And here we are at the second TUTTI PER UNO concert broadcast by Canale 5.
Almost the entire concert corresponds to the concert that I myself saw live in the Arena on May 11th.
What a thrill, seeing those moments again, the beautiful atmosphere and wonderful songs and then them…… the three of them: Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero, our three super artists so loved by the public. 😍😍😍
But let’s go straight to the television concert, where I will translate the speeches for you and so you will understand each situation better.
I thank Il Volo En Clase who once again reproduced the entire concert so that it is visible on YouTube  😘 (for us in Italy it is not visible)
The preview begins with Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio walking under the stands of the Arena to reach the stage and are stopped by a control officer who looks at the list and reads all the names of the various guest singers who will perform, but their three names are not there. Ignazio tells him to check if Il Volo is there and the man confirms that Il Volo is at the top of all the names and Piero confirms: “We are here for TUTTI PER UNO”.🤩
The concert begins.
The Arena seen from above is wonderful, full of people waiting for the three of them to start singing UN AMORE COSÌ GRANDE. (In reality that evening the concert began with the music of Il Gladiatore.) 😉

After Piero’s greetings to the public and viewers at home, Ignazio explains the meaning of TUTTI PER UNO and wishes you a good evening.
Gianluca wants to reveal the names of the guests but Ignazio and Piero tell him not to spoil, but Gianluca immediately introduces the first guest, the rock singer Gianna Nannini.
Gianna truly loves our boys and has always admired them from the beginning.
A medley of Gianna Nannini’s beautiful songs begins:
SEI NELL’ANIMA, sings with Ignazio
BELLO E IMPOSSIBILE, sings with Gianluca
The effect of the lights in the Arena and the people were fantastic, what a wonderful choir of voices, these songs are very well known here in Italy and I assure you that all the people in the Arena who knew them, sang at the top of their lungs, including me, magnificent and engaging! 🤩
PIERO= Gianna, music has no boundaries, apparently distant styles but which manage to come together.
GIANNA= Melody has no boundaries!
PIERO= You are unique, you are unique.
GIANLUCA= Last year you came to visit us and it was exciting, but coming back here…
GIANNA= You and I didn’t sing together last year.
GIANLUCA= You sang with Piero.
IGNAZIO= I didn’t sing with you either.
GIANLUCA= This year, however, we all wanted to sing with you and being here with you is always exciting.
GIANNA= I always enjoy singing with you, because you bring true Italian music to the world, (addressing the audience) this is the music, this is the music.
PIERO= You know Gianna, this is a magical night for us…..(way to introduce the next song they sing together, Gianna, Il Volo and the whole Arena) UN’ESTATE ITALIANA (Notti Magiche) song by Gianna Nannini written for the football world cup held in Italy in 1990. 🥰 ⚽
The boys present Federica Panicucci, the face of Canale 5 who already presented last year. Federica after the greetings and pleasantries says that she finds the boys well after a year but something has changed because she announces that Ignazio is getting married to Michelle and confirms that Michelle is a beautiful girl and that she was Miss Venezuela. 🥰
The solos begin.
Ignazio sings the beautiful ALMENO TU NELL’UNIVERSO. 🥰
Piero continues with the beautiful MATTINATA by Leoncavallo.
In the end Ignazio says that he was used to singing Mattinata in duet with Piero and now Piero sang it alone and behind the stage he thought “what a Caino” 🤪 (like saying what a traitor), but he liked it and in the end Ignazio says to Piero is proud of him who has been studying day by day for more than a year and the results can be felt.❤️
Gianluca comments “Che patatone (as if to say that Ignazio is very sweet). I’m happy for you too.” (turning to Piero) ❤️❤️
Piero instead compliments Gianluca’s beautiful shiny jacket. 🤩
Gianluca continues with THE POWER OF LOVE song by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, wonderful, I always listened to it. 😍
Ignazio says that now there is a song that they haven’t sung for many years, words full of meaning for: LA VITA. 🤩
Federica Panicucci entertains Il Volo and the public by taking a “journey into music”.
She shows the boys a “cassette recorder, or cassette player” and asks if they know about it.
Gianluca asks if it’s a toaster. 😂
Piero says he knows it because his grandfather used a similar one. 😘
Federcia remembers that the ribbons were always twisted and fingers or pencils were used to unravel them. 🙄😁
Then Federica shows an old cassette with a song by Umberto Tozzi from 1978.
Umberto Tozzi enters and everyone sings  the song TU.
At the end Ignazio congratulates Tozzi for his results and for 50 years of career and makes the audience sing the refrains of some very famous Tozzi songs: Ti Amo and Gloria.
Piero presents a young and talented soprano Nina Solodovnikova, together they will duet in LIBIAM DE’ LIETI CALICI.  🥂
Gianluca continues with the beautiful ELEANOR RIGBY of the Beatles.
At the beginning Gianluca explains the words of the song and says that Paul McCartney had invented those names in the song but a few years later visiting a cemetery he actually found a gravestone with the name Eleanor Rigby and a little further away one with the name Father McKenzie, just a coincidence ? 🙏
