Tag Archives: Eleanora Ginoble

Answers to yesterday’s “So ya think ya know ’em”

So who’s tied to who (whom…whatever)?  Can you make the matches?

G = Gianluca
I = Ignazio
P = Piero
A = Connects to ALL of the above
N = Connects to NONE of the above

Connects with….
(you get extra credit if you also know the names)



1.  A/I – It’s Loretta!  One point for “All”.  Two points for “Ignazio”.


2.  PPiero’s Brother, Francesco Barone.


3.  GGianluca’s Grandfather, Ernesto.  (Jane and I met him in Montepagano.)


4.   N – Justin Bieber.  Just…No.


5.  G – Martina, Gianluca’s gal.


6.  A – Myron Heaton.  Is there another Fan Fare in our future?


7.  IIgnazio’s Mom, Caterina Boschetto.


8.  AMichele Torpedine, Manager, mentor, friend.


9.  IFranz, Ignazio’s dog. (You’re a good boy.  Yes you are.)


10.  AGiampiero Grani.  Il Volo’s Pianist, arranger, friend.


11.  A/P – Our Mary Bohling.  Take partial credit if you said All.  One point if you said Piero.


12.  PPiero’s Dad, Gaetano Barone.


13.  I Ignazio’s sister, Nina.  (Yep, Jane and I met her too).


14.  N Luciano Pavarotti.  One regret of the Guys is that they never met him.  He died in 2007.  The Boys were 12, 13 and 14 then.  They certainly would have won his heart too.


15. GGian’s mom, Eleanora Ginoble.


16.   AFabio Ingrassia, artist and friend.  Fabio drew the Boys picture on stage during several 2016 concerts.


14+ correct – You can move in with any of them.  They won’t notice you’re not family.

11- 13 – You can move in but they will wonder why you’re there.

8 – 10 – You can live next door.

5 – 7 – You can buy pizza from Nina.

3 – 4 – Just stay in your own country, at home, in your room.

0 – 2 – you are on the wrong website.

Well, How’d ya do?