works good. 🙂 This event should not be about fear but about peace, love and faith,friendship, tolerance and respect. Officially boys will not go at WYD due to organisational problems.

    3. Yes Lydka, They ARE going to be in Detroit on August 24 at the PBS station….at least as of now. My daughter, granddaughter, and Allene and I have tickets for that event, so
      surely hope that there is not a cancellation.

      1. Mary,I haven’t read about official confirmation about their presence there, but I suppose they will be in Detroit. 🙂 They certainly would not want to disappoint their American fans. I wish you, your daughter, granddaughter and Allene nice time and experiences with positive impressions on this event ! Enjoy it ! 🙂 I sincerely greet you.

  10. Very disappointed in the cancellation of their appearance at WYD. Does anyone know what happened?

    1. From Italian article:
      The management of Il Volo with “deep regret” communicates “to organizational problems difficult to resolve, was forced to cancel the participation of three young artists at the World Youth Day where some of their performances were planned “. It is learned from a staff note: “The regret of Piero, Ignazio and Gianluca is great. This participation was always one of their deep desire but, in spite of themselves, the three young men have acknowledged and responsibly with their teams reality to find that there were no technical and artistic conditions to express themselves to the fullest, as their custom, with the commitment emotionality that this great event would have required. “The three artists, their management and their team apologize to the young people of WYD and wish everyone a happy and peaceful participation. ”
      Original Article:

  11. These wonderful young men try to attend & help people & countries but if there is unrest where they have promised to go then they have to protect themselves & people have to realise that. We do NOT want them hurt or killed & as that is why they are fearful & had to cancel. We are always praying for their safety & God is looking after them.

    1. Distance between Košice and Krakow is 262 kilometres. I don’t think Krakow is dangerous place.

  12. Mary, that was a most wonderful poem. I do hope our guys see it. And the pictures went well with every word. And now I know what revivification means!

  13. Thank you Mary for the lovely writing. I You have a lot of talent
    yourself. I do trust the wisdom of rhe Il Volo team to take care of
    of the artists of Il Volo and all that travel with them to keep them
    safe. I pray for them that they will be careful in their travels.
    I hope they can come back to the USA soon.

  14. Mary, what can I say? That was pure awesomeness!!! Loved every word!
    See you soon! 🙂 😉


  15. Thank you Lydka for letting us know about the cancellation in Poland. Personally speaking, I am glad that they cancelled with all the troubles going on in the world today. This may not have been the reason, but better to be safe than sorry. I know they revere the Pope, and I feel sorry for the Youth of Poland, but there will be other opportunities hopefully in happier and safer times. You know that the guys will do all they can, sometime in the future, to visit Poland. Remember Mexico and the Hurricane scare.!!

    1. Happier and safer times ? Do you think that in the future will be everything safer ? If we are thinking about safety, so the best is probably to stay at home, but then I could say why boys are traveling to the US or South America , because I think also they are places where is a risk to meet with danger ( for example one police officer has died and another has undergone emergency surgery after being shot in San Diego). Sorry, but I always have little bit fear about boys when they travel to America. After releasing of new Cd and DVD Una notte magica , boys will go to promotional tour and will visit North and South America, Europe and Asia and we can say that it also can be dangerous…I do not know why but sometimes I feel that people from western world are thinking that we in Eastern Europe cannot provide all important things for large events . Slovakia is now the head of the Presidency in the Council of the European Union and one journalist from Britain was very cynical, he asked if we can provide everything at the highest professional level….. in our capital town we have in this period many foreign politicians from all EU ( ) I think that we are able to provide safety for all participants, and also we know to do good six-month presidency.People from Eastern Europe are often underestimated. I do not know if boys will have in the future concert in Poland, but I am sure that my neighbors, as quite big country, have bigger chance as my country.

      1. We do not know why the cancelation happened. We hesitate to speculate. You will all be updated when and if we find out for certain. We have to trust team Il Volo for whatever reason. Remember..although we are fortunate tney are excellent communicators we cannot possobly know everything.

      2. Marie, every fan has right to express his/her opinions and feelings.I think you misunderstood the true meaning of my words. I repeate again what I wrote yesterday in one my comment . Personally I don’t want to criticize the boys, always wishing them the best and I respect ,as fan, their decisions and choices.I only write my opinion, I am always sincere, others may not agree with me, this is ok.:-) But I think that this cancellation should have been communicated in the better way and with longer advance. Fans deserve the honest informations, because words of the press release opened the door to speculation. What were the “technical and artistic conditions” that could not be resolved? Their participation at WYD was highly publicized and their performance at the final Mass was greatly expected.Also the hymns they were going to sing were announced. Il Volo’s team has had a flawless managing their publicity about this event. This surprising and ” in last minute” cancellation was strange. Transparency and clarity would be better for them. I think that fans never will know the truth about it….. Have a nice day ! 🙂 I sincerely greet you.

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