The beautiful CAPOLAVORO follows, (in reality that evening it was sung immediately after Il Gladiatore).
When the chorus starts and Gianluca is on the left of the stage, he is exactly in front of the seats where we were sitting and I must tell you that it was clear that he was very excited, hearing all the people singing the chorus he was overwhelmed with emotion and didn’t hold back a few tears, what a sweet and extraordinary boy. 😍❤️
Ignazio launches the advertisement and then resumes with L’IMMENSITÀ. 🥰
Federica Panicucci returns to the stage and this time offers the guys the CD player.
Gianluca says he used it often, put on headphones and listened to music.
The whole skit introduces a Negramaro song, as their front-man Giuliano Sangiorgi is the next guest and enters to sing SOLO PER TE in duet with Piero.
Personally, I don’t really like Sangiorgi’s type of singing, but the song is very beautiful and I really liked the unexpected duet. Even Sangiorgi, in the end, admits that he has never heard his song sung in an opera version and he really liked it. 🤩
Ignazio and Gianluca also return and Ignazio asks the Arena to sing choruses of famous Negramaro songs such as:
Usami, straziami
Stringimi Ancora
Then Piero presents the new song which will be sung in duet by Umberto Tozzi and Giuliano Sangiorgi: DONNA AMANTE MIA.
Now there is a moment full of feeling, Ignazio reads a letter he wrote and which he dedicates to his father. ❤️🙏
IGNAZIO= You know, there comes a point in life, especially for a guy like me, that you can only talk about some things when you reach a certain emotional maturity and today I feel like doing something, reading you a letter, a letter that I wrote and I wanted to read it to you. ❤️
“Life has taught us the difference between lack and absence. There is a thread so subtle that those who don’t experience it first-hand cannot understand it.
I often want to pick up the phone and call you:
-I found traffic on the highway….
-You know I managed to fix that locker in the room, the one that was broken….
-Today the weather sucks….
-You know, I’m getting married…..
But I can’t, you’re not there, you’re not there physically, I live on memories, I live on sensations.
Precisely for this reason I don’t want to tell you that I miss you, because the memories keep you alive, they keep you alive and you are still in my mind, in my heart, so I want to tell you that I absente you (you are absent and I take note of it).
I absente you because I am madly missing you, and I will stay in front of the school waiting for you dad…..with my pockets full of rocks and my heart full of you!”
Much emotion for Ignazio.😍
Enter Enrico Nigiotti, with whom Ignazio will do a duet singing a song by JovanottI, with very sweet words: LE TASCHE PIENE DI SASSI. ❤️🙏
At the end of the song Ignazio affectionately embraces Enrico Nigiotti and tells him that there was a great feeling with him right away and thanks him.
This is followed by a beautiful embrace full of affection between Ignazio, Piero and Gianluca. ❤️❤️❤️
All together now for the beautiful song by De Crescenzo: ANCORA.
This time Panicucci arrives with a juke box and all three remember this well, in fact Ignazio says that at the beginning when they were in Los Angeles they went to have breakfast in a place called MEL’S and there was this juke box which for them it was a vintage thing, in fact he calls it “boxed Spotify”, so they ask maestro Rota for a coin who kindly takes the joke and says goodbye to the Arena.
Federica enters and explains how the juke box works with the token, and this is why it was called “la canzone più gettonata” (the song that had the most hits) and in 1964 the most popular single was NEL BLU DIPINTO DI BLU by Modugno. 🤩🤩🤩
At this point, from the royal box the actor Beppe Fiorello reads a passage dedicated to the sad story of Sacco and Vanzetti, the two Italians unjustly condemned to death. Since then their names have become the symbol of judicial errors and intolerance. Thanks to the film, their story became known everywhere and Morricone took care of the soundtrack.
HERE’S TO YOU begins and Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio singing in the audience.
Very sweet Piero and Gianluca who reach out and hug their mothers. ❤️❤️❤️
Beppe Fiorello joins Il Volo on stage. He is an actor (he is the brother of the Fiorello we already know) and being an actor, together with Il Volo, play a game that is inspired by various cinemas, because Beppe Fiorello says that, “cinema crystallizes things in history” and so do the “famous phrases” of cinema and being in a place like the Arena the first sentence that Beppe Fiorello utters….
B.FIORELLO= At my signal unleash hell. (phrase from Il Gladiatore)
Houston Houston, we have a problem. (phrase from Apollo 13)…..Ignazio pronounces it in Sicilian
Wax on, wax off. (Karate Kid quote)
I’ve seen things you humans can’t imagine. (Blade Runner quote)
My name is Bond, James Bond. (Phrase from 007)
Ignazio, Piero and Gianluca perform the phrase with their name, truly hilarious!!😂😂😂
Last sentence, B.Fiorello says that when Piero called him he asked him if he was taking part in their evening and B.Fiorello replied that he had to see the commitments already made and Piero replied: “I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.” (said in Sicilian dialect, it’s a phrase from The Godfather).

B.Fiorello quickly says some famous phrases:
“You’re just talk and a badge.” (The Untouchables)
“Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?” (Taxi Driver)
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” (Forrest Gump).
B.Fiorello concludes by saying that:
“The words of cinema come out of the screen and enter us, making us protagonists of the greatest film of humanity, our life.”🤩
Great B. Fiorello, actor and director, and when he comes out they all sing PIOVE together.  🥰
We continue with the next guest Irama, with whom Il Volo performs SATURNO E VENERE taken from their latest album Ad Astra. Beautiful song born from a beautiful collaboration and great friendship with Irama! 😍😍😍😍
And finally here is the beautiful song from Il Gladiatore, the music is powerful, the scenes are fantastic, the choir and orchestra are magnificent and Gianluca, Piero and Ignazio are immense!!! NELLE TUE MANI (NOW WE ARE FREE) ❤️❤️❤️
Gianluca presents the next singer who will duet with him.
She sings, plays, is also an actress, she was also in Sanremo: Clara.
Together they sing SAY SOMETHING. 😍😍
And now Piero pays homage to Puccini and sings an aria from Turandot: NON PIANGERE LIÙ.
Piero is accompanied by five opera singers who he will eventually present. A beautiful operatic moment arises and at the end there is a beautiful standing ovation.👏👏👏
Ignazio performs a solo on Adamo’s beautiful album, a song that my brothers always played when I was little: LA NOTTE. 😍
Gianna Nannini follows from the royal box with a solo: IO VOGLIO TE.
We resume with two artists who we met in Sanremo, and have become friends, Alessandro and Mario: I Santi Francesi. Together with Gianluca they sing WICKED GAME by Chris Isaac. 🤩
In the end Gianluca says that he found in them some nice people with whom he shared the same passion for music and they became friends.
The beauty of this concert is that in an instant you go from a pop song to a classical song, always beautiful music!!
Piero in a solo in Spanish: TORERO QUIERO SER.
But there is also soul and Ignazio remembers to let us listen to it: HIGHER GROUND by Stevie Wonder.
The always touching NESSUN DORMA follows, all together.
Federica Panicucci returns for the final greetings and congratulates the boys and talks about the hard work to achieve great results and great successes, just like them.  She elegantly announces FRAMMENTI DI UNIVERSO and greets everyone. 🥰
On the beautiful notes of Ad Astra, the final greetings of Ignazio, Piero and Gianluca begin.
A great show!! 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️
As you know, I was present at this concert and I’ll tell you three moments that were not filmed by Canale 5 cameras.
As I have already told you, my husband and I were sitting on the far left looking at the stage and there on the first steps there were Torpedine, Barbara, Ercole, Ernesto, Michelle and other people from the staff or family, so I could see these three very well – sweet moments.
At a certain point, Gianluca, during a song, ran up the steps to hug his brother: adorable. 😍😍
Instead Ignazio took advantage of his moment of pause while Gianluca and Piero were singing solos and joined Michelle, what love. ❤️❤️
Piero then, once Mimì’s romance was over, ran to hug his singing teacher Fulvio Massa.
And these are the moments that make us understand the sensitivity, the affection, the respect that Gianluca, Ignazio and Piero have towards people. Simply adorable. ❤️❤️❤️
This time too, the concert had maximum television ratings. 🎉🎉
Many articles now, after the second concert, talk about the success of the audience and how much people love Il Volo.
Il Volo published this thank you with these words that I translate:
Thank you for the warmth and affection you showed us also in the second episode of Tutti Per Uno.
See you next week for the third episode.

Click Here – to view the concert recap

And that’s all for this second date too, see you soon with the third concert.
Daniela 🤗
This time I want to offer you a nice roundup of photos during the rehearsals and in the backstage, enjoy!

Credit to owners of all photos and videos.

43 thoughts on “TUTTI PER UNO: CANALE 5 SECONDA SERATA by Daniela”

  1. Thank you Daniela. I haven’t managed to watch this part yet, been a bit on the busy side, but I will.

    You managed to answer a couple of questions without my asking. I thought Beppe Fiorello’s face looked somewhat familiar when I saw a photo on Facebook last night. Well now I know why!

    There were some questions asked, and some comments that should not have been made, regarding why were Michelle and Igna on their own. Let us hope they read this, then they will know the answer.

    According to some reports the second concert was not well received. On the other hand we have quite the opposite. From what I have seen, and your comments I would be inclined to believe you rather than the detractors.

    I look forward to reading about the third concert next week.

    So many thinks once again, and hugs to you and your family from a rather chilly and wet South Yorkshire. Actually today has been dry and chilly, but it won’t last.


    1. Actually Roz, don’t listen to the usual detractors. They said the first concert was received lukewarmly but instead it achieved maximum ratings. Some newspapers I don’t know how they write certain articles!! 🤬
      The second concert achieved the highest ratings of the evening and many articles wrote well about it. Only one, written by a critic who has always boycotted them, wrote that he would never go to one of their concerts and that they don’t know how to entertain the public, he also wrote that we must get rid of Bel Canto!! 🤬 Do you know what my satisfaction was? The numerous comments in support of Il Volo from many people who I don’t know as fans, and also many male names, very few who really support the critic, almost all against him and for Il Volo, was truly a great satisfaction.💪
      Believe me they were very successful, don’t believe the usual detractors.😉

      What do you mean Michelle and Igna were alone? Maybe Ignazio’s mother and sister weren’t there? I was on the second evening and it may be that the mother and sister were on the first. However Michelle was with some of her relatives, I saw them, they even took some photos together 🥰

  2. Vielen lieben Dank Daniela. Ich habe mir so ziemlich alles auf youtube angeschaut und kann deine Begeisterung verstehen. Es war einfach nur schön. Die Duetts, die Gianluca gesungen hat, fand ich hervorragend, egal ob mit I Santi Francesi oder Clara. Ich war total berührt. Clara und Gianluca könnte ich mir gut als Liebespaar vorstellen.

    Ich werde mir noch oft die Konzerte ansehen. Vielen herzlichen Dank für deine Mühe.

    1. Danke, Ursula, und es stimmt, die Duette waren wunderschön und die Begeisterung war riesengroß.
      Man muss sich die Videos mehrmals ansehen, um das Ganze vollständig zu verstehen. 🤩

      Thanks to you Ursula, and it’s true the duets were beautiful and the enthusiasm was sky high.
      You have to watch the videos several times to fully understand the whole thing.🤩

    2. Hallo Ursula
      Ich have deine Frange besntwortet in der erste Artikel von Daniela. Hast du es geseehen? Ich glaube nicht, dass wir und personlich kennen – ich bin viel zu Alt und hane auch keine Erinnerungen davon. Aber Danke schoen fuer die Anfrage.
      Viele Gruesse – Kirsten🇩🇰

  3. Daniela and Pat thank you! I loved every minute of the seconda as well primo concerts….cannot wait for tre! Your translations help us to understand what we can not otherwise comprehend…..Igna’s letter to his Papa was so touching and from his heart , so much love……there nothing quite like missing someone so close to you even while knowing they are in your heart and on your mind everyday of your life forever…..they live in us and the memories they left behind for us. My heart goes out to him and his broken heart for healing…Michelle will help with the healing🩷.
    Piero’s voice is soaring, he could hold his own on any Opera stage! I hope his opportunity comes quickly.
    Gian, what I say….his voice and presentation of a song does crazy things to me! It’s a bit embarrassing but at my age he makes me swoon!!🫣😳💖 the way his emotions can overcome him but he continues on I think is the mark of a secure, confident and strong man….let those tears flow Gian, they’re cleansing and endearing!
    I love them all and think we’ll be able to see them perform for years to come and hopefully see all three happily raising families of their own!
    Thanks again to both of you!
    Love and affection, Carol

    1. Wow, Carol, what a beautiful comment and what can I say, you made very precise portraits of all three.

      It’s true, Piero’s voice is becoming more and more powerful and we hope he will be able to fulfill his dream of an entire opera. 🤩

      Ignazio’s words for his father were absolutely touching, Ignazio wish you all the best for your future life with Michelle.💖

      But my lady, you almost made me faint with your statement about Gianluca. Sweet boy with such a sensitive soul, wouldn’t you have wanted to run and hug him? I do and many others too. 😍

      You summed up well what we all think Carol!! 😉

    2. Don’t be embarrassed, Carol, swoon away! I will be right there to join you! I was emotional several times during the concert and I teared up. The guys and their music have always touched me deeply. 💖

  4. Oh yes, Daniela and Carol – I also would have loved to give Gian a big hug at that moment. And Daniela, what a fabulous concert you saw!! Many thanks to you for the detailed description and to you and Pat for all the photos. I can’t wait to watch the whole thing, and I know I’ll love it like I did all 3 hours of the first one! I leave for 3 weeks in Italy on June 1, but darn, I wasn’t able to align my trip with one of the guys’ concerts. (Actually, I’m suspecting that there will be a certain wedding taking place there in June anyway.)

    1. You’re welcome, Judi! I would gladly give Gianluca or Ignazio or Piero a hug if they were emotional. 🤗

      1. Pat, I would gladly give any of them a hug whether they were emotional or not, if I got the chance!😍😘

    2. Yes Judi, I confirm that I saw a beautiful show. Great, come to Italy, what’s your first stop?
      It’s a shame you couldn’t include a concert in your trip, but enjoy your holidays. 🥰

      1. Daniela, first stop is beautiful Taormina, then Calabria and Puglia, finishing with a favorite, the Amalfi coast. I’ll just have to wait to see the guys again when they return to the States (have seen them twice here.) Watched the full show last night–wow, what a production!🎶😍👍

      2. How nice Judi, I think you already told me about it, anyway it’s a beautiful tour, don’t miss anything of these beautiful places. 😉

    3. Ciao judy mi sembra che e il matrimonio di ignazio e Michelle a giugno perché mi sembra piero e single stupendi 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  5. Wonderful to read a translation of the concert. Hope one day Il Volvo will perform in the UK.

    1. Janet, we all hope so, they used to come to the UK, but there always has to be demand, so ask for them and they will come.😉

  6. That was wonderful to know in English the things that were said! I know you do that all the time but for some reason there were several times in this Concert I wished I spoke Italian so I would know what was said. Then you did it for me! Like when Ignazio read the letter he wrote to his Dad, and when Gianluca teared up. I could hardly wait for your next post so I could find out what was said!
    You girls do such a great job of making sure we know what takes place and we are all very grateful to you for that. Thanks for making us feel like we are at the Concert instead of just reading about it.

    1. Yes Eleanor, there were those two truly touching moments, Gianluca overwhelmed by emotion and Ignazio with the letter to his dad, but I assure you that the whole thing touches the heart, beyond their undeniable skill. I had to translate everything for you, I understand well that not understanding a situation takes away the pleasure of savoring the moment to the fullest. 🥰

  7. Hello, Hello, Hello – better late than never – but I have just recently returned from my Italy holiday and haven’t been able to catch up before. I tried to post the below response to Daniella’s last two articles, but apparently that threads are no longer active debating, so I re-post here for the sake of good order.

    And yes I was there – on Saturday, May the 11th – with my hubby and had the great pleasure of meeting up with Daniela again and enjoying this magic concert with her – and some 15.000 other Il Volo fans. I can only totally agree with all Daniela has been writing and posting – it was a fantastic evening in many aspects. At the last postings you have been discussing the concert/s in details so there is not much I can add. Arena di Verona is an awesome venue that adds tremendously to the event. The stage set-up with all its lights, colors and special effects was grandiose and perfect for a huge modern TV production – albeit personally I can do without most of it as I prefer our guys in more simple settings in order to fully enjoy them rather than a spectacular light show – but what we experienced was elegant and in some situations magical hence not interfering in any way or stealing the attention. A full symphonic orchestra plus, plus and a 20-30 persons choir added to the grandness of this concert leaving no corners cut. And the guys shined and were like little kids on their favorite playground. And looking good in their – individual – but all black tux-like outfits and normal hair dos they were a delight to watch and of course listen to.

    I was surprised to find truly many new songs never heard before (May 11th) – both together and soli – boy, have they ever been busy learning this new repertoire plus the songs with which they duetted with their guests! Unfortunately, concert programs are not available so I am actually not able to tell you what songs they were singing – and in fact neither the names of their guests! I trust, however, that Daniela will get that in place when this particular show is broadcasted by Canale 5, so she will probably be able to tell us in her next post. I did recognize I.e. Gianluca singing “Elinor Rigby” by Beatles – a rather untraditional Beatles song not the least as to the lyrics which are actually very sad. Near the end Ignazio sang a lovely salsa-samba like tune that I hope we will hear him sing many times in the future, as it was a glad and fresh tune to which one could hardly sit still. Once again Piero seemed to be the winner of the standing ovations presenting several operatic arias more of which we have heard before – but he just gets better and better.

    These Canale 5 specials feature a number of local Italian artists with whom our guys duets. This time I was prepared so it was all ok with me – but in all honesty being a foreigner and not understanding a word of Italian – it is the least interesting part of the show and at times a bit boring… Apart from Irama and a tall man with a hat, who were both participating last year, none of the other artists were known to me or rang a bell. Apparently they were, however, very popular with the Italian audience who sang happily along and seemed to enjoy these performances very much too. But, of course, it is always interesting to hear and experience our guys in new situations as well.

    One can only be in awe of these Arena di Verona concerts – they are spectacular in all aspects and touches all of your senses. It is a very emotional experience – not just for the audience – apparently also for the participants. As it had been mentioned in more conversations Gianluca seemed to be very touched and couldn’t hold back his feelings. I can confirm this as it happened just in front of my eyes – in the middle of “Capolavoro”. He came happily to the left stage extension singing urging the audience to sing along. Suddenly he stood totally still, bowed a bit towards the audience and then closed his eyes while tears ran down his cheeks. I was totally confused – what happens? – but later I realized that he must have been suddenly emotionally overwhelmed noticing some 15.000 people singing along and sending love to the stage to him and his colleagues in this awesome setting. Luckily it was a very short incident and few seconds later he was jumping happily and smiling up and down “conducting” the audience. But watching him lick up the salty tears and seeing his wet cheek in the spotlight hit me strongly and went straight to my heart. I wish I could have rushed to the stage and hugged him. I believe, however, it was happy tears. But it made it very clear to me that I was not watching 3 robots or AI-constructed figuredsbut rather 3 very human persons of flesh and blood and not the least with genuine feelings.

    PS: Having now watched this Canale 5 YouTube video from the second concert and I believe that a few changes were made without notice – i.e. I recall Gianluca singing with a girl wearing longer than knee long black boots? And I believe the guys did likewise sing the beautiful Morricone song “Your Love” as it is one of my absolute personal favorites and hence paid especially attention. Strangely enough, I don’t recall the duet between Gianluca and Clara. Are you sure that was on our night Daniela?

    Anyhow, enough from me for now. You all have a great Sunday! Warmest regards – Kirsten 🇩🇰

    1. Gianluca singing with the girl in the boots was on the third Canale 5 broadcast. He sang Tell Me Something with Clara in the 2nd broadcast.

  8. Exactly Kirsten, everything as you described and we also add that at the end you and I had the pleasure of shaking hands with Ercole Ginoble, who kindly exchanged a few words with us.
    I believe that concerts with guests attract many Italians, not just Il Volo fans, and this is further publicity for our boys to show their undeniable skill to those who don’t know them. For example, I didn’t know that a friend of mine from school and my neighbor was also at the Arena the same evening as us, invited by her relatives. She doesn’t follow Il Volo but was enthusiastic about it, in short, seeing one of their concerts involves you 100%. 😘

    1. Yes, it was a very special evening Daniela – and yes you and I had the great pleasure of shaking hands with Ercole Ginoble ❤️ That made the evening extra special and means a lot to me for various reasons.

      Like you I was seated in the left corner section – front row – and hence I had a fine view to the section where it appeared that Ercole Ginoble, Michele Torpedine, Piero’s singing coach, Ernesto with girlfriend as well as Ignazio’s Michelle and friends were seated. And it was interesting to watch that all three guys went up there to hug, greet and sit for a split-moment while the others were singing. I did actually see Ignazio rush up to Michelle and kiss her, while Piero was sitting down next to his singing coach for a chat and Gianluca calling his brother over to talk over something technically with him. I had never thought that they would have the excess power to do anything but hide behind the curtains for a deep breather in these situations – but they were surprisingly relaxed! So I had a little extra show going on there next to the stage😜👍❤️

      You are so right Daniela. These shows inviting guest stars to join them – as well as their participation in Festival di Sanremo with all of its hullabaloo – are no doubt events bringing them a lot of valuable PR and attention from other audience segments who do all become potential fans. So they are indeed worth the while for them. And I am so glad that you have already experienced positive responses from same in comments or by friends and acquaintances you have. The guys deserve it so much. I must admit though that I am kind of happy that my next concert in Macerata will be all IL VOLO as albeit interesting to experience the guys duetting with other Italian artists, well, then I do appreciate the three guys being themselves the most 😋❤️ Your translations of the dialogues and presentations etc. have helped me a lot to gain much more understanding and appreciation of same and made sense though, hence once again thank you so much for your huge work here on this site. Hugs and love – Kirsten🇩🇰

  9. Thank you Daniela and Pat for this beautiful article that reminds me the unforgetable moments. That was wonderful evening/night full of joy and beautiful emotions. It’s so nice to have the possibilty to watch the concert on YouTube and reminisce about these wonderful moments and I found myself, the moment when Gianluca hugs his mother🥰. Thank you Daniela for all translations, you are doing an incredibile job. Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks for the compliments Jolanta, and what can I say, I saw you very well in this video too, what luck, but the greatest luck is that we all attended this beautiful concert!! Are your holidays in Tuscany over? 🥰

      1. Yes, unfortunately is over. It was a wonderful time, but now back to work😪

    2. And it was so good to meet up with you and your friend again Jolanta❤️ It is wonderful to share such a concert with people who understands and appreciate the guys in the same way. So glad that you had the fortune of Gianluca coming right to your area to hug and kiss his mom – what a sweet moment to enjoy at such a close distance👍❤️
      I hope that you had a great holiday afterwards in Tuscany – it seems so from the footage I have seen. Our post trip of the Northern Italian lakes did go very well too – just passing by way too fast – and we are likewise safely back continuing our regular lives. Hope to see you soon again and all the best – Kirsten 🇩🇰

    3. You’re welcome, Jolanta! I’m glad it brought back all the feelings of the night. 😄

  10. Thank you Daniela. It is so nice to be able to see these concerts and all the pictures. Both were wonderful but this one had so many emotional moments that seem to be heightened being in Verona. The guys are so relaxed and happy here and their performances are so beautiful. I can only imagine what it must be like to see them perform here. The audience was having such a good time and were so appreciative. It all makes for a very special concert. Looking forward to number three.

    1. Their concerts are always special, Cathy, but I think that Verona has an edge, in the case of concerts recorded for television, you leave the concept of concert and enter the concept of show, in certain moments it reminded me of grandeur of an opera. 😉

  11. What a joy to watch these videos and see these pictures. Thank you so much. My husband hope to be at a concert next year in Italy. Mimi & Charlie from America.

    1. How beautiful Mimi, I will be rooting for your husband’s wish to come true. 🥰

  12. This afternoon I sat down and read Daniela post and translated text! I wish I knew where to start however I I will do my best to make my comment’s with all due respect and kindness.
    When I read everything from start to finish, there is one common thread from all comments and Daniela’s text – we, as fans are really in love with the boys for one reason – they are real, they have hearts and souls, emotions, feelings, compassion and on top of everything their voices are pure, angelic, and are one of the vehicles that deliver us Bel Canto (and I am not Italian) and all music from Opera to rock and everything in between!
    I love it when tears fall down over their cheeks, it says they are human and not afraid to show their feelings.
    OMG, I was crying, tingling and so full of emotion right along with them, not at them.
    The duet between Gianluca and I forget her name, « Say something » was so emotional I wanted to sing with them. The song My Love in the tribute to Maricone (sp) is another of my top 100! Only problem is my 100 songs are all tied at #1!
    Through their singing, I have learned so much of Italy. One lady commented she could do without the lights, background and fancy projections and I must agree at times I could hardly see the boys as they disappeared in the background. That could be I need new glasses but I am saving my money for a ticket to their Canada/USA tour next year!
    These are a few of my thoughts and I did say awhile ago, I bet Ignacio and Michelle will be married right after Rome! Maybe they will be married at the Vatican in a private ceremony!
    Again to all the writers, staff at the Ilvoloflightcrw. I extent my thanks for sharing your stories with the fans of our boys of Il Volo, may the good lord be with all of you!

    1. Beautiful words Sheila, I can tell you that with these concerts and their presence in Sanremo, Il Volo has acquired new fans and I am very happy about it, furthermore certain press are still being obstructive, but I have the pleasure of reading many comments from people who defend the our guys, their commitment, their seriousness, their elegance, their skill……..unfortunately some critics are not objective at all. 😊

  13. Thank you Daniela for translation you bring it to life ,the concert looked amazing and loved all the songs ,Piero sing ing is Opera songs he is ready for Opera now he does so much training on his vocals he is amazing ,it was lovely to see his mum there ,and also other of the boys family ,i hope they will come back to England one day i would love to see them ,regards

  14. Pamela, I particularly liked Piero together with the other 5 opera singers in Turandot, he really gave me the effect of an opera and the audience reacted with great fervor. I am convinced that they will return to England, this year they also return to Spain after many years. 😊

  15. Help! I haven’t been getting the comments in my email for some days now–at least I have gotten the digests. But that’s it! How do I fix this??

    1. I just checked Penina, and your email is still on the subscriber list. Have you checked your SPAM folder? Occasionally emails from people I usually get email from end up there. If the notices aren’t in SPAM then all I can recommend is to contact your email provider to see if they can help you. Something has changed and our IL VOLO notices must be getting filtered out from you receiving them. If all else fails try signing up again with a different email address. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.

  16. Stellar!! Unbelievable!! No words!! But my favorite I think was Ignazio singing La Notte and Higher Ground. I listened to La Notte over and over. He was so sensual!!

    1. Linda, I really like that song and Ignazio really sings it with a lot of style. 😉

